Favorite team:US Army 
Location:A galaxy far, far away
Biography:Just a guy who wants to build his models in peace
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Registered on:12/8/2011
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[quote]I’m glad y’all braved the shitshow that Beale St. has become to go to Dyers.[/quote] That’s damn good burger. [quote]Did y’all have Central BBQ? That’s my fave bbq in midtown [/quote] We pulled into the parking lot at 11:00 AM on the nose. I split a rack of ribs with my daughter. M...
We made that trip to Memphis today. We had lunch at Central on Poplar. Then I made out like a bandit at Midsouth… [img]https://i.postimg.cc/5y8RyBjb/IMG-4400.jpg[/img] Ended up over on Beale Street. Apparently right outside the entrance there was a Gay Pride rally. And on the block next to the...
[quote]well youre not suffering alone we all feel as bad about it as you do[/quote] I take great comfort in that. ...
[quote]I made money on my near death[/quote] I didn’t make a damn dime off mine. All I got was months on oxygen and bound to a wheelchair if I had to walk more than a few feet. What sucks is I did talk to a lawyer. They said I had one of the most clear cut cases of medical malpractice they’d ...
[qutoe][quote]its not a grudge its making fun of the highest form of affection on the OT[/quote] Well, don’t expect me to go dying, or whatever you want to call it, again like that for y’all’s amusement. That shite sucked. One times a plenty. ...

re: Where to shop in Atlanta?

Posted by Darth_Vader on 6/1/24 at 8:31 pm
Anywhere outside of Atlanta. Literally anywhere. ...
[quote]we were pretty direct with our making fun of you for having " died" so there's that[/quote] So some were so upset over a difference in verbiage they’ve obsessed over it for over seven and a half years now? What a weird thing to hold a grudge for that long. ...
[quote]I mean, how big of a candyass do you have to be to follow someone around the internet and DV all their posts on an anonymous internet forum? LE and 08 notwithstanding[/quote] There are a lot of miserable and petty people on this world. They’re too scared to come out and speak openly w...
[quote]Provide your argument for your choice.[/quote] What the American flag stands for… [img]https://travel.home.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/travel/stock/2016/9/9/0/GettyImages-SapnaReddyPhotography-459319033_Yosemite.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.411.suffix/1491594411873.jpeg[/img] [img]https://ww...
[quote]There comes a time in your life, and it's a different age for everyone, where you don't give a flying shite what people think about you minus close friends and family. I'm past that age [/quote] Yep. It’s liberating. [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/ToMjGpn2XpTVBpW4TgA/giphy.gif?cid=...
[quote]Darth does.[/quote] And they’ve stuck with me for quite a long time, years actually. ...
I have one, possibly more. I wear it as a badge of honor to know all I have to do to piss some people off is to exist. ...
[quote]the front and send them to Kharkov to deal with the Russians. And it appears they sent a number of brigades that were being reconstituted as well. Which is bad. The Russians are making small gains in the places where the Ukrainians pulled those men. The line is weaker now. The Ukraini...
Let me share two very wise sayings to live by 1. When it comes to arguing with your wife, you can can be happy or you can be right. But not both. 1. When it comes to arguing with your wife, remember; to win is to lose, there is no win. I hope this helps. :cheers:...
Tonight I learned Jennifer Lopez is a singer. I, honest to God, thought she was an actor. :dunno:...
One day our society will finally admit some uncomfortable truths. When that happens this sort of behavior will end. But we’re not close to that point yet. Things will have to get far worse first. ...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/fpa3Vu4.gif[/img] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/xT1XGXFzcMELFcUBZ6/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9524l5ywj041z76wjs5mqye91m8fdb7n502kiun5jo0&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Gus’ fried chicken is very good but there’s a Marathon gas station off of I-55 at exit 144 and they have THE BEST fried chicken I’ve ver had. Even better than Gus’ it that’s on your way home- def stop there.[/quote] The best fried chicken in the history of mankind was made by my dearly de...
[quote]oh that’s nice - my #5 kid wants to go see the bass pro in the pyramid[/quote] Oh yeah, I forgot my daughter wants to go back there as well. Not sure why, we went there last year when we went to a Memphis. To me that’s one of those places you need to see only once. [quote]and the #4 ...
[quote]Dyers[/quote] Yep. That’s it. Already have it saved in my Waze app. :cheers:...