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Interests:Golf, Fishing,Traveling
Number of Posts:431
Registered on:11/19/2023
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re: I’d expect Ack against Wofford

Posted by DrrTiger on 6/1/24 at 9:08 pm
You’re playing to win 3 games. One win is meaningless. You save Ack for the second game for your best odds....

re: Angel Reese is classless

Posted by DrrTiger on 6/1/24 at 8:58 pm
[quote]Thats because Clark is a drama Queen whiner[/quote] If she played for LSU, you’d sniff her farts....

re: Angel Reese is classless

Posted by DrrTiger on 6/1/24 at 8:40 pm
[quote]Angel Reese is classless[/quote] Thanksgiving is on a Thursday. Any other breaking news?...
[quote]points[/quote] :lol:...
[quote]I doubt LSU is the only SEC school to do that.[/quote] Whatever helps you cope. They’re the only ones....
Had the TV on in the background one evening and my kid was playing legos nearby. This trash came on and after the first 5-10 minutes, I had to change the channel. ...
[quote]People on here think that LSU is more conservative than Texas A&M.[/quote] You mean to tell me Texas A&M didn’t light up Kyle Field for Saint George Floyd? [img]https://i.postimg.cc/wvfLM45c/IMG-0871.jpg[/img] Current day LSU is infested with Marxists. That’s just a fact....
It’s always amusing to me when that community points to the animal kingdom to justify their lifestyles. My dog licks his own arse and humps the legs of random strangers. I suppose that somehow validates humans who do the same....
[quote]My kid saw two dudes kissing in public and immediately turned to me with a wtf look [/quote] Kids innately know, hence the relentless effort to reprogram them....
[quote]Technically, but that's only because Aggy celebrates gay pride year round.[/quote] Hate to be the one to tell you, but LSU is about 1000x more woke than Aggie....
Your LSJWU Tigers [img]https://i.postimg.cc/7611BRX4/IMG-0870.jpg[/img]...
[quote]What would your version of a civilized society do to prevent thus?[/quote] I’ve already stated this. Civilized people *themselves* wouldn’t put a sexualized toy on display in the vicinity of children. Are you just looking to argue? [quote]Kind of reminds me of this Florida man...[/quo...
[quote]Who should stop them? My vote would be consumers, and that's it.[/quote] In a civilized society, no one would have to stop them. But we no longer live in a civilized society. I’m not in favor of putting unnecessary restrictions on private business, but we do have existing indecency law...
[quote]I don't particularly give a frick about what these people do.[/quote] I do. That garbage shouldn’t be allowed in places with kids, period. They can hold their little STD gathering at an adults only business....
[quote]Are you claiming the bear in the link is the same one posted in the OP?[/quote] It’s from last year you imbecile....
[quote]I googled this to see if it was real. Other than Libs of TikTok, there’s nothing about a bondage bear.[/quote] Except the one in your own link. Are you low IQ in addition to being a degenerate?...
[quote]I don't know why I bother to ask, but are you leftists okay with this?[/quote] Are you kidding? Just the sight of that thing gives most of those cretins an erection....
[quote]They should have a problem with the Crown Plaza not Disney… I guess Disney is the easy target. [/quote] I said a hotel NEAR Disney. I didn’t say it was a hotel owned by Disney. The point is that this hotel and the others in this area are almost entirely frequented by people going to ...
[quote]Quick slash with a pocket knife and problem solved[/quote] Hate crime. Pedos are a protected class now....
[embed]https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1796688148199833844[/embed] Totally not groomers though guys!...