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Registered on:11/16/2007
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re: Moana 2 - Official Teaser Trailer

Posted by biglego on 6/1/24 at 11:59 pm
[quote]I didn’t look at her ankles a single time in the trailer[/quote] Then you didn’t watch the trailer lol...
[quote]My dog licks his own arse and humps the legs of random strangers. [/quote] I can’t reach my own arse, but if im allowed to hump random strangers then game on...

re: How was “If”?

Posted by biglego on 6/1/24 at 11:48 pm
My 9 yr old daughter liked it. She pretty much likes every movie she sees at a theater. ...
I’m shocked they cast a white man to play him ...
[quote] There are still good places like this here if you look for land to build on.[/quote] Everyone wants to build somewhere secluded which makes it harder and harder to find anywhere secluded. Maybe find a place that’s already built so no more land has to be cleared. ...

re: Taurus TX .22 ammo issue

Posted by biglego on 6/1/24 at 11:11 pm
It’s not the gun and it’s not the brand of ammo. It’s simply that subsonic 22 is too weak to cycle reliably. My TX22 does the same. ...
[quote]Im pretty sure the game warden wouldn't accept that as an excuse to kill them???[/quote] I’m not advocating you shoot a bear. But how would the warden possibly ever know? Unless a warden just happens to be in the vicinity of the gunshot? ...

re: Build me a perfect Hog gun

Posted by biglego on 6/1/24 at 11:07 pm
AR10 is perfect hog gun. ...
I mean, how dare those bears keep doing bear things when people build houses in bear country. Bears should know better. ...
[quote]Europe doesn’t currently have the balls to do it, but it could happen very quickly under the right circumstances.[/quote] I guess it’s possible but it’s very hard to see it happening ...
Why do you care bro How does it affect you bro It’s just one little _____ bro ...
[quote]This is why PRIDE is important…. People live their life being hated, it is only natural to band together for some sense of personal validation[/quote] Maybe you’re trolling. Bc nobody cares who adults are screwing anymore. It’s just another leftist victim fantasy. ...
[quote]Why did the website creators give you the option of upvoting your own posts?[/quote] I like having the option. What’s wrong with more options? Reddit gives an automatic upvote which is lame. ...
[quote]Fitzmorris testified that Steiner sent the undercover agent a video of an approximately nine-year-old girl having vaginal intercourse with an unknown adult male[/quote] Jesus Christ ...
That’s a normal Tuesday at the Spirit counter in Baltimore ...
He’s the charming little chubby yat who used to drive around a Smart car. Great guy. ...