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re: Bard's Poor Attempt at a Combined Marvel/DC Universe (an ongoing project)

Posted on 4/27/22 at 10:13 pm to
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 4/27/22 at 10:13 pm to
Jay Garrick had learned the hard way that he couldn’t actually hurt Nefaria, not even hitting him with a rock travelling faster than the speed of sound did any damage. Instead, he concentrated on making Nefaria’s fighting as difficult as possible.

While Nefaria seemed to be every bit as strong and tough as Superman, he didn’t have the same speed and speed was something Jay had plenty of. While being invulnerable to damage, Nefaria was not invulnerable to being annoyed so that’s what Jay did.

If Nefaria took a step, Jay ran behind him then kicked Nefaria in his Achilles’ Heel as hard as he could to cause him to misstep. This caused him to miss hitting members of the JSA or do minimal damage if he did connect. He also kept up an almost constant barrage of dirt and debris directly in Nefaria’s eyes, making it difficult for him to see clearly. No sooner would he swat dirt out of the air than there was more already inside his swipe.

While the Flash kept up his distractions, Hawkman and Hawkwoman took turns flying in from different angles and clubbing him with tremendous force with their maces.

Green Lantern had disappeared once Jay had arrived and succeeded in distracting Nefaria. Now he returned, a giant rock held in an even larger clamp made out of his green light. The Hawks saw the plan and pulled back, knowing that if they knew what was coming then so did the Flash.

Alan Scott, the Green Lantern, shouted a warning to his longtime friend as he let loose his payload. “Bombs away!”

Time moved differently for Jay when he was in the depths of his speed. He mind raced so fast that he saw everything as moving at one tenth normal speed while he himself moved at three-quarters normal speed. This combined to give him ample opportunity to be aware of everything going on around him while formulating plans on what to do next. He moved fast enough to easily dodge punches and could also dodge bullets (although this was really done by his seeing where a gun was aimed and simply moving before the trigger was pulled). Because of this, not only was Alan’s warning unneeded, Jay was able to keep distracting Nefaria until a split second before a boulder weighing many tons dropped onto Nefaria’s head.

The team gathered around Jay as the dust settled. Alan was smiling but shaking his head. “You nearly give me a heart attack every time we do that, Jay.”

Before Jay could answer, the rock shook a little then slowly began to rise. After a few inches, a crack in its side began to lengthen. The farther the rock rose, the farther and faster the crack went until if finally fell into pieces with a loud, thunderous clatter.

Nefaria rose from the rubble, a slight cut above his left eyebrow, his breathing slightly labored and a severe scowl on his face. “I am no longer amused…”

As Nefaria spoke, Jay whispered, “Lantern, shield us”.

“…by your-“ The rest of Nefaria’s speech was cut off as a red and blue missile crashed into him from above, the Flash being the only person understanding what was happening.

Superman was back in the fight.

Before the dust had settled from the impact, Clark had begun relentlessly beating Nefaria, giving him little time to regain his bearings. Clark’s punches were far stronger now, each blow shoving Nefaria’s head down into the rocky terrain more and more, little by little. His blows were having an impact now, he could see Nefaria starting to become slightly disoriented.

A green shield covered Nefaria’s face. Clark looked up questioningly as Alan Scott took to the sky. Jay called out to Clark, “Body shots! Make him breathe hard!”

Clark understood and began punching his opponent in the sides, kneeing him in the chest and groin, anything to get him to exhale. The Green Lantern’s bubble over Nefaria’s face would allow air out, but he wasn’t allowing any back in.

Nefaria realized too late what was happening. He attempted to throw Superman off of him then take out the Green Lantern before he suffocated, but the Man of Steel refused to be removed. Somewhere, somehow… in the last few minutes he had been re-energized well beyond what he had been even at the beginning of their first encounter. Nefaria may have still been able to hold his own against him but he had wasted enough energy with the JSA that he had become slightly winded and taken a little damage. He too needed time to rest and regroup, but he knew he wasn’t going to get it.

Clark had stopped hitting his opponent in order to hold him still while he slowly suffocated. Nefaria made one last desperate attempt to dislodge Clark before he passed out, but it was unfocused and wild. The minutes creeped by and Nefaria’s strength ebbed until he finally passed out.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 4/27/22 at 10:14 pm to
Dr. Fate arrived with the others shortly thereafter. Cap’s injured arm was covered in a golden light, it was obviously still hurt as he kept it cradled in front of him. Amazing Man was looking better, now walking under his own power and without help from Atom.

After discussing their options, it was decided that Nefaria was far too strong for any normal prison to hope to hold him, so Dr. Fate would keep him in a specially prepared area in his tower fortress. It didn’t hurt that Fate’s home existed outside of normal time and space.
Steve spoke up. “Doctor, this whole ordeal is being run by the Red Skull. One focus of he and his Hydra goons is on occult items. He was here earlier holding a glowing orb which allowed him to create doorways to other places out of nothing. Could that be causing the problems with Superman?”

“It’s possible, if the orb is some sort of artifact.”

“Artifact… Could a spear be an artifact?”

Dr. Fate turned to Captain America. “Did he have a spear?”

“Yes, but…”

“What did it look like,” Fate interrupted as he took a step forward. His tone had the slightest tinge of fear to it. Everyone stopped. This was the most extreme emotion any had ever experienced from the JSA’s resident mage.

“The shaft looked new but the blade itself looked old. Possibly bronze. The quarter nearest the tip was darker than the rest, possibly dark red.”

Dr. Fate didn’t speak, didn’t move for the next few seconds then suddenly he began frantic spellcasting movements. Jay started to ask what was going on but Dr. Fate answered before Jay could utter the first word.

“The Spear of Destiny is in play! He’s trying to master it in order to take control of Superman, I must make haste before he learns how!” And with that, both Dr. Fate and Count Nefaria disappeared from the battleground in a quick flash of golden light.

Captain America took charge immediately. “Jay, it may be that this isn’t over. We need to start acting and stop re-acting.”

Jay Garrick, the Flash, the leader of the Justice Society of America nodded his agreement. “Alan, go back and check on the troops, we need to make sure they aren’t being attacked by someone like Nefaria. I’ll begin running a perimeter to a mile out.” With that, both the Flash and Green Lantern took off.

Superman looked to Captain America as he started to lift off, “I’ll head to-“

“No!” Cap was emphatic. “We can’t risk you being loose if the Skull manages to figure out how to use the Spear to control you before Fate can stop him. Combined, we may not have much of a chance against you –especially as banged up and depleted as we are- but it’s a better chance than any of our troops would have.”

Clark and Steve stared at each other for a long minute before Clark looked down, nodded his reluctant agreement, then gently floated back to the ground. They both knew they may well had just signed the death warrants of most –if not all- present. Still, it was better than the certainty of knowing Superman could be used to kill thousands of Allied troops with little to no effort. War is often a choice between committing the lesser of two evils.

Steve changed the focus as he looked to the others in the group. “So what do we know about the Spear of Destiny?”

Carter and Shayera Hall, known throughout the world as Hawkman and Hawkwoman, were aliens from the planet Thanagar who had been stranded on Earth thousands of years ago. Due to a botched spell and the desires of their god, each time they died they reincarnated again in what became known as Lazarus pits. Sometimes they reincarnated decades apart and missed one another’s lifetime entirely, sometimes not. This cycle was the latter.

For the last three life cycles they had been studying Egyptian archaeology and mysticism in an attempt to free themselves from what they had begun to view as the curse of eternal rebirths. Because of their expertise, the remaining heroes looked to them hoping they could explain Dr. Fate’s last words.

Carter took the lead. “The Spear of Destiny is alleged to be the spear used to stab Jesus Christ,” he explained, a slight awe slipping into his voice. “It’s believed the wielder can use it to control the minds of people, it’s also believed to be a myth. Myths, however, sometimes prove to be based on some truth.”

Shayera stepped in before the questions could begin, “It’s been lost for over a thousand years, but Skull created Hydra to discover and use objects like this. There’s no telling where he found it nor how long he’s had it.”

“It’s far too late for zat, my little vogelweibchen,” the Skull’s voice came from a portal he had silently opened nearby. Superman was in motion before the Skull’s speech ended but just before he reached the mad Nazi, another portal appeared. It lasted just long enough for Superman to speed through, then shut behind him.

Cap shouted, “SPREAD OUT! Watch for more of those doorways!”

As the remaining heroes scattered, the Skull continued. “How are you liking my play, Herr Kapitan? I call it ‘Project: Doomsday’ and I designed it especially to zvart ze advancement of you und your ilk.”

Cap squared off against the Skull, his injured arm holding his shield in front of him while the others made their way to surround the portal the Skull had created. “We’ve beaten your boys and are now re-grouping. We’ll be knocking on yours and Hitler’s doors soon enough.”

The Skull chuckled. “Vat makes you zink zis ist over? Ze name of zis drama comes from ze name of its finale. I give to you now your Doomsday!”

The Skull’s portal disappeared only to be replaced by a massive metal box. The object was as larger than a tank. Pressurized gasses whooshed out as it opened to reveal a humanoid creature larger than even Solomon Grundy. It’s skin was a rough looking gray, like it was a living piece of stone. It had large white, bone-like, spiky protrusions from its shoulders, smaller such spikes from the backs of its elbows and fronts of its knees and smaller but more pointed ones cresting its brow and extending from its knuckles.

Its eyes opened and all hell broke loose.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 4/28/22 at 9:58 pm to
To Clark, the Skull had been right in front of him… until he suddenly wasn’t. He stopped mid-air and looked around. There was no portal. No Skull. No JSA. He was hovering about a thousand feet above a small, island of rock made into a manmade fort, with a circular building in the middle. Nearby, another such island fort, this one rectangular. Beyond that, a shoreline pocked with the remains of a massive battle.

In an instant he had been teleported hundreds of miles away to Normandy Beach. Clark had not been a part of that important battle, he had been asked to escort the 5th fleet out of Pearl Harbor and into the South Pacific. As soon as he had met up with Aquaman and his team he had headed back to Europe but was too late for the landing.

He shot straight up into the air for a few miles then stopped and used the coastal geography to orient himself on where the thought their battles against the Skull’s minions had taken place. Once he thought he was facing the correct general area, he raced faster than a speeding bullet back to the battle site.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 5/1/22 at 12:10 pm to
They were tremendously outmatched. This Doomsday beast was a machine of destruction. The Hawks had come in behind it, one swooping in behind each knee to deliver tremendous blows with their maces. The beast staggered but quickly recovered. Part of their attack plan was for the Atom, who had shrunken to mere inches in height, to leap from Carter’s shoulder at the last minute and onto the behemoth. He would then climb into the monster’s ear canal and attempt to distract it and disrupt its sense of balance (assuming its equilibrium was anything like that of humans).

The plan seemed to work as shortly after the Hawks made their way off, the creature began shaking its massive head in an attempt to dislodge whatever was annoying it. But then they learned that, unlike Grundy, this beast was clever.

As Shayera came in from behind it, aiming for a shot at the back of its head, the beast turned inhumanly quickly to snatch her out of the air. It had been tracking her since the first hit and used the Atom’s attempts to lull them into believing it was too distracted to defend itself. Now it had one of its assailants in its enormous hand, covering much of Hawkwoman’s head. She was able to get out a muffled scream just before the loud, sickening cracks from the crushing of her skull silenced her.

Katar Hall had changed his first name to Carter when he and Shayera wakened in America in order to better blend in with the populace. He had done this through many lifetimes while Shayera had refused to. She had joked many times with him that while she was trying to make it easy for him to find her in each new cycle, he was purposely making it difficult for her.

They had seen each other die more than once over their many lifetimes, it didn’t make it any easier each time it happened. Carter Hall’s eyes glazed over with rage, all attempts at strategy were thrown to the wind as he went straight for the brute’s head.

Instead of intercepting the blow or dodging it, the Doomsday creature just stood there and accepted it. The blow, powered by naturally heightened Thanagarian strength, the releasing of absorbed kinetic energy into his mace and his own momentum should have been enough to liquefy much of the creature’s skull. Instead, in a voice sounding like rocks being crushed, the beast laughed.

The laughter drove Carter onto even more careless rage. Somewhere in his mind Katar knew Captain America was yelling something at him, probably something wisely strategic, but he simply didn’t care. He embraced the heat of his anger as he charged in again. He would continue to rain blows on this demon until the end of time, if needed.

“HAWKMAN! Dammit, pull back! We need a plan!” Steve knew he was shouting at a brick wall, but he had to try. Amazing Man had transformed into steel as he circled behind the brute while Steve came in from the front in an attempt to get its attention. The idea was to stall this thing until the others, especially Dr. Fate or Superman, could return. Hawkman’s rage-induced, undisciplined attacks were putting them at risk.

It didn’t last long as the beast finally decided it was tired of Hawkman’s attacks and used Hawkwoman’s corpse to swat Carter out of the air on his next pass. Amazing Man had taken the opportunity to leap on the creature’s back, holding onto one of its shoulder spikes for balance and leverage in order to distract the beast from Hawkman’s prone form but it did no good. The creature ignored Will Everett’s blows while it ended Hawkman’s life in this cycle with a brutal stomp to his head.

The spiked horror reached behind its head, grabbed Amazing Man and casually tossed him aside as a child would an old rag. Will crashed somewhere in the distance.

Not for the first time today, Captain America found himself alone and facing a monster. Unlike last time though, he was still injured. Doctor Fate had done what he could to set and mend the bone itself, but there hadn’t been time to heal the muscles and ligaments adequately. He rolled, jumped and dodged for all he was worth but he quickly realized his evasions weren’t going to do anything but tire him out and just annoy his opponent.

The beast surprised him by kicking a large rock at him. The angle of the rock’s trajectory and the weakness of his shield arm combined to knock the shield from his grasp and send it flying. The power behind the stone projectile knocked him back while spinning him around. He hit the ground hard, his shoulder dislocated.

The beast had come toward him to crush him under his foot just as it had Hawkman. Even though he was in excruciating pain, Cap managed to roll out from under the massive foot just before it landed. It left a deep impression where Cap’s head had just been. The pain in his shoulder had made Steve overcompensate on his roll, now he was flat on his back. He knew that when the creature came for him this time, it truly would be his doomsday.

The monster knew it too. It managed a chuckle and sick smile as it turned to look down at its next victim. It didn’t hurry. It didn’t have to. Instead of moving to stomp him, the creature reached to grab Captain America, it wanted to do something especially horrific to him.

With its large, incredibly strong hand just inches from his face Steve made peace with death. He was more vulnerable before any enemy than he had ever been and this enemy was more powerful than anything he had ever encountered before. He had always known the end would come, death comes for us all eventually. He just hoped it would be in the pursuit of a good and noble cause.

The beast’s hand… was suddenly gone?

Steve shifted to sit up enough to see what was going on and there before him was Will Everett, the ‘Amazing Man’, skinned in a dull silver and holding Cap’s shield. The monster, Doomsday, was picking itself up from the ground dozens of feet away.
This post was edited on 5/1/22 at 12:11 pm
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 5/1/22 at 12:12 pm to
Will Everett’s parents had moved he and his siblings from the deep South not long after he was born. Detroit had become the place of dreams where work was easy to find and anyone could get hired, as long as they were willing to work hard. Will never quite fit in with any groups growing up. He was smart and incredibly athletic but his quiet demeanor often made him a victim among his peers.

By the time he was twelve, he was the only one left in the home after school. All three of his older siblings had married and were making their own way in the world now and his parents both worked long hours so it was no surprise that a young boy would become restless and begin to wander. As luck would have it, his wanderings eventually brought him to a boxing gym. A few months after that some of the kids stopped picking on him. A year later and not even the older kids picked on him.

Will took to boxing like a duck takes to water. He was strong, quick, had good instincts and could take a punch. He continued boxing even after graduating high school, even after he took his job as a janitor at a nearby medical research facility and did not stop until a year later when the accident which turned him into Amazing Man happened.

Three months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Will was approached by an English woman. Peggy Carter was a recruiter for an Allied task force of super-powered people called The Invaders, who were put together in order to stop the Nazis forces. He would train in other fighting methods with Ted Grant, known as “Wildcat”, but most of his training came from teammate Steve Rogers. Steve was very much like Will, wanting to train every moment possible.

Will had never had close friends before so his intense and near-constant training with Steve, and then Diana as well, had created a bond for him that he often wondered was stronger than what he had with his own family.

He thought he had reached the limit of his powers when he absorbed the properties of Diana’s Uru bracers earlier that day. That incredible and constant charge of energy from the strange, other-worldly metal was difficult to contain, even when exerting himself to his fullest. Letting go of the power had left him feeling weak and nauseous. He had never wanted to do that again.

The Doomsday monster had tossed him aside as if he were a toy, even in his steel form. Will had made it back to the battle area in time to see the gigantic beast dislodge the shield from Steve’s arm, the shield landing between himself and the two remaining combatants. He knew his steel form simply wasn’t enough but he was frightened, no… terrified, of what Steve’s shield might do to him. Will would try his steel form again and hope for the best, he picked up the shield on his way.

The creature’s foot narrowly missing Steve’s head subconsciously triggered his power and he had absorbed the properties of Steve’s shield before he had realized it.

The power he felt now was similar to what he had experienced from Diana’s bracer. There was more there, much more, but it wasn’t as wild and demanding. This power, he could control.

He used the power to speed his steps, taking him across the clearing with far more power than even steel gave him. When he slammed into the beast’s side, he sent it flying.

The beast was quick to recover and came charging at him like a massive, spiked bull. It was so much larger than Will, and possibly stronger, that he decided to fight it a bit differently. Will braced himself as the beast put all its forward momentum into a roundhouse swing, and hit the monster directly in its fist.

The howl of pain from the monstrosity quickly turned to rage as it tried to hit him again and again, only to be met with the same tactic each time. Its hands healed almost instantly, but that didn’t stop the impacts from hurting. It wasn’t used to being hurt and it didn’t like it much.

As the Doomsday monster changed tactics from trying to pound to attempting to grasp, Will also changed tactics by dodging and weaving out of the way, powerfully batting the hands aside when possible. He caught a monstrous hand as it came down from on high, holding back the creature’s incredible strength with his own. The beast’s other hand came in from the side but Will caught that with his own other hand. They stood there, locked in a stalemate with strength matching size, leverage and strength. In his mind’s eye Will saw what it must look like: an irresistible force meeting an immovable object and it made him fiercely proud. He was finally living up to his name, he was being amazing.

The beast must have realized it couldn’t win so instead of attempting to push down with its right hand, it simply closed its hand around Will’s, engulfing it. Will braced for the creature to disengage its left hand to punch again, instead it simply jerked Will from the ground. Before he could react, the unearthly creature began whipping him down against the ground over and over. Had Will absorbed any other metal, even Diana’s bracers, he was sure his arm would have broken.

The rag-dolling of Will Everett stopped when a familiar green light slammed into and around the Doomsday creature’s head. It reached for the glowing ball around its head with both hands, dropping Will completely.

Will hit the ground then immediately launched himself at its nearest kneecap. There was a large cracking sound and a roar of pain as the knee gave way and the beast fell onto it. The Flash made his return known as he zipped through the battle scene, putting his incredible speed behind the large rock he was carrying in his hand. The rock had enough energy to make the Doomsday beast flinch as it hit a nerve cluster under his arm.

It was angry now. Blinded by the Green Lantern construct over its face, it was taking turns between swinging wildly and pounding at the construct on its head. Under the constant barrage of attacks from The Flash, Amazing Man and the pressure and blindness from Green Lantern’s construct, the gargantuan monster’s other knee dropped to the earth as well. It then ignored the others to focus on its head. It began squeezing the construct, contrary to logic, squeezing harder and harder.

Alan Scott had to change his focus from putting the pressure on this Doomsday’s head to reinforcing the construct so it wouldn’t break under the outside pressure from the creature’s incredible strength. As he began to feel light-headed he thought that maybe letting go of the construct might be a good thing, so he did. The beast’s hands smashed against its own head but all it did was slightly daze it. Before Alan could refocus enough to reapply the forcefield, the beast had already shaken its head to clear away any cobwebs.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 5/1/22 at 12:19 pm to
Nearby, Ray Palmer, the Atom, adjusted his size-changing belt to return to normal size. The creature’s last head-shaking had finally dislodged him from its ear. He took a quick assessment of the battle and didn’t see where he could fit in at the moment. He saw Captain America across the way. He was up on one knee a safe distance from the fight, or as safe as distance as could be from such a skirmish, holding his arm close to his chest once again. Not far off he saw the mangled forms of Carter and Shayera, it was all he could do to not gag in revulsion to what had been done to them.

He beat down his queasiness then made his way over to Cap.


“Cap, I went into the beast’s ear but no matter what I did I couldn’t do more than slightly annoy it. I think I might have better luck if I shrank smaller, maybe small enough to get between skin cells and tissue, but…”

“But what, soldier?”

“I’ve never shrunk to that small a size before. I don’t know what might happen.”

Cap stared hard at him for a moment. The Atom had distinguished himself as a hero many times over, but it was known among their ranks that he would rather be back doing research. He was a scientist first, being a hero was something he did only because there was no other choice. He had the power to make a difference and when the world called on him to do so, he did it. Reluctantly.

During this exchange, across the battlefield, Green Lantern had settled to the ground due to the light-headedness caused by Doomsday’s pressure on his construct. He had to hurriedly create a shield around himself as the creature charged at him. It took turns between pounding the shield and attempting to swat Amazing Man out of the area while the Flash kept up his distracting tactics.

The beast finally turned its full attention to the shield, sensing it weakening. He finally unleashed a blow with such strength behind it that the feedback of pressure knocked Green Lantern unconscious. The moment the shield winked out, the Flash was rushing as fast as he possibly could to his friend’s side. Without a shield, he knew Alan Scott would soon be joining Katar and Shayera Hall among the dead, except there would be no Hawk God nor curse to bring him back.

Jay made it to is friend’s side just ahead of the giant fist. He was able to scoop his friend up and take a step before he was clipped by the strike. The strength behind it was so incredible that even the glancing blow snapped his ankle in half. The Flash fell to the ground on the very next step, his friend’s unconscious form falling not far in front of him.

Captain America and Atom watched Amazing Man redouble his efforts. He hit the beast hard in the small of its back, causing it to stumble forward and roar in pain once again. As before, the behemoth turned its attention back to Amazing Man. Without looking away from the fight, Cap gave his orders. “Go as small as you’ve got to. We can’t risk this thing getting away from here. Ever.” Cap reached out with his good hand, grabbed Atom by the shoulder and in a softer tone said, "You can do this, Ray."

Ray Palmer nodded then got closer to the fight, looking for his opening.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 5/6/22 at 7:30 am to
Clark was flying so fast he could hear nothing but the wind. The world was a blur beneath him, he had never gone so fast before. He slowed to reorient himself again, saw the troops which had been behind him, focused where he thought he remembered being last, then saw the fight. Someone silver was fighting a massive beast with spikes coming out of its body. He shot toward the battle at the fastest speed possible then arced down. He timed his arrival to strike the giant assailant right as it swung over the head of its opponent, the person Clark now realized was a silvery Will Everett. His punch connected squarely on the monster’s jaw, knocking it from its feet.

Will jumped back, not quite sure what that blur of motion over his head portended.

“Amazing Man?”

Without looking away from his opponent, Will answered Superman’s question. “More ‘amazing’ than ever, I think. I took on the shield’s properties, I think I might be as strong as you.”

Superman raised an eyebrow at that.

“We’re going to need all we’ve got. This thing, the Red Skull called it ‘Doomsday’, it’s killed the Hawks. Steve, Flash and Lantern are out of the fight. It’s just you and me now against it now.”

“Not quite,” the Atom said as he trotted over. “If I can shrink small enough, I think I can get between this thing’s cells so I can get into its brainpan, grow back and bit and give it a lobotomy.”

“Do it,” Superman stated as the creature began to get up. “We’ll keep it occupied.”

Superman flew back at the beast unleashing an incredible punch to his face once again. The beast oriented on him then stopped. The two combatants looked at one another for a moment as Amazing Man circled in behind then tossed the shrinking Atom up to Doomsday’s head. Clark let the staring contest last, knowing that every extra second it went on was another second for the Atom to get in place and do his work. After almost a full minute Doomsday cocked its head to the side then grunted out a single, questioning word: “Kryp...tonian?”

Superman returned the look as he responded, “Yes, I’m-“

The sentence wasn’t finished as the creature lunged at the floating hero. While he wasn’t set quite well enough to stop Doomsday’s leaping charge fully, he was set enough that they didn’t leave the clearing. The two combatants were ruthlessly pummeling one another as they fell to the ground.

When they landed, the monster was holding Superman with one giant hand while pummeling him with the other. Having a shorter reach, Superman was holding himself to within his own reach of Doomsday by clutching a wad of the beast’s untearing skin with one hand while returning blows with his other. Amazing Man leapt upon the beast’s back, he rained down blows of his own to the back of the creatures skull.

Doomsday twisted, dislodging Amazing Man enough for him to grab with his free hand. He weathered Superman’s repeated blows while he pulled Amazing Man free of his back then tossed him beyond the clearing.

During this exchange, Clark heard a small voice. “Superman, if you can hear me, it’s Atom. I’m still not able to get through this thing’s hide, I’m going to have to go even smaller.” Clark put wild abandon into his swings, beginning to let loose. With Fate’s magic helping him back to full power, he was hitting Doomsday far harder than he had hit even Nefaria. It threw Will out of eyesight then returned its attention to Clark.

Unfettered by a third party, Doomsday turned its full attention on Clark. The two powerhouses gave in to their deepest, most primal instincts and fought savagely. Neither held one another any longer, they just traded devastating blow after devastating blow. The ground shook, birds took flight away from the scene for miles around. The troops a mile back thought they were under attack from Nazi artillery, except there were no blooms of smoke and debris near them.

Will Everett returned to the battle to find Doomsday holding Superman to the ground by pushing down with his massive hand on the Man of Steel’s torso. Both combatants were bruised and bleeding. Will intercepted Doomsday’s punching arm and held firm.

Clark had tripped and fallen backward during the fight. Doomsday had taken full advantage by leaping atop him. Will had just reappeared and was keeping Doomsday from hitting him for the moment. Doomsday slammed a huge need on Clark’s chest as he moved his unhindered hand to Clark’s neck and began squeezing. Clark’s battle frenzy had ebbed just enough for him to realize he had two choices.

If he focused his strength on keeping Doomsday from choking him to death, he could hold out for a while longer against him. Maybe he, the Atom and Will could stop Doomsday, maybe they couldn’t.

The other option was he put everything into a full dose of his heat vision directly into Doomsday’s eyes, through his skull and into his brain. The Atom was in there somewhere so this wasn’t an op-

“Oh my God, I'm not able to reverse the shrinking” it was the Atom, his voice sounded weak,, tinny and as if it were receding. “…stars… It's full of stars...I don’t think I’m going to-“.

That was the last Clark heard from Ray Palmer.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 5/7/22 at 11:53 am to
Too many dead already. If he and Will weren’t enough, this monster would plow through the rest of them. Jay, Scott, Steve, the troops down the road… who else? Who would die because he had become afraid to kill again?

As Will Everett held back one of Doomsday’s arms, as Doomsday’s other hand threatened to snap Clark’s neck, he made his decision. He focused his sight on a single spot in one of Doomsday’s eyes and let loose with every bit of power and energy in his body. The beam of light from his heat vision was a brilliant white, the heat set the nearby grass to smoking. The power behind it was such that it bored through Doomsday’s thick skull, melted his brain and burst through the back side. In the microseconds between Clark becoming more vulnerable to due expending too much energy and Doomsday’s death, the behemoth’s body issued a death spasm which caused his squeezing hand to violently contract one last time. The roar of the energy from the heat vision and its explosive exit through Doomsday’s skull both served to cover the sound of a small snap beneath the giant’s hand.

In that instant, both man and monster, hero and villain, were each victorious yet also defeated at the same time.
Posted by Bard
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Member since Oct 2008
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Posted on 5/7/22 at 11:54 am to

Flash’s leg was healing, but he still couldn’t stand. Green Lantern was still out cold, dried blood caked under his nose. Amazing Man had let go of the shield’s properties and returned the shield to Captain America. Everyone else was... gone. They were the only ones left alive when the strange vessel appeared in mid-air.

Will moved to stand in front of Steve, knowing he was the only real defense left to face whatever this was.

A platform slid from an unseen opening in the craft, creating a ramp which touched the ground. At the top of the ramp, a door silently slid open. Men with blue skin, dressed in purple and white uniforms descended the rank in a quick, precise fashion; fanning out before the platform with their firearms pointing at the remaining combatants. Another similar being, but this one in a uniform of blue and white strode confidently down the metal path. He eyed took in the battlefield, the dead hulking mass of Doomsday and then the forms of Amazing Man and Captain America before adjusting some piece of technology on his wrist.

Although the movements of his mouth did not match his words, his words came out in clear, unaccented English. “I am Jat Leck, Commander of this vessel, loyal citizen and representative of the Kree Empire. I am here to collect the abomination lying there before you. It was the result of a prohibited Kree experiment many years ago. We were just recently made aware of its existence and whereabouts and those who committed this transgression have long since been dealt with. I understand your world is at war and the battle against this…” the next word dripped from the commander’s mouth with disgust, “…aberration has taken a heavy toll on your forces. We are not here to fight you, but we will. We outnumber you and have superior firepower.” He looked directly at Will, “we understand you possess abilities which might lend you to believing you could prevail, and in a melee situation your possibly could.” He now looked at both men once again. “However, at the slightest provocation this ship will speed to orbit and begin bombarding the entire region. Your current level of technology gives you absolutely no defense from us. Again, we do not want a war, we simply wish to reclaim our lost property and leave.”

Will Everett tensed, on the verge of absorbing the awesome power of Cap’s shield once again, until Cap moved it out of reach by taking a step back. “At ease, soldier,” he said under his breath. “We’re exhausted. We have wounded to attend to,, dead to mourn. They’ve come in peacefully and all they want is to take a weapon used against us off the field. There’s nothing to win with this fight and even more to lose.” Will let the tension pass as he too stepped back.

The Kree leader nodded his acceptance of the two men’s movements back as agreement then barked an order at his men in another language. Four soldiers broke off from the others then tied bands around the limbs of Doomsday’s corpse, another four went to the capsule Doomsday had been released from and attached magnetic clamps to it. One of the soldiers from each group pulled out a small disc, touched a button on it and both Doomsday’s corpse and the capsule rose into the air. Another couple of button taps had the objects floating in the air behind them. Without another word the commander walked back up the walkway, followed eventually by the soldiers with their bounty in tow, then the rest of them withdrew up the plank, in reverse of the order they had come down.

Once they were all aboard, the door closed, the metal walkway retracted back into the ship, then the ship began to fade away as it rose into the sky. A slight whooshing sound and a small disruption to a nearby cloud were the only things to give away that the ship had left.
This post was edited on 5/7/22 at 12:00 pm
Posted by Green Chili Tiger
Lurking the Tin Foil Hat Board
Member since Jul 2009
47759 posts
Posted on 5/9/22 at 10:13 am to

Bravo, Bard.


Just fantastic.

Posted by Bard
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Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 8/30/22 at 9:19 am to
I thought Superman's death was going to be my swansong. It was big and contained lots of moving parts (for me) and mentally wiped me out to the point I thought the rest of my stories would end up just fading into non-existence.

Instead, another has pushed itself forward. It's going to be a while as I'm not quite sure where it's going yet even though I think I know all of the characters involved.


Posted by Green Chili Tiger
Lurking the Tin Foil Hat Board
Member since Jul 2009
47759 posts
Posted on 8/30/22 at 9:51 am to

another has pushed itself forward. It's going to be a while as I'm not quite sure where it's going yet even though I think I know all of the characters involved.

Posted by Green Chili Tiger
Lurking the Tin Foil Hat Board
Member since Jul 2009
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Posted on 3/2/23 at 3:58 pm to
Any updates Bard?
Posted by Bard
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Posted on 3/7/23 at 3:25 pm to
Sorry for the delay. I have most of it done and I have the idea for the ending in my head, I just need to make myself sit down and write it.
Posted by Bard
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Member since Oct 2008
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Posted on 5/7/23 at 9:56 am to
The internet has been down for days so I was finally able to sit down and finish up my latest story but now I have to go through some extra steps to post it. C'est la vie.

So what does Kermit the Frog have to do with my Marvel/DC universe? Glad you asked!

It's Not Easy Being Green

“Hal, I think that’s a mistake,” Glenn Talbot said as he stared at his friend, Hal Jordan. Hal, meanwhile was staring through the hallway glass at a new, pretty, young woman in the Accounting Department. “On second thought, it’s definitely a mistake.”

Without looking away from what had caught his attention, Hal responded (with a slightly amused smile on his face), “it’s okay, I know what I’m doing.” He finally looked back at Glenn as he started to walk back down the hall to the door to the Accounting Department, “this won’t take long. Promise.”

Glenn, trying to speak at a level where Hal could hear him but the people in the Accounting Department could not half-whispered/half-shouted, “that’s the ‘danger zone’, Hal! That’s the general’s daughter!”

Hal turned to look back at Glenn as he entered the doorway, his mirthful smirk plain as day. “Good, I love danger.” A wink later and he was making his way through the Accounting Department toward what Glenn figured would be Hal’s next sexual conquest: the daughter of the base commander.

Glenn turned away and shook his head in defeat. For the most part, he liked Hal. He may be just as cocky and confident as many other Air Force pilots, but he could back it up. Hal’s fearlessness, cleverness and intense love of flying all came together to make him one of the best pilot’s he had ever known.

Hal’s trail of one-night stands was a testament to his solid good looks and natural charisma. It was also the main bone of contention Glenn had with him.

Glenn Talbot was incredibly straight-laced and disciplined. He enjoyed the security of the expected and the precision of discipline. Things which fell outside the expected norms were undesirable and for others, who had a mind for such chaos, to handle. People who couldn’t grasp the comfort of such predictability amused him. This gave him the reputation of being aloof and smug, which confounded people as to how he and Hal Jordan could be such good friends.

Where Hal “Highball” Jordan was the unpredictable cowboy who flew by feel and intuition, Glenn “Professor” Talbot was so by-the-book that Hal often joked the phrase should be “by-the-Glenn”. For the two of them, their shared love of flight transcended any personality differences. Glenn fancied Hal had learned at least some discipline from his example even though Hal’s irreverent approach had shown Glenn unpredictability in a fight can sometimes prove to be a strategic advantage.

Glenn finally entered the meeting room, still fifteen minutes early as was his nature. Chief Warrant Officer Wendell Vaughn, the man responsible for base security ever since it became a joint base under ARGUS control, was the only other person there. He was seated at the opposite end of the long meeting table and grinning widely as Glenn entered the room alone.

“Professor, I thought you were ‘positive’ you were going to have Jordan in a meeting on time for a change. What happened?”
“Highball being Highball,” Glenn snorted.

“Who is she this time?”

Glenn thought for a moment. “Do you remember the old Allen Dulles phrase ‘plausible deniability’?”

“You mean the Reagan phrase.”

Glenn stared at him blankly for a moment to remind him that he was attempting to correct the “Professor”. “No, I mean Allen Dulles. As CIA Director he was the first person in the government to publicly utter the phrase, although internally it had been in use for decades prior.”

Wendell put up a hand to concede the point then rolled it to indicate Glenn should continue with the topic at hand. “Fair enough, but who is she?”

Glenn sighed. “It’s better for you if you don’t know. This is very likely to blow up in Jordan’s face and when it does you want to be completely out of the line of fire. Plausible. Deniability.”

Wendell Vaughn smirked before taking a sip of his coffee. “Maybe he’ll learn this time,” he asked jokingly.

“If the transvestite he picked up in Las Vegas didn’t teach him a lesson…”

“The guy told him he was a female gymnast from Cirque de Soliel,” Wendell cut in, snickering.

“…I’m not sure there’s any hope,” Glenn finished through a smirk of his own.
This post was edited on 5/7/23 at 11:44 am
Posted by Bard
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Member since Oct 2008
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Posted on 5/7/23 at 9:59 am to
He closed his eyes as he focused on the taste of his sandwich; these small, quiet moments were what he lived for these days. It wasn’t the sandwich itself he was really enjoying (although it was a very tasty chicken salad), it was the peace and solitude of being away from the controlled chaos of the gamma generator he and his team were working on for the military. While his goal was to create a clean and endless source of energy for the world, the military wanted a bomb. The military considered the project so important they had teams of scientists and engineers working on it around the clock. Until a couple of months ago, he had been the secondary lead on the project, running the night crew, behind the day crew’s Dr. Arthur Light.

Being in charge of the smaller, more informal crew had not hampered his work at all. Being in charge of the entire program was the exact opposite.
He had found this table behind a little-used building not far from the base cafeteria, it had become his port in the storm of dealing with over-bearing military brass and his chaotic beehive of workers. He was used to being here alone with his thoughts so it was simple for him to be startled by an unexpected voice.

“Oh! I didn’t think anyone else knew about this spot.”

He opened his eyes as he turned toward the spot where the voice had come from… and he was speechless. Bruce Banner had never been good at speaking to women and women had never seemed to care much about speaking to him, this was different. She was stunning, her auburn hair moving slightly in the small breeze. In that moment he somehow knew there was something special about her. They locked eyes for a second, he was one of the smartest people in the world but her presence here had struck him dumb and mute. Somehow, some gear in his brain turned enough to re-engage his vocal chords enough for him to squeeze out the words, “don’t worry about it.”

Think of something to say. Think of something to say! “I could actually use some company.” CRAP! Why could I use company right now? Think, man! THINK!

She smiled at him as she sat down then began unpacking plastic containers of food from her insulated bag. Bruce’s heart began to beat faster. He mentally began trying to work his way through the Lagrangian Standard Model as in an attempt to calm his nerves.

“I’m Betty.”

“Bruce.” Bruce was kicking himself for not being able to think of some interesting way to start a conversation. He had always been a little socially awkward; but unlike many of his peers he was completely, painfully, aware of the awkwardness. In his desperation he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. “Can I give you my pickle?” Okay, it wasn’t his first thought, but it was the first safe thought.

She looked up suddenly and stared at him with a look between shock and hurt. “E… excuse me?”

Okay, maybe it wasn’t that safe after all. Damage control!

He held up the pickle the cafeteria workers always include in the sandwich lunch sacks. “Cucumis anguria acetum abominatio. Most people like them but I can’t stand vinegary stuff. I ask the staff not to include one in my bag but they do it anyway.”

She stared for a second longer then snorted with laughter.

Oh, thank God! She continued to laugh for a few moments, it was one of the most pleasant sounds Bruce could remember hearing.

“I’m sorry, Bruce. The guys I’ve encountered lately seem to be interested in only one thing and I instantly assumed you were as well. I didn’t even realize I was doing it until just now. That was unfair of me. I really needed that laugh though, so thank you.”

Bruce smiled slightly. “You’re welcome… I think.”

As Betty started digging into her pack again, Bruce held the pickle up again. “So… the offer still stands. Pickle?”
She looked up with an impish smile, whispered “yes” just loud enough for him to hear, then snatched it from his hand.
Posted by Bard
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Member since Oct 2008
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Posted on 5/7/23 at 10:07 am to
“Ma’am? You can’t go in there!”

The short, round, black woman ignored the general’s secretary as she stormed by her then barged into the office beyond.
Ross! What the hell do you think you’re doing by moving my people to Building Seven!?! You don’t make decisions for my people behind my back! You talk to me first! And who the hell is that woman outside your office? Where the hell is Millie?”

General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross slowly lifted his eyes from the paperwork on his desk but didn’t look first at Amanda Waller’s angrily huffing form standing right before him, instead he purposely looked over her shoulder to the fretting form of his new secretary standing in the doorway. “It’s okay, Cindi.” Wisely, Cindi closed the door as she quickly fled the room.

Ross went back to looking at his paperwork while addressing Waller, pointedly doing so as if she were a subordinate. He knew she hated when people failed to be intimidated by her.

“We’ve discussed this, Amanda,” he said, not using her title because that angered her as well. “You have people on this base, but it’s my base,” he continued in a tone an adult might use to explain something to a child. She hated that as well, he knew. General Ross knew Amanda Waller’s temperament, he knew that a great many things angered her. He also knew it gave her a problem with stomach ulcers, a problem she was determined to keep secret. One day he would hit her with the fact that he knew about it, but not today. Just thinking about her potential reaction put a small smile on his lips.

He continued, still studying the paperwork on his desk. “I moved your Pegasus eggheads to Seven because the Pentagon has moved up testing for the gamma bomb. Again. We need as much brain-power on this project as possible if we’re going to make the deadline.”

Waller slammed the palms of her hands on the general’s desk. “I don’t give a tinker’s damn about you’re bomb project! Reverse-engineering the Richards’ technology takes precedent so my people are going back and that’s final! You are to never move nor use my people again without getting my permission first!”

Ross looked up and directly at her then. Without looking away, he put down the papers he had been “reading” as he stood up. Standing fully upright, he stared quietly down at the diminutive woman across the desk from him for a moment. With calm steel in his voice he uttered a single word, “No.” After another moment’s silence he added, with slight sarcasm, “Director.”

In a voice which was almost a growl, “Don’t make me pull rank on you, ‘Thad.’” Her glare was intense, challenging.

Ross knew this was a test of wills, in her world the first person to look away lost. He could stare with the best of them, but he also knew when retreat was the better part of strategy. He looked away first. He could almost feel Amanda’s triumph radiating out of her… right up to the second she realized he had looked from her and to the phone he was reaching for.

Now he looked back at her as he handed her the receiver. “Star 2-2 will get you directly to the Chairman of the Joint Chief’s’ office. Star 1-1 will ring that red phone on the President’s desk. While you’re telling them you’re somehow rescinding their orders, tell them I said ‘hi’.”

He had her and she knew it. Best of all for him, she knew he knew it too. Without another word she turned sharply and left, his smile followed in her wake.
Posted by Bard
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Member since Oct 2008
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Posted on 5/9/23 at 1:47 pm to
“Back again, I see.”

Betty looked up and smiled at Bruce. “I got lost is all,” she joked. She had enjoyed their talk the previous day. He had told her he came here daily so she hoped her presence hadn’t changed that, she as glad to see it hadn’t.

“I hope you weren’t planning on getting another pickle. Today they finally remembered that I have asked them for weeks to not give me one.”

She held up two pickles. Betty had explained the problem to the corporal who worked the counter at the cafeteria. The corporal knew who her father was so when she suggested giving her the extra pickle “that scientist guy” didn’t want, he did.

Bruce smiled as he sat across from her and began unpacking his lunch.

“Bruce, I think I need to apologize for yesterday.”

Bruce stopped what he was doing and looked up and cocked his head, curiosity written across his face.

“You may not have realized it yesterday, but when you offered me your pickle I… took it wrong.”

“You did seem a little miffed, but I’m used to it.”

She smiled again. He was so easy-going, not like the brash, alpha males she normally came into contact with, that he was like a breath of fresh air. In order to keep that air fresh, she knew, she had to be honest with him even if he didn’t realize she had done something wrong to him. No, she corrected herself, especially because I did something wrong to him. “No, it wasn’t you, it was me. Most of the guys I meet tend to want to jump the gun a bit and after a while of that, girls can get overly sensitive to anything any guy says.”

“You mean like offering you their pickle?” The innocence of how he said that touched her. She almost let it drop, but she knew it would bother her to no end if she did.

“Yes, when I first meet them and right off the bat they offer me their... ‘pickle’.” With the last word she used her fingers to do air quotes.

Still with a confused look Bruce responded, “oh,” and then as realization dawned across his face, “ohhhhhhhh! Yeah… no. I really just meant the disgusting green thing.” In that moment she realized two things: that he was a little flustered by that revelation and that she liked that it flustered him. He was definitely not the arrogant, blowhard type she normally ran into.

“I know. I realized you weren’t that sort of guy the more we talked. I put my history of bad experiences on you and it was wrong and I’m sorry.” There, she said it and she felt good about it.

“Thanks. I’m sorry you keep meeting guys like that.”

Before she realized what she was doing she said, “Thank you, but I don’t think it’s them so much as it is me.” Why had she said that? Honesty about being unfair to someone was one thing, but what had caused her to admit this about herself to someone she had only known for a day?

“What makes you say that?”

She sighed inwardly. She opened this can of worms, it would be rude to just shut it down now. “My mother died when I was very young and my dad has always been an alpha male’s alpha male. Sometimes he’s like a force of nature, like a storm.” Like a ‘thunder’storm, she thought to herself. “I guess with his being such a dominating figure and my only parents, something about how he raised me attracts others like him.”

“You don’t seem like you like that type though.”

She sighed outwardly. “I’ve always kind of liked that ‘real manly-man’ kind of guy but I think a lot of it’s been because that’s what I grew up around. It's all I've known, even in college.”

“I sense a ‘but’ in here somewhere.”

“’But,’ I’m just tired. I’m tired of the possessive jealousy, I’m tired of the pictures I don’t want, I’m tired of being asked for pictures I’m not going to take, I’m tired of being treated like a cross between a maid and a murse-“

“A ‘murse’?”

“A man’s purse.” She tilted her head to the side, smiled and batted her eyes at him, “Something pretty dangling from their arm?”

Bruce snort-laughed.

“Seriously, I would just like to meet a guy who’s interested in guy who’s interested in getting to know me.”

Bruce looked at her, amused. “Okay, so tell me about yourself.”

“What do you want to know?”

“You aren’t military. That I can tell, you aren’t a scientist either.”

“Okay.” She didn’t like where this was going…

“So how is it that you have a job doing accounting at one of the most secretive military bases in the entire country?”

She had been afraid this question was going to come up eventually. Many of the people she worked with knew who she was simply because of her last name. That she wasn’t military but had enough security clearance to even know about the base, much less be there, cemented who she was and how she got there. And she hated it.

Around the other side of the building behind Bruce, a door slammed open and was followed by a shout.


She knew that voice in an instant.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 5/9/23 at 1:54 pm to
Bruce jerked around at the shout of his last name. Betty was the only one who knew he came out here, right?

“Banner! Where the hell are you?”

So much for peace and quiet, he thought as “Thunderbolt” Ross stormed around the corner of the building. The storm rolled toward him, he rose to meet it.

“What the hell are you doing out here!?! Don’t you know the Pentagon is breathing fire up the stinkhole of every person out here to get your little science experiment working on time!?!”

Bruce marshalled his courage, he was in charge now so it only made sense that he stand up for himself. “First off, general, it’s not a ‘little science experiment,’ it’s the attempt to create a gamma radiation burst within a restrictive quantum field in order to control exactly when, where and how much of that energy is released.”

“I don’t give a frog’s a-“

Bruce moved into lecture mode. “Furthermore, I’m allowed a lunch break so I take one. If the Pentagon wants to fire me over it, they can and I’ll be glad to file a lawsuit over it.”

“I don’t care about your OSHA threats, boy,” the ‘thunder’ of ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross had toned down, but it was still there.

“And you can’t afford to fire me, it’s not like there’s a ‘foremost authority on gamma radiation in the world’ hanging out on every street corner. Speaking of which, where’s Arthur?”

General Ross started to respond but then stopped. He calmed a bit more after he snorted out a breath. “The Pentagon’s moved all the spare brainpower from Project Pegasus to perform in your science fair. They’re all waiting on you to give them their orders while you sit out here by yourself staring at the hills.”

Bruce turned back to look at Betty while he corrected the general, but she was gone. Her purse, her food, not even a stray piece of paper marked that she had ever been there.

“Get your act together, ‘foremost authority,’ or I’ll have you doing nothing more high-n-mighty than scrubbing test tubes for the rest of your contract.” With that, the force of nature named General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross stormed back the way he came as Bruce watched him go.

“I’m going to sound like a broken record, but I’m sorry, again.” Betty had re-appeared at the table behind him.

“I understand. He can be a bit much to deal with.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone under him stand up to him like that.”

Bruce smiled, he couldn’t help it. “People underestimate me. I’m not twenty feet tall, I don’t have the physique of a superhero and I’m a pacifist by nature. All of that makes people believe I’m a pushover. I'm not. If I think I’m in the right, I simply stand my ground and I’ve found that not working yourself into a raging frenzy with yelling and screaming ends up putting people off-balance. No one quite knows how to take a guy having a calm backbone in a confrontation, especially those blowhards like Ross who are used to using that into browbeating people into bending over for him.”

Betty seemed speechless for a moment, then she giggled.


“You remember the last question you asked me before we were interrupted?”


“What I’m apologizing for is the answer to that question. That ‘blowhard’ is my father. My name is Betty Ross.”

“Oh.” Bruce wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but it certainly wasn’t that.

“I didn’t want to tell you because one of the things I enjoyed about our lunches today and yesterday was that since you didn’t know I didn’t have to wonder if you were just being nice because of who my father is. A lot of people here know. I can see them stare and whisper out of the corner of my eye. People in the office either avoid me or are overly fake-nice when they are forced to deal with me.”


“Being nice, but not sincerely. They smile but it never goes beyond their mouth,” she did it as she spoke. Bruce was thankful she demonstrated what she meant without his having to ask. He already felt out-of-touch for not knowing about “murses” or being “fake-nice”, he didn’t want to make it any worse by revealing that he had no idea how you could determine when someone was actually being fake-nice.

They stayed a little later than they were supposed to but Bruce didn’t mind. Betty’s boss wasn’t going to come down on her for being a few minutes over on lunch and he didn’t want General Ross to think he had intimidated Bruce into getting back sooner.

The next day Betty and Bruce were both slightly, but pleasantly, surprised to find the other showing up at their private spot for lunch. After that, it became part of their daily routine and before long they started meeting outside of work as well.
Posted by Bard
Definitely NOT an admin
Member since Oct 2008
51877 posts
Posted on 5/9/23 at 1:55 pm to

The few patrons of the Oasis Bar grumbled a bit, but Hal wasn’t one of them. He and Sally had been… friendly… a couple of years back but she had been wanting more of a commitment than Hal could give. The only thing Hal Jordan had ever been able to commit to was flying.

Sally wasn’t the type to settle for being a runner-up so she had ended things between them, but just because she had been the one to end it didn’t mean she didn’t hold a grudge. Sally, being the owner, manager and head bartender at the Oasis, had let Hal back in only because she had started dating Hal’s friend Wendell recently and he had apparently put in a good word for Hal. Indian Springs, New Mexico wasn’t known for its extensive variety nor large collection of bars, so Hal was thankful for Wendell’s help. He grinned at the thought as he raised his drink to Sally as an acknowledgement.

“I’m going to settle up then be right back”. Hal was halfway to the bar before his companion realized what was going on. She and Hall had known each other years ago, but had lost touch. She had been in the bar to meet some other guy she thought she had a burgeoning romance with, but he didn’t show so Hal considered his running into her as a stroke of good luck. He wasn’t sure if it was something about the night, something about her hair, something about how she carried herself, but as Hal made his way to the bar he realized he was genuinely attracted to her. He knew that because of who she was; getting involved with her could end up being a problem for him professionally, but no one had ever accused Hal Jordan of having an over-abundance of caution. As he pulled out his wallet he told Sallie “I’ve got hers too” as he motioned to the woman at the table behind him.

Sally looked at the woman who had been talking with Hal all night, then looked back at Hal. She knew who the woman was. “I think that’s a mistake.”

Hal put on his best innocent smile, “why does everybody keep saying that to me?”

Sally shook her head but took his money for both tabs.

“Keep the change,” as he began to turn away he said “love ya, Sally!” It was something he had said for years before they had ever gotten involved. There were many nights he had drank too much and tried to overpay, nights where Sally steered him away from hitting on the wrong woman, and nights where she had let him sleep it off in a booth or on a pool table with nothing left but the keys to the bar and a note saying “lock it up and leave the keys in the mailbox”. He had loved her as a dear friend but had overstepped that boundary by pushing it into being more. It hadn’t worked and he had lost a good friend over it. He hadn’t meant to fall back into the pattern, but in the moment it just felt so… natural.

He regretted it the moment he said it.

Almost immediately she responded, “no you don’t.”

He turned back to her, with what he thought must be the millionth apology to her on his lips when he saw her smiling broadly at him. “I ain’t a jet, flyboy.” With that, she winked at him then turned back to closing down the bar.

Hal was elated at the idea that his friendship could be mended, he briefly wondered if this night could get any better then realized it absolutely could as her turned and his eyes rested on the woman he had been drinking and talking with all night.
“I know it’s late, but tomorrow is Sunday so neither of us have to work. I’ve really enjoyed tonight but I’m not quite ready for it to end and I’m hoping you feel the same.”

She gave an amused, yet skeptical smile to Hal. “What do you have in mind?”

“I know this great place out in the desert where it’s quiet and there’s no light pollution. On a night like tonight you feel like you can see forever.”

“I’ve always been a big fan of the stars.”
This post was edited on 5/9/23 at 4:04 pm
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