Favorite team:US Army 
Location:Cochise County AZ
Number of Posts:35530
Registered on:7/2/2009
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[quote]Anything good to do in Bogalusa[/quote]Driving north, south, east, or west....
[quote]But your use of the phrase “mean tweets” tells me all I need to know[/quote]I to, detest this type of phrasing. Many on the left and the right have been led by the nose into believing that anyone who disagrees with them are the cartoonish villains that their 'thought leaders' tell them they a...
[quote]Well you probably are, but functional. I myself am an alcoholic, but I haven’t let it damage my job or my personal life, but I’m hyper aware of it and why I refuse to drink anything other than beer and wine (and saki on occasion).[/quote]Maybe Rekieta is a crackhead so he only does powder coc...
[quote]Fame and success fricks people up, man[/quote] Explains why I'm happy and stable. ...
[quote]So you'd pop on sss.gov, put in their dob and info and you'd get their selective service number. I don't ever remember anyone not being registered.[/quote] I wasn't. Had to register as part of my enlistment process. This was in the 90s though, no idea when you were recruiting. ...
[quote] I watched the video and still don't know wtf this is sbout[/quote]OP is proud about a burn he made on youtube....
[quote]I’m already tired of this life why would I want another one[/quote][img]https://external-preview.redd.it/hJsMvPv7s72S74clTLv2HDoF49Op1F1r0sf-EU_FDVY.jpg?auto=webp&s=bb33398e38558202ba75880575da17ce9cd2e9a1[/img]...
[quote]Am I the only one to remember Cincinnati?[/quote]I don't remember it happening because I was 1, and I know that's commonly cited for the ending of GA, but, if that's true, they sure took their sweet time about it. I was still seeing big acts with GA almost 20 years later. The true reason is p...
[quote]Prior to the late 90's with the building of new updated arena's with assigned seats & suites this didn't happen. Back in the 80's when I started going to shows there were no assigned seats & complete open floor. You get there when the doors open you get the best spots on the floor & in the se...

re: Elon Musk is a grifter

Posted by northshorebamaman on 5/21/24 at 2:48 pm
[quote]squad of funny, opinionated women [/quote][img]https://media.tenor.com/qwqeFvknZuQAAAAM/it-doesnt-actually-exist-derek-muller.gif[/img]...
[quote]Worked in a warehouse and wrapped thick cable around large spools at high speed. A coworker got a piece of shirt stuck as a spool wound. He was turned into mush getting wrapped around the spool in a few seconds.[/quote]Annnd.... this post on page 2 is as far as I made it. We used to hang ...
[quote]Maybe it will disincentivize people to eat that stuff on the regular. Buying and cooking your own groceries is cheaper.[/quote]Barely. It's just me and the wife these days, and I do most of the cooking (so also most of the grocery shopping) and it's hard to get out of there without dropping $...

re: Dodgeball Is A Bully Sport

Posted by northshorebamaman on 5/20/24 at 12:09 am
[quote] I don't ever want to see it be played in person or school. If adults want to do it they can make their own choices.[/quote]I realize you're trolling but still... [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/jW1lN22JwKYAAAAC/woody-harrelson-im-sensing-youre-a-bit-of-a-bitch.gif[/img] ...
[quote]I know y’all know people were making way less then…[/quote]Sure, but you can check the current prices with an inflation calculator and prices are still significantly ahead of inflation. ...
[quote]Now, absolute trash and I think Jack in the Box is on par with them[/quote]I give Jack in the Box a pass for never pretending to be anything but trashy drunk food. Hell, they killed a bunch of people in the 90's and barely apologized. And the Sourdough Jack with two tacos is fast food at its ...
[quote]$.65 tacos at the bell too[/quote]I remember "69, 79, 89" depending on if you wanted cheese and/or sour cream. We were living the dream. [img]https://y.yarn.co/f23944e1-d1ef-4a3a-87f4-083614f0191a_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]used to love the #2[/quote]the GOAT combo meal...
[quote]That was the McDonald's menu when I was in high school so 1992-1996'ish. A quarter pounder meal was $3.23 with tax, or 13 quarters I scrounged together[/quote]I lived off the "2 for 2" ( two quarter pounders for $2) back then along with the 99 cent Whopper. ...