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Feeling dispirited about the racial climate in US, I visited the Great Master

Posted on 12/22/14 at 2:43 pm
Posted by Lsupimp
Ersatz Amerika-97.6% phony & fake
Member since Nov 2003
79157 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 2:43 pm
And this is what he said (and I paraphrase):

"Consider Jim Crow. One day he was in his pickup truck with the bodies of two black kids and a Jewish kid on his way to a gravel pit to bury them. The next day his own Son had disowned him and made peace with the black man next door that his family had spent the 100 previous years abusing. The next day his Son had black coworkers and black friends and they occasionally saw each other at social functions. And his son, married a black chick named Shaquilisha, they have matching tattoos on their asses that say "Logan & Shaquilisha" and they live trashily but happily in a trailer on the outskirts of Brandon.

Now you have heavily compensated RACE PIMPS fanning the flames of hatred. Some have tv shows. They shake down and intimidate people. People line up for miles to excuse their behavior and egg them on. It's an entire industry. And it has found it's audience.

Meanwhile people of Good Will sit silently. To question the Race Pimps and their supporters opens one to personal attack and even personal ruin. This is done gleefully and with great sanctimony. Sometimes they will even target people for death because of their affiliations. Just like Jim Crow and his buddies used to do it.

But, don't despair Grass-hopper-pimp. History is closing fast on them. They are ruled by FEAR, and their Fortress has been reinforced so many times, they can NEVER back down even a tiny bit. Like North Korea, the entire façade depends on them creating the illusion of control, and NEVER relinquishing that control. So it WILL continue, until someday your great-grandson looks up, and it is gone.

Because as FEAR subsides over time and people of GOOD WILL gain their voice, nobody will step up to replace the fear-monger. Because people will realize through human tragedy, that Fear-based ideology ultimately only produces more fear.

You must understand, Grass-Pimp-Hopper, that TIME is not on their side. Despair tells you that it is, but it is not. History and common sense and human decency will overwhelm them. Ours is just a period of great transition and the Hated have tragically become the Haters. They know only hate, and they will know only hate, so heavy is their investment. But the Sun will set on them just as it set on Jim Crow.

You must give things TIME, Grass-Hopper-Pimp".

*I then said-"thanks Sensei-bro", bowed and ate some of the hard candy on his desk.
Posted by mostbesttigerfanever
TD platinum member suite in TS
Member since Jan 2010
5016 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 2:51 pm to

Posted by white perch
the bright, happy side of hell
Member since Apr 2012
7160 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 2:56 pm to
That's some enlightened weed
Posted by ChineseBandit58
Pearland, TX
Member since Aug 2005
42984 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 3:00 pm to
don't know whether to or

in any event - well done.
Posted by Roaad
White Privilege Broker
Member since Aug 2006
76679 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 3:03 pm to
by the time I hit college, all the black girls I had known suddenly stopped being my friends, and instead treated me like "the white guy"

Nothing about me had changed, but their racial perception of me changed.

My romantic luck with black women got worse after that.

before college I batted dawn near 1.000 with black chicks
Posted by EthanL
Member since Oct 2011
6963 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 3:17 pm to

ou must understand, Grass-Pimp-Hopper, that TIME is not on their side. Despair tells you that it is, but it is not. History and common sense and human decency will overwhelm them. Ours is just a period of great transition and the Hated have tragically become the Haters. They know only hate, and they will know only hate, so heavy is their investment. But the Sun will set on them just as it set on Jim Crow.

The sun did not 'set' on Jim Crow laws, therein lies one of our many problems. The abolishing of Jim Crow laws, just like slavery, was not a 'setting of the sun', or in other words, a gradual process.

Desegregation was forced on this country: on the white people that rioted and protested in the streets, as angrily and vehemently as the black people that do it

And you can live in a fantasy world for the rest of your life, and you can keep telling yourself 'they are the same'. They are not. The white peoples that rioted and protested back then were racists. They truly, and still believe that they were and are superior to other races, regarded the other race as subhuman, and got away with plenty of murders and beatings and theft of property because of their widely held views. The isolated incidents that you hear about in a Ferguson or an LA or NYC has never been about blacks thinking they are superior to whites. It has never been because 'blacks are racists', or any other absurd comments that come from some of the cowards on this board that are timid bigots.

It has been because their fathers, their grandfathers, and their great-grandfathers had nothing to hand down to them, short of their unique experience, their amazing life under the legacy of real racism, real prejudice.., you know, the one that says one race is superior to the other, and we don't give a damn what laws are passed, that's the way it will be.

But you know all this already, we all do. We know our country's legacy, along with its racists, have not gone anywhere. Nobody is dying out. No one has 'changed party affiliations'. Racists still flourish in one region more than others.

Accept it. It's what it has always been. Excuse yourself because you did not know it was worse than this in the 60's

Posted by mikelowery1911
Baton Rouge
Member since Nov 2009
896 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 3:42 pm to
Good stuff.
Posted by Lsupimp
Ersatz Amerika-97.6% phony & fake
Member since Nov 2003
79157 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 3:43 pm to
The Great Master read your post and he told me:

" As your journey to Great Enlightenment continues (for you are but a neophyte's apprentice) you will encounter the person who intentionally misrepresents your argument for political gain. First you must ask yourself if the person has intellectual limitations that make comprehension impossible. If that is not the case, you must consider that many people use intentional dishonesty as a coping mechanism for things that make them uncomfortable. They will not try to understand your intentions, rather they will rearrange it to resemble an ugly Strawman that they will then impressively beat to death in front of everyone. Do not waste your time Grass-hopper-Pimp debating dishonest points with dishonest people. That is NOT the path to Enlightenment. Focus on discussions of Good Will with people who demonstrate a willing mind and a sense of fair play".

I think he's saying you are full of shite or something? Who knows.
Posted by EthanL
Member since Oct 2011
6963 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 4:09 pm to

The Great Master read your post and he told me: " As your journey to Great Enlightenment continues (for you are but a neophyte's apprentice) you will encounter the person who intentionally misrepresents your argument for political gain. First you must ask yourself if the person has intellectual limitations that make comprehension impossible. If that is not the case, you must consider that many people use intentional dishonesty as a coping mechanism for things that make them uncomfortable. They will not try to understand your intentions, rather they will rearrange it to resemble an ugly Strawman that they will then impressively beat to death in front of everyone. Do not waste your time Grass-hopper-Pimp debating dishonest points with dishonest people. That is NOT the path to Enlightenment. Focus on discussions of Good Will with people who demonstrate a willing mind and a sense of fair play". I think he's saying you are full of shite or something? Who knows.

Sorry, he seems to be referring to you in a very disparaging way. If he is a neophyte, and you are the apprentice, then referring to him as the Great Master, makes no sense. Unless, I am the apprentice of the neophyte, then when did I become the Grass-hopper Pimp? Confused.

Anyway, all that self-serving to your own ego aside, surely your aware, in your many travels Grasshopper, that the bible (aka the 'good book') is full of wisdom and many so called 'self-fulfilling prophecies'. here's an interesting one:

‘Jehovah, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love, pardoning error and transgression, but he will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation.’ Numbers 14:18

That's interesting. Some people hate the bible for statements like this. But how many generations are we removed from the 1960's racist? Just a thought, grasshopper.
Posted by ChineseBandit58
Pearland, TX
Member since Aug 2005
42984 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 4:13 pm to

Do not waste your time Grass-hopper-Pimp debating dishonest points with dishonest people. That is NOT the path to Enlightenment. Focus on discussions of Good Will with people who demonstrate a willing mind and a sense of fair play".
I think he's saying you are full of shite or something? Who knows.


Posted by Lsupimp
Ersatz Amerika-97.6% phony & fake
Member since Nov 2003
79157 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 4:27 pm to
No. He is The Great Master. I am but the Neophyte's apprentice. And some other stuff that they don't say because they don't want to hurt my feelings.I am but a lowly seeker and my path to Enlightenment is uncertain (made even harder because Otto is not here to show the way).But I digress.

His point was not about comparing the various levels of human depravity. His lesson was not a comparative lesson about whether The Khmer Rouge camps were worse than Andersonville.

His point, I believe, was that TIME has it's own way of dealing with those who bring discord and strife. That what seems an emergency today, is sometimes an afterthought tomorrow. That maybe the LONG VIEW is rightly optimistic even as we feel overwhelmed by the short term prognosis. And while I am appreciative of your biblical response, as a confirmed skeptic, it is all I can do to try to understand The Great Master.
Posted by nvcowboyfan
James Turner Street, Birmingham,UK
Member since Nov 2007
2955 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 6:02 pm to
Posted by Gray Tiger
Prairieville, LA
Member since Jan 2004
36512 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 6:25 pm to

by the time I hit college, all the black girls I had known suddenly stopped being my friends, and instead treated me like "the white guy"

Nothing about me had changed, but their racial perception of me changed.

My romantic luck with black women got worse after that.

before college I batted dawn near 1.000 with black chicks

What probably happened was that the black chicks began to have more experiences with black dudes.
Posted by Roaad
White Privilege Broker
Member since Aug 2006
76679 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 7:01 pm to

What probably happened was that the black chicks began to have more experiences with black dudes.
I grew up in an overwhelmingly black neighborhood.

Trust me, that wasn't it.
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35072 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 7:02 pm to

But you know all this already, we all do. We know our country's legacy, along with its racists, have not gone anywhere. Nobody is dying out. No one has 'changed party affiliations'. Racists still flourish in one region more than others

I lived back then, E; my folk were truly racist in regard to believing Blacks were (mostly) inferior in moral acuity (I know ...some real irony/hypocrisy there) and reasoning ability...but the hate just wasn't there. My dad spoke the N word regularly, yet he was apt to loan money he knew he wouldn't get back and our poor family didn't Black peers in our community if they were honest folk. Same with a lot of the old guys who held racist assumptions. They loved the Black folk.

And when they rebelled against the Civil Rights movement, and being forced to send their young daughters into what they perceived as relatively heathen situations...they did so in the same way that Rebels joined the Southern Cause in the Civil War. They did it because they did not want GOVERNMENT to tell them what to do with a big stick. You'd do the will any man with metal. And that is why I so despise the manipulative political model that the Current Leader of the Progressive movement employs. Damn manipulation and opposed to reason and morality-based eloquent the spirit of love.

I can tell you exactly where the Sharpton/Farrakhan/Chicago Politics version will go...when the SHTF. It is not a winning ticket, and anybody using the cover of Religion or the fooling themselves...and will get no help from on high (IMHO). It is the wise and honest yeoman - an avowed Aethist/Agnostic - like Black Helicopter Pilot that utterly makes any White guy who knows him....sick at the thought of even hurting his feelings with skin-color based derision. Al and Jesse had best put that Bible down and go talk to Pilot's dad...before the 'whirlwind' comes and blows them and their flock away. Along with a lot of good folk.

And per the bolded are simply wrong. There are a few old line racists in the 'hollers'...but you can bet that they'd set the Sunday table for their favorite football hero in a NY second...if he exhibited sound character. Old habits are hard to break...but good works on the part of the unjustly accused/persecuted...puts that crap to rest. But when the old-liners - and them on the fence - see what is going on in the Black community today...guess what. It only CONFIRMS what they - and them (the racists) before them suspected or believed. And racism then comes back...with a justified attitude rooted in self-preservation.

This is bad stuff. MLK spelled it out pretty clear. This violent revolutionary stuff is a loser. Big time.

But to each their own. 'Adam' left the Garden in order to learn...the hard way. And I agree with that move. Live and learn.

Anyway, good work E. And Merry Christmas, friend.

Posted by weagle99
Member since Nov 2011
35893 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 7:05 pm to

It has never been because 'blacks are racists', or any other absurd comments that come from some of the cowards on this board that are timid bigots.

Only white people can be racists.

Black people love all races unconditionally, especially Hispanics.
Posted by RCDfan1950
United States
Member since Feb 2007
35072 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 7:07 pm to

by the time I hit college, all the black girls I had known suddenly stopped being my friends, and instead treated me like "the white guy" Nothing about me had changed, but their racial perception of me changed. My romantic luck with black women got worse after that. before college I batted dawn near 1.000 with black chicks

Well, I hate to say it Roaad...two days before Christmas...but the difference between high-school girls and college pretty obvious. It could be IQ. Maybe you didn't change....maybe..........aww heck.

Merry Christmas bro.
Posted by Roaad
White Privilege Broker
Member since Aug 2006
76679 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 7:12 pm to

It could be IQ.
I literally became "that white guy"

That is literally how they started referring to me. Girls I had known since middle school. Girls I had dated in various levels of seriousness.

Now that I, and they, are middle-aged and gainfully employed, they blow up my Facebook. Sadly for them, I am joyfully married.
Posted by Roaad
White Privilege Broker
Member since Aug 2006
76679 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 7:13 pm to

Black people love all races unconditionally, especially Asians.

Trust me on this one, bruh
Posted by mikelowery1911
Baton Rouge
Member since Nov 2009
896 posts
Posted on 12/22/14 at 7:54 pm to

What probably happened was that the black chicks began to have more experiences with black dudes.

Or white dudes
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