Favorite team:South Carolina 
Number of Posts:790
Registered on:8/24/2022
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[quote]Can numismatic coins hold a value during hard times?[/quote] If you have tin snips and can cut chunks off to buy a chicken or the like. It's been done since time immemorial....
Crazy cool here South of Charleston. Put on a light cashmere sweater at noon. ...

re: Charleston, SC recs

Posted by Spoonbilla on 5/20/24 at 3:31 pm
[quote]and drive to Columbia Friday evening.[/quote] I-26 on a Friday is an absolute horror show, so plan for it....
[quote]Not go roam free, but at least put them up in some accommodations[/quote] In Baltimore? Chris and Snoop open a Motel 6?...

re: Bertram 31

Posted by Spoonbilla on 5/15/24 at 10:16 am
We had one in the 70's I wish we still had. I am told you want to find one that the wooden stringers have been replaced with aluminum. I have thought about finding one to put outboards on like a buddy did with his 25....

re: Hidden costs of boat ownership

Posted by Spoonbilla on 5/15/24 at 8:15 am
If I started thinking about it, I would go crazy. I have $1000 in just safety gear some of which have $25 a month subscriptions. Tow Boatus gold membership. Taxes and insurance $3200. Yeah I want a bigger boat, too. So will you. 2footitis is real....
I can turn my taste buds on and off....
We have a Club Car Precidence that is mainly used for beach fishing. It's an 8 mile round trip, about half on pavement and the other half beach sand. Old arsed lead batteries still make the trip easily. ONCE. We got cocky a few months ago and had to push it all the way back to pavement when we tried...
[quote]who brought the Murdaugh murders to light[/quote] Que? :dunno: ...

re: Anyone here ever visited Peru?

Posted by Spoonbilla on 5/1/24 at 8:00 pm
Peru [img]https://i.postimg.cc/NM93jC5W/Ancient-Inca-peak-foot-Machu-Picchu-Peru.jpg[/img] Also Peru [img]https://i.postimg.cc/PfzQgzqy/la-pampa-gold-mining-ap-img.jpg[/img] ...
I have used 4# Ande green as leader for my big trout fly rigs for 35 years....
My Mother is 81. I got "high fived" by a Mexican last year for keeping it tight when I took her to Costco. A few weeks later our fishmonger accused me of lying when I said she wasn't my wife, but my mom. I am not sure what that says....
[quote] Lumbee[/quote] Was. The tribe kicked him out for not pulling out a yellow handled Case knife and cutting the guy first....
Have him become exactly the fattest one can be and still fit in a pilot's seat. Under represented demographic. ...

re: Recalling Veteran Retirees

Posted by Spoonbilla on 4/2/24 at 6:00 pm
[quote]I swore to myself that if I ever got activated again I would walk in to the military office smoking a joint[/quote] Do it while wearing a wig and a skirt, thy might just promote you to General....
Cops "raided" the Brass Knocker bar in Columbia. One of them left his door open, and his squad car running in his haste to be a funsucker. I hopped in and drove it down the way. My underage azz needed a beating for that stupid shite....
It's like these homeowners have never seen the movie Rio Bravo. ...
Nerds gonna nerd. Remember when they were given Hall Monitor privileges? Same thing here. ...