Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:The Deep South
Number of Posts:15834
Registered on:12/24/2012
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[quote]Miriam Adelson to contribute $100 million to Trump’s Super PAC after conviction[/quote] IRS audit incoming. ...
Given the Left’s hatred of Trump and willingness to do anything to get him out of DC, this is one of the most important VP picks of our time. ...
Where’s the other 9%? That much of a showing for third party? [quote][img]https://i.imgur.com/oERxfd3.jpeg[/img][/quote]...

re: Currently in Poland

Posted by TerryDawg03 on 5/31/24 at 8:57 pm
[quote]Have convinced at least 10 international travelers that they will be raped and/or murdered in NYC and that the criminals that violated them will be set free. They all initially wanted to visit NYC...now none of them want to[/quote] So are you currently in Poland and have you convinced the ...

re: 1400 acres of WI farmland gone

Posted by TerryDawg03 on 5/31/24 at 8:54 pm
[quote]The one I dealt with included about 2000 acres and all the power was “dedicated” to one Facebook data center in Huntsville Alabama so they could say they were using green energy. 2000 acres of highly productive farm land taken out of production for one business.[/quote] I wonder what fract...

re: 1400 acres of WI farmland gone

Posted by TerryDawg03 on 5/31/24 at 6:19 pm
[quote]1,400 acres [img]https://dailyreporter.com/files/2023/08/BearCreekDrone1.png[/img][/quote] It would take a solar farm the size of metro Atlanta to generate the same amount of power as a nuclear reactor, and metro Atlanta is roughly 5.3 million acres. ...
[quote]Petraeus, David H[/quote] Not surprised. ...
There’s a big difference between sky screaming and being pissed that the judicial system was used to persecute a political opponent. ...
[quote]It is already happening. Open your eyes[/quote] Explain to me in detail how steps have been taken to set up the Gestapo in the US. Be specific. ...
Read up on the history of the Gestapo before throwing the term around. We’re nowhere near that and our structure of government would be extremely difficult to allow for it. ...
Alito even being mentioned is BS. Don’t fall for it. ...
[quote]Delaware. Where the fed prosecutor found no probable cause to indict Hunter (prompting the appointment of special counsel)[/quote] Convenient given Biden’s tenure in the Senate. ...
[quote]If you want to run for office, and you want to have affairs, don't commit perjury or fraud to lie about it.[/quote] It worked for Slick Willy. :dunno:...
This kicked into high gear under Obama. Social media was gas on the fire....
Absolutely the Left. Not even a question....
Is there a good breakdown of everything that was wrong, strange or atypical about this trial? The precedents set and/or ignored? Issues with the premise of the charges? I've been trying to follow it, but there's been so much happening so fast with it that it's been tough following it while trying...
It's too bad I disagree with RFK on as many issues as I do, because I believe he's pretty honest and genuine....
[quote]This would completely upset direct criminal appeals to the Supreme Court. [b]How many criminal defendants in the history of the US got a direct appeal to the USSC from a due process claim against a state court conviction?[/b] If this appeal were successful in being heard then that would becom...
I clicked the link. :yack: [img]https://media.tenor.com/HM5GrF4OkF4AAAAd/ew-disgust.gif[/img]...