Favorite team:US Space Force 
Number of Posts:12095
Registered on:8/16/2012
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[quote]when he could have done the same to Clinton[/quote] You and I both know this isn’t true. He could have tried to do the same… the corruption runs too deep for it to have worked the way this lawfare is....
Hes going to be running rikers by end of his first week....
Miley Cyrus, is that you? Atleast an alternate reality version...
You could probably turn this into a vlog series on youtube and spin up a channel. There are ways of doing it faceless if you wish as well. Just a thought that could help towards your goal....
[quote]Is Russia at war? [/quote] It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it....
Surely these were the co-valedictorians? About the only conditions I can imagine which would reasonably illicit this type of celebration upon graduation. Imo still a bit much, but atleast theres something there to celebrate. Simply graduating from highschool these days is all but a given. No one...
[quote]It’s funny how you take a handful of women and judge the entire WNBA[/quote] I never said anything synonymous with 'entire' or 'all' of the WNBA? Not sure what you're on about, but if it makes you feel better then type away keyboard warrior. Type away. Its actually funnier that you re...
[quote]China is surpassing the US[/quote] In what?...
[quote]Or veteran players pissed at attention new players get?[/quote] Its fine, they’ll go back to obscurity soon enough. These grown women acting like babies has completely turned off whatever interest i had in following their league. I feel the same about the nba though, so maybe its just me. ...
I find the drive across florida panhandle to be my least favorite. Its like the rules of ohysics breakdown and time stops. You can checkin, but you can never leave...
They already offer similar data protection on enterprise licenses for co pilot. They promise not to feed your inputs into the learning database. Wether or not they’re doing it anyway is the question. ...
[quote]TLDR: Judge is a biased piece of shite who needs to be deported back to Colombia[/quote] But instead, will be allowed to retire and write a book that will sell millions and millions of copies that no one will read. But he will have the money. ...
[quote]frick that. If i want to have farm land and keep it fallow, thats my choice. [/quote] I guess you need to go back to 3rd grade reading class first. Do you know what the word “CAN” means? Because your reply to me seems to indicate you do not....
Homes and farm land. Two things that should only be owned by an entity who can occupy/work them. ...
[quote]Based on what I have seen I don't know how this case has not been thrown out. The defense attorney absolutely skewers Stormy Daniel's. This is the first of 2 videos.[/quote] So Trump will owe about 900 million ...

re: Tell me your Cicada stories...

Posted by LSUnation78 on 5/16/24 at 10:07 pm
[quote]I used to gather them (the shells) up by the hundreds as a kid and have set piece battles, creating trenches and terrain and having them Duke it out. Fun times[/quote] Sounds like you invented WarHammer 40k...