Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Possibly Trashy
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Registered on:2/28/2010
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[quote]One of his biggest accomplishments was quarterbacking Tulane in 1973 to a 14-0 win against LSU in Tulane Stadium before a crowd of over 85,000, breaking a then 25-year losing streak to the Tigers. [/quote] Steve was hurt. That was Terry Looney....
[quote] There were 3 Foley Brothers Steve, Mike and I cant remember the 3rd brother[/quote] Three that played together at Tulane. The third brother was Robbie, a center. (Mike was a wide receiver. On some plays three Foleys would touch the ball.) There were thirteen Foley children altogeth...

re: Murder at Wit's Inn

Posted by johnnydrama on 4/8/24 at 8:12 am
Dennis and Sally no longer have it? I haven't been in a while. I loved their pizza, same as Amberjack's....
[link=(https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/38896995/man-arrested-suspicion-manslaughter-adam-johnson-death)]LINK[/link] I think having your neck slit by a skate and dying from it is more gruesome but that's just me....

All Hail Bacchus!

Posted by johnnydrama on 2/10/24 at 12:12 pm
A fantastic choice for King this year; perhaps the finest actor of his generation. [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTg3NTAyMjgxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDg0NjI4Ng@@._V1_FMjpg_UY720_.jpg[/img]...
Would y'all please GTFOH with the "jap" talk? It has nothing to do with this topic. ...
[quote]You're going to have to supply some form of proof[/quote] Give me a quick, idiot-proof way to post pics from phone and I will....
[quote]You paid actual money for this?[/quote] Nope. Friend on fb posted that he had extra tickets. Might be fun. Certainly different....
[quote]Fans of opposing teams shouldn’t receive premium seating (unless they decide to pay for it) [/quote] The band deserves to be in the lower bowl, always....
[quote]i think they had a rugby team back in the day too.[/quote] They have one today, unless my friend's kid is lying to him....

re: What team wore this helmet?

Posted by johnnydrama on 9/1/23 at 2:51 pm
The A may stand for Academy. That opens up some possibilities....

re: A FedEx screw up and lucky me.

Posted by johnnydrama on 8/28/23 at 11:22 pm
Same exact thing happened to my buddy. He has two Bosch Track saws, too....

re: Sleepless in Seattle - Netflix

Posted by johnnydrama on 8/13/23 at 12:26 pm
A very underrated film. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.3305ebedd24f075d45848ef6c6aeb9a1?rik=%2bftN88nrfZbZgg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img]...
[quote]Can you imagine how much that video would change if a good Samaritan stepped in, and just got one of the kids in a rear naked choke and held them till cops got there [/quote] I can imagine that Good Samaritan getting the shite kicked out of him and no one helping him....