Favorite team:Longwood
Number of Posts:21330
Registered on:10/2/2009
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]We do not claim him.[/quote] I kind of want to. The GB needs guys like him…willing to poke the bear. To make a thread worth clicking and lol at the rustled jimmies. It’s just…he doesn’t go about it the right way. He’s got a lot to learn. He’s got the ideas/subjects to troll about…it’s j...
Guess I’ll update as well. On the return trip to Zion after going up. I loved the ride up and everything including the boss and its arena. I have been super busy and haven’t been able to play quite as much lately but do hope to beat it soon. I did collect all 49 cans and was sad that I’m st...
Wonder if that arrest would shock the world?...
[quote]VoxDawg[/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/DfLwM9kttDFEQ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952q1tarzr66z95d3yvfwaz0z9zqrdmohnf07hpsbt4&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]The other side: New York Democrats like Rep. Ritchie Torres, whose district covers most of the South Bronx, bristled at the idea that Trump has much to offer. "Trump is not a defender of the police; he is a defunder of the police. He has advocated for defunding the federal law enforcemen...
Soon the only good non DEI infested games will be coming out of Asia....
Would much rather talk to a tree or another male. I tried to have an emotional talk with a tree once and it just told me to “Grow Up”. Best advice I ever got. ...
[quote]What happened?[/quote] The Ukraine thread....

re: Someone help Finch

Posted by Blitzed on 5/22/24 at 12:09 pm
Help me by telling me how you and the family have been doing? <3...
[quote]Long haul truck driver.[/quote] This. A Dr in surgery is just killing one person. A truck driver asleep behind the wheel…well we all know how that can end....
Hope you Steam baws enjoy this one. ...
No because I avoid that website like it’s a person with purple hair and a free Palestine shirt on. ...
Even with the RROD…nobody really cared. Would just go buy another one or wrap that bitch in a towel. I think I owned 3 of the 360’s lol I did my part. He can call us whatever he wants but there is no denying he is what he despises. ...
Right? The majority of this board was 360 back in the gap…for obvious reasons. It was great and the ps3 was trash. I don’t know what happened in those business meeting at Microsoft regarding the next gen after the 360 but all those idiots should be gone. A serious fall and one that I don’t...
Looks like she goes to peel a tail out of habit and then remembers she has to eat the whole thing for her views....
12 was great even though I wasn’t the biggest fan of its story. Just FF Star Wars. I will have to disagree about no good games since. Other than 15. I really disliked 15 at launch and have no desire to revisit it even with the patch work. 13 is a solid game. It’s got great visuals, soundtrack,...
All I want is Square to continue making good FF games. Don’t care if it’s on every platform. Whatever keeps the business running and FF games hitting the market. I was pumped to see XIV on Xbox as I want that game and community to continue to thrive. ...
Thanks for the heads up as Abyss Levoire is my next main quest....
[quote]The great desert is so damn expansive.[/quote] Yes it is and that damn city is a bitch to navigate when trying to collect goodies. But I welcomed the challenge. Thinking of attempting platinum and that would require all the memory sticks I assume. I maybe have to go back to some places...