Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:1492
Registered on:1/4/2021
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Lets go!! [img]https://i.imgur.com/iPHaWHS.mp4[/img] Cmon Trav!!...
Can we pinch hit Milam here? :lol:...
[quote]Base running sucks[/quote] Quit complaining. It doesn't matter now. We would have 1 run and bases loaded regardless....
Should be 3-0 :banghead:...
Boom. Time for a bear bomb!!...
Okay tommy, let's do something productive please....
Brown with some unlucky at bats today...
[quote]Why Jay puts up with that I’ll never know.[/quote] What's he supposed to do? Trade for someone that won't do that mid season?...
How did that stay in the park...
[quote]Don’t slide Milazzo[/quote] Truck him instead. Gonna be called for interefence anyways....
So he hates LSU. Got it...
That's not a strike all day...
[quote]Threw the bat at the ump[/quote] Needs to throw it at the one on 2b...
[quote]That’s not how this works[/quote] Forgot this was the rant...