Favorite team:Alabama 
Interests:Watching Paint Dry
Occupation:Lion Tamer
Number of Posts:8211
Registered on:11/24/2008
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Because she has the pussy. That means she makes the rules. ...
[quote]they got their conviction, they need to not interfere in an election[/quote] How ironic they convicted Trump for supposedly interfering in the 2016 election by paying the porn star hush money yet here they are, absolutely interfering in the 2024 election by putting on trial and attempting to...
God bless Elon Musk. Had he not bought Twitter and allowed free speech, we would be even further into the abyss. ...
[quote]CrimsonFever[/quote] You're a special kind of stupid. ...
[quote]I have a feeling the Bush apparatus wants Trump gone more than anyone else.[/quote] Agreed....when I heard GWB give a speech at the crash site in Pennsylvania commemorating the 20th anniversary of the hijackings and state outright that J6 was comparable to 9-11, I lost what little respect I ...
[quote]DJT is a reckless dipshit at times[/quote] I wouldn't say DJT is reckless as much as he is tone deaf, oversensitive to criticism, and lacks the ability to not speak inflammatory comments that spur a lot of people's hatred of him. However, he was also the best president since Reagan and accom...

re: 1400 acres of WI farmland gone

Posted by samson73103 on 5/31/24 at 8:12 pm
[quote]Nome tige[/quote] I work in the agriculture industry so I know a few things as well. And you are full of shite if you are alleging that all farmers live like kings. Sure, some do just like other professions. But most work hard and try to manage a budget that is constantly being manipulated by...

re: 1400 acres of WI farmland gone

Posted by samson73103 on 5/31/24 at 7:58 pm
[quote]Possibly because it’s the most subsidized crop in the US[/quote] Like it or not food security is a national security issue. And corn is a primary food for livestock Also its by products are used in an awful lot of things. Very few Midwestern corn farmers have yachts and lake houses. If y...
[quote]Had he paid her directly, none of this was possible.[/quote] People with far fewer resources than Trump would have handled a similar situation with an attorney as the intermediary. ...
They want Trump on Rikers Island. I would not put it past them to try and administer the Epstein treatment. ...

re: 1400 acres of WI farmland gone

Posted by samson73103 on 5/31/24 at 7:28 pm
[quote]I agree as long as corn wouldn't be the crop grown[/quote] Let me guess....you want to get rid of the livestock that eats corn too. Because it's a climate change emergency. ...
[quote]Bunk Moreland[/quote] [quote]Dear lord, we are a laughingstock.[/quote] I only occasionally peruse this board so I could be mistaken but haven't I seen you post disparaging comments about Trump in the past? ...
[quote]You really think GA loses at home when that happened in nearly 5 years?[/quote] Alabama has recently beaten Georgia several times in Atlanta which is the Dawgs 2nd home, much like Birmingham was Bama's second home once upon a time. They also beat UGA in Athens in the infamous blackout game ...
[quote]in the very near future we won’t recognize college football as we’ve known it.[/quote] The future is now. NIL and the unlimited transfer portal have already set in motion the destruction of college football as we have known it. ...
frick John Grisham. He's just another out of touch member of the elite. His best books were written years ago. His more recent work is just the same plot and storyline with different names. ...
I watched the Challenger explosion in real time as a high school senior in 1986. No way could someone survive that. ...
[quote]I'm not scrubbing my arse with my hand[/quote] Why not? You have plenty of soap and water. I guess if you don't wipe your arse thoroughly after dropping a deuce I might understand your thinking but otherwise it makes no sense. ...
I have enough chest hair that I look like a 70's porn star. Got the bright idea to trim it several years ago and it itched like a mofo afterwards. So I kinda had to shave it and was surprised at how much cooler it was in the heat of summer. So I've shaved my chest hair since then and eventually star...
They are heroes for making the ultimate sacrifice. Absolutely maddening it happened in a war that we arguably never should have been in and inarguably that our government would not allow us to win. Had the U.S. military been allowed to do their thing, we would have mopped the floor with the NVA. ...