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re: Excel Gurus, Converge!

Posted on 3/5/15 at 4:45 pm to
Posted by foshizzle
Washington DC metro
Member since Mar 2008
40599 posts
Posted on 3/5/15 at 4:45 pm to
Say column A has the date and column B has the info you want to sum.

Insert a column in between A and B. This will be "Month". So now column A is Date, column B is Month, and column C is Quantity.

Populate column B with =MONTH(A1). Drag and drop to fill the range, let's say it goes down 100 rows.

Now over to the right somewhere (say, column G) create a list of months, 1 through 12.

In column H use the following: =SUMIF(B$1:B$100, G1, C$1:C$100). Drag, drop, and have a beer.
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