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re: Have repos been on the rise?

Posted by BRgetthenet on 6/2/24 at 11:09 am
[quote]I've heard of apartment complexes towing for expired tags if the car is unmovable[/quote] Our HOA boots any vehicle with expired inspection stickers and a LA license plate or plates with an expired registration sticker. I can’t remember the fee for removal but it can’t be removed without...
[quote]Friday night dinner during the season was a dozen raw, an order of onion rings and a pitcher of beer. That with a tip was <$10.[/quote] Late 80’s?...
[quote]No, of course not. The civil war was fought over slavery. It was never a states’ right issue[/quote] Wrong Again ...
[quote]And that’s okay[/quote] [img]https://people.com/thmb/PlHUC5EBifhCYcOt742i34191T8=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(651x0:653x2)/al-daily-affirmation-1-eee1bae24c0c4441a6fd3a2561cf5da8.jpg[/img]...
[quote]non-students[/quote] Maybe they’re at BRCC. ...

re: Happy Birthday Marilyn Monroe!

Posted by BRgetthenet on 6/1/24 at 8:11 am
I’m sure most know she and Biden shared one thing in common. Or should I say, #2. ...
Just need to be sure. Smok’em if ya got’em?...
[quote] It's basically saying that a white male liberal is okay while a black female liberal is not.[/quote] How can you not see the irony?...
[quote]The last investigation by a special prosecutor or politically motivated trial that actually found a democrat to have done something wrong was the investigation of Bill Clinton. And that wasn't even a crime related to what was being investigated, but rather the fact Clinton lied about an affa...
That ain’t even the best spot for toothless/jawless fully decomposed human skull. ...
Anybody else notice how awesome that pizza looks? :drool:...
[quote]male version is called a Bro-zilian[/quote] It’s a Manziel ...
That would be flagged for deletion by neighboring Karens it’d make your head spin. ...
Agents having their vehicles defecated upon was what instigated wiping out the bird population in this country. The noise from Cicadas alone is enough to justify making them extinct. ...

re: FB sellers with sketchy items?

Posted by BRgetthenet on 5/18/24 at 5:42 am
Did it smell ok? That’s awesome. I’d go home to play Deadliest Catch and be Sig Hansen. This week, for the captain and his crew of the mighty Northwestern, in the tanks below remains 10,000 lbs of the V elusive opelio crab. Sig races to meet the train bound for the Mississippi Gulf Coast ...

re: The Axeman of New Orleans

Posted by BRgetthenet on 5/17/24 at 1:04 am
[quote]One thing is certain and that is that some of your people who do not jazz it out on that specific Tuesday night (if there be any) will get the axe.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/y4H3ExWIdMkAAAAM/holy-shite-shite.gif[/img]...