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Won't happen. Republicans aren't nearly as vicious as Dems. It's why they're usually losers....
I enjoy watching him play football. I’m not interested at all in anything he thinks. Dude is a nut....
There’s nothing that nutball can do or say that will help Trump. He’s toxic, and giving him any validity via views or clicks is only hurting chances for victory this fall....
[quote]Trump and his legal team hand picked six of the jurors.[/quote] What? Handpicked? There’s quite a difference between striking jurors and hand picking them. It’s still a Manhattan jury… in 2020 Biden won Manhattan by 84.5%-14.5%. Don’t be dumb. Vote Trump in 2024. Stop this madness....
[quote]Didn’t Trump raise $53 million in a day and the average donation was small ticket?[/quote] He did. And that seems to be missing from the Fox front page. Looks like Fox is pivoting to the one that called Arizona in 2020. ...
I dunno… The author comes off like a little bitch....

re: Bill Kristol.......lolz

Posted by Giantkiller on 6/1/24 at 1:07 pm
Can you imagine being a republican your whole life, and then in your later, nursing home adled years, being forced to grapple with a party that has clearly shifted away from everything you've ever known?...
[quote]Does anyone else miss when it was just the gays[/quote] We didn't know how good we had it. Now even the furries have piled into the sexual devient wagon. ...
Just try that in a small town. Like St George. ...
Could you even imagine how miserable it is being around a depressed Ben Affleck at all times?...
[quote]If they are a franchised hotel that uses Disney's name, then they are not irrelevant. Franchises have strict rules set by the parent corporation. Disney could prevent this if they wanted to.[/quote] If it would have happened in the 60’s, somebody from Walt’s office would have already calle...
There was nothing he could do. Bragg literally ran on "getting Trump" to get into office. Then he somehow cobbled together a few misdemeanors along with a corrupt judge to cook up some felony charges, added in a Manhattan jury, and voila! The American justice system is dead. The only way to t...
He's not my fave but I've been increasingly impressed with Byron Donalds. Only prob is theyre both Florida residents. But he's been doing very well holding his own against the libtards recently. ...
Usually Jim just talks. Today he's writing letters. But as far as actual legislation? "Congrssman, how about some bills.." "Sorry. Best I can do is go yell on Hannity."...
Like the fast food industry, inflation is going to kill small banks as well. We're about to be in a free fall....
He needs to start scheduling the rallies. I won't be satisfied until he books a summer tour. And it needs to be in LOTS of big Dem cities. Let's fricking go....
I'm very curious to see the week ending total. ...
[quote]Anyone else notice the amount of Poors has been increasing? [/quote] shite, you think it's bad now? Just one example: I read an article recently about how the fast food industry is about to epically bottom out. Former well producing locations are down to the production of medium producing ...

re: Civil disobedience

Posted by Giantkiller on 5/31/24 at 8:13 am
[quote]Ideas are just suggestions and everything is hypothetical. [/quote] Go to DonaldJTrump.com right now and throw them $10. More if you can. Less if you can't. If you want to do something, make the democrats see his daily donation haul and go "Holy shite. What have we done...?"...

re: But is it a Felony?

Posted by Giantkiller on 5/31/24 at 8:10 am
[quote]Can anyone make a case for why it’s a felony and deserves jail?[/quote] It's not a felony. It's a misdemeanor from 2016 and another from 2017 that a very corrupt DA and very corrupt judge railroaded. The jury didn't even know the crimes they were supposedly debating....