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[quote]DawginSC[/quote] Slavery was an issue, but it wasn’t an issue of morality or reason for bloodshed. It represented wealth, power, and influence in both the North and the South. In the end, the reasoning for the CW was the same for every war, wealth, power, and influence. It’s never cha...
It wasn’t about slavery prior to the war, and it wasn’t about slavery that caused Lincoln to muster troops to invade after secession. The only time it ever became about slavery was at Gettysburg when Lincoln finally gave a reason for invasion to sure up waning support for the war in the North. ...
[quote]US President Joe Biden, raising questions about the prospect of a deal.[/quote] Live to fight another day, huh Joe? ...
[quote]Yup. Let's not forget Islam requires it's cult followers to conquer, and once conquered it's always theirs no matter what in their minds. The threat needs to be permanently destroyed as that's their plan. Otherwise who cares about our culture just let them have it, cause that's where it's hea...
[quote]Would be good to see how the red progressively disappeared over the last century.[/quote] In Lebanon especially. ...
[img]https://preview.redd.it/v3awlu3j6e671.png?auto=webp&s=c96c5dcdf3e220d95eb089e9f07d2b4b658f87d2[/img] Who’s the problem? ...
[quote]That was Jews that did that to us.[/quote] And that is deflecting. Little old Israel, the size of New Jersey fighting for it’s right to exist against the exact same nut balls that we declared a war on terror against have made you have to accept Islamists into your country rather tha...
[quote]Not my problem[/quote] And yet it is, because although knowing full well what we are dealing with in the mindset of Islamists, we allowed them to invade us, when many a lives were lost kicking them out a millennia ago, but we tend to gloss over what doesn’t fit our narrative because that’s...
[quote]I guess Israel shouldn't have given them millions of dollars then, huh?[/quote] Damned if you do, damned if you don’t with those people Who’s worse, the PLO or Hamas? Take your pick. They all want them driven from the river to the sea. It still doesn’t mean that they created Hama...
Hamas took over the Muslim Brotherhood, but all have the same origin that has been at war with Jews and Israel since day 1 and prior. Islam does not tolerate ANYTHING BUT ISLAM, and the sooner you get that in your head the sooner you’ll make perfect sense of the problem. Nobody gets along wi...
[quote]I can't get into details bc I'll get kicked off the site[/quote] Your big brain can’t use words to dispel arguments?...
[quote]You are the biggest rube on TD.[/quote] And yet it takes personal insults to award you points because you lack the ability to dispel my rubish facts with actual substance, which you clearly lack. What’s that say about you? ...
[quote]I'd rather live around 100 violent islamists than a bunch of urban progs.[/quote] And you’ll get your chance to I’m afraid, and they will deal mercilessly with those urban progs as well. ...
[embed]https://youtu.be/FRrWwR2tvdQ?si=gqLoeLfn9zb5yasW[/embed] The Iranian people who managed to escape the Islamists in Iran tell you exactly where the problem comes from and who’s behind it. We have to be the absolute dumbest people in existence to have gotten to this point of self dest...
[quote]The real threat to the West is our own lack of vitality. If we are confidant, and have children, we will persevere and continue to triumph.[/quote] Blame that on feminists who made it so it takes two incomes to survive in this world as a family. Yes, the left is at the root of every bit...
[quote]Did you read the article showing exactly how they created the crisis? No, you didn't. This was their policy from the founding of the nation.[/quote] I don’t care about your article of disinformation. I am presenting facts rooted in history about who these people are and the danger they ...
[quote]No. They are literally doing it to us. How Israel Created the Refugee Crisis[/quote] Israel has created no crisis. Islam created the crisis in their attempt to make war upon Israel. Iran created this crisis in their proxy wars upon Israel. That’s who they are fighting right now. Th...
[quote]The only reason they are here and in Europe is because of the Israeli influenced wars and because Israel wants millions of their fighting aged enemies far away from its borders. [/quote] Israel is doing something about it. We on the other hand are not. That’s not on Israel. That’s on US...