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Biography:Acquitted by a jury of child abuse on 11th of July 2021!
Interests:God, Peace, Love
Number of Posts:129
Registered on:2/19/2024
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re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Innocent War Vet on 6/1/24 at 4:37 pm
He didn't write any, so zero. But, He did ordain SHINE LITTLE LIGHT (a true testimony about Him) for this generation today. The reviews by those who've read it witness to that truth. God works through those He has chosen and anointed. I see you're reading a book called East of Eden. ...

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Innocent War Vet on 5/31/24 at 5:54 am
I appreciate the positive feedback ...
I'd want my kids teacher to treat them like their own as far as respect and guidance, etc. That's what's worked in the past. This newage teaching had clearly failed....

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Innocent War Vet on 5/25/24 at 4:19 am
Everybody who's read it loves the true story. It's been life changing for some and very inspirational....

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Innocent War Vet on 5/23/24 at 4:52 am
God bless you. It's good to know people are open to positive thoughts and not everyone is wicked. We live in a time when many will say and do anything to stop love, peace and joy from spreading, unfortunately. Yet, they've failed....

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Innocent War Vet on 5/22/24 at 5:08 pm
Ty, I think I spotted another troll. SMH ...

re: Amazing Memoir about God

Posted by Innocent War Vet on 5/21/24 at 7:22 am
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (Year 2024) 1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; ...
Absolutely it does. And there are a lot of ducks in the row swimming....
Agreed. And the topic is political. People act like discussing something pertaining to religion is a crime. SMH ...
Get out and VOTE! Let your voice be heard and fight for what you believe in. Freedom isn't free. It must be won, daily. https://crownsoffaith.org/who-is-god%3F...
Lol, at this point it wouldn't surprise me....
At this point, there are literally hundreds of articles and videos about him. I only posted a link to one because it was requested. Folks can do their own research if they care to....
Lol, bingo! What if he has lice or whatever?! Could spread easily....
One point nobody has made is, the other students not "friendly" with him (boys for example) would feel left out and seek the same "closeness" for possible favors and an easy "A" in the class. It's just dumb and stupid. SMH. There's a reason those "old-fashioned values" worked so well in past before ...
I didn't make it a main focus. The news article in the link did. I just reported it. Doesn't matter to me personally....
Exactly. Not even close to the same thing! Ty...
Right. The title just identified the person not what he did....
I don't think where it occurred is relevant as much as why it happened....
I guess you disagree because most parents nowadays don't understand their own roles and act appropriately. It still takes a village to raise kids right. ...