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Who are some examples of bot posters? Just curious ...
[quote]set the stage for a rate hike in September so the economy can heat up in time for November,[/quote] Huh?...
Only once and it was during a football game. They were giving me smelling salts and all I could do was look at them with a silly arse grin for a while. Went to hospital and the scans came back fine. I woke up the next morning and don’t remember anything from the prior day after about 3:00PM includ...
The local government has tried several times to fight them. I think Scott Walker did it most recently. There is no winning against the railroad. ...
Riveting post. Share more deep thoughts. ...
[quote]I noticed Hibernia came back. I was with Hibernia for years and then Capitol One bought them I didn't like CO so I switched. Now Hibernia is back with no ties to Capitol one. It's odd.[/quote] There was always a Hibernia locally that was not tied to the bank. ...
[quote]Liberator[/quote] Were you dropped on your head several times when you were a baby or do you have some damn good drugs?...
There are def levels of quality between company’s, but the departure ports makes a big difference as well. ...

re: Mary Mahoney's busted

Posted by notiger1997 on 5/30/24 at 4:47 pm
A bunch of blue hairs are going to be pissed about this news. LOL ...
Man this stinks to hear. Love the food. The crab soup in the bread bowl was one of my favorite dishes around. Enjoyed some great Friday lunches with my wife at the Metairie location. They had some kind of .25 martini special for a while. ...

Colorado Trip Ideas

Posted by notiger1997 on 5/30/24 at 1:20 pm
I'm back to day dreaming about taking a solo trip to Colorado this summer. Thinking about flying into Denver mid day and taking a rental car to Boulder for a one night stay. Maybe taking a tour of Rocky Mountain National Park while there. Any other ideas? Then would drive over to Vail area to s...
[quote]I hope they lose a frick ton of tax money and have to layoff half the police force. yeah it doesn’t really work like that, hoss.[/quote] Yeah, that wasn't a great example, but these facilities do pump taxes and related spend into these local economies. When Shell Convent closed up, it...
[quote]If I’m Scheffler I’m hiring a private investigator to follow this guy and dig up everything he can about him and use it to make his life hell.[/quote] Scheffler is a good guy and above this kind of crap. He’s moving on. Of course it helps that he’s a multimillionaire. ...
I’m guessing in a lot of cities, the black folks were put into the projects, which were downtown 50 years ago. The spread of BS started there and spread to the areas around it. At least that’s how I see things in the south. ...
This commie cock sucking OP started a thread earlier this week stating China is much better than the US because they built some shitty rail lines that are barely used and not sustainable. Just so yall know who you are dealing with. ...
[quote]It cites another study that "found that the city’s petrochemical facilities severely violate EPA safety guidelines."[/quote] I wonder if they could expound on this. They are probably taking some half truths by hiding behind what could be considered “guidelines”. ...