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re: Lakers pick deferred to 2025

Posted by goatmilker on 6/1/24 at 8:19 pm
[quote]Who cares who "won the trade"? We didn't have any leverage, AD refused to play and basically forced us to trade him to the Lakers. Yeah no shite we lost. That's why this whole city hates that piece of shite, hates Klutch and Rich Paul, and hates that shitty franchise and all their shitty arse fa...
Would be terrible if he was...[img]https://media.tenor.com/eQZOgM8vzYAAAAAM/nancy-kerrigan-why.gif[/img]...
Very true. I see the DS is already downvoting :lol:...
He is less of a threat to our Constitution (our life blood) than the pandering, forever wars, pro MiC, pro IC, pro money politicians that are embedded like super ticks on the body of America. Is that plain enough? ...
I guy with more money than the State of Louisiana....
[quote]i'm a thinker.[/quote] [img]https://fifetli.blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/screen-shot-2019-01-15-at-8.26.48-am.png[/img]...
[quote] success in general will be determined mainly by internal development and coaching[/quote] Yup. It seems that is what they are counting on. Its easy to assume this is the line they would like to go forward with. But the tape won't really show until preseason games against other dlineman. T...
The Saints are really rolling the dice. 3 new position players on the oline. Less than 10 starts between all 3 as the oline stands now. Oh dear. Forgot to add these 3 raw olinemen have been switched to positions they are not very familiar with. ...
[quote]You have to start making stretched arguments and add in qualifiers.[/quote] Well Slo you and I both know the SCOTUS has been doing just that for over 200 years!...
[quote]but this has to go through the state court appeals[/quote] Your opinion or legal fact? Because I have heard there is a legal mechanism for the SCOTUS to address appeals in a expedited way. Latin words etc lol...
Hey who doesn't like team sport shirts with tire tracks across the chest :rolleyes:...
yaboi darrell [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/6363dff893f9a9956d40dc6794c6dd9f/tumblr_o3qn4ixbqt1s2wio8o1_500.gif[/img]...
Glad you turned. And just avoid STD. He has issues....
Who else are they to go with? Players they don't know and not on the team lol ...
Just remember this was never about a strong conviction. All about one word...guilty. This word to be repeated until the convention and after. That's its over turned in record time means nothing to them. Just the ability to use the word guilty is all they want....
Dang dude. Big pharma and it's paid lackeys have been against this forever. Where been you?...