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Registered on:12/21/2019
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[quote]remember when something being "On Sale" actually meant something?[/quote] Retail history is defined by deceptive pricing / fake sales. Anchor pricing, false reference pricing (Kohl's MO), fake sense of urgency (buy now or miss out) are part of psychology of sales. Been going on forever....

re: Women with no tattoos

Posted by LetTheTigerOut on 5/9/24 at 3:52 pm
In a way, tattoos do us a favor. "Aposematic signals are primarily visual, using bright colors and high-contrast patterns such as stripes. Warning signals are honest indications of noxious prey, because [b]conspicuousness evolves in tandem with noxiousness[/b]. Thus, [b]the brighter and more con...

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by LetTheTigerOut on 5/8/24 at 5:58 pm
Maybe a lobotomy? Drastic measure, but not sure much else will work to correct the severity of behavioral issues and consequences outside of brain surgery. Maybe a forensic neurologist can identify abnormalities and root causes of the dysfunction and bring balance with pharma-therapy. Add Co...
They would all be indignant and tell you not to put your damn labels on them. They are hue-fluid, changing their intensity and value and being whatever they felt like being, depending on the brush stroke. ...
[img]https://c.tenor.com/v0cBeb_yBgUAAAAC/tenor.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RQyh0Qs.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]Why are most women not funny?[/quote] Nature has set it up to where they don't need to be. Men need humor as a lure, much in the same way males in the animal kingdom are more colorful. Gotta have something to get a female's attention. Perhaps men need and use humor as camouflage, to ...
[quote]“I have emphasized that the company’s fix needs to begin at home U.S. operations[/quote] Home? US? The same Schultz that vowed "We will hire 10,000 refugees"? Their coffee is disgustingly unpalatable. They don't roast beans, they torture them until scorched. Licking the bottom of a ...

re: Cat Advice

Posted by LetTheTigerOut on 5/6/24 at 12:17 am
[quote]how depressed Lolo [i]seems[/i][/quote] She[i] is[/i] depressed. Cats do get depressed, which can lead to significant behavioral changes. Lolo is used to having you all to herself, and your undivided attention. Now here you are coming around covered in Sophie's scent---in her space!!! ...
[quote]Point to Ponder #1: Misuse of the word “Church”[/quote] "[i]I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow[/i]." ~ Scarlett O'Hara Hell, I'm still pondering the misuse of the word "luxury." They just slap that label on everything nowadays. ...
[quote]You can just say dryer.[/quote] Other home appliances that dry things... hair dryer, dries hair dishwasher, drying element dries dishes hand dryer, dries hands body dryer, dries body ...
Why don't you watch episodes of Mayday!, aka Air Distasters, and contemplate. One broken little screw.....is all it takes. Alaska Airlines Flight 261, is all I'm sayin'. [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/vxHcIQU34UAAAAAd/airplane-let-them-crash.gif[/img] ...
Yeah, that's funny, a great 'sting', but seriously, have you seen what UMC is now promulgating through its "Social Principles" e.g., the Green Covenant? Political/New Age Gaianism masquerading as theology. From the recommended reading list: [i]Gaia and God: An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Heali...

re: Life is Fragile

Posted by LetTheTigerOut on 4/29/24 at 11:25 pm
[quote]This has been on my mind a lot lately, how life is so fragile and can end any day. Any of you have any advice on how to accept this inevitability and not let it stress me out?[/quote] Remembering the finite nature of life is precisely the meaning of [link=(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mem...
[quote]Von Braun disagrees.[/quote] Von Braun gave a sly wink, wink, nudge, nudge on his gravestone, citing Psalms 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the[b] firmament[/b] sheweth his handywork." ...
Did they put the official Whitehouse press briefing in there? [link=(https://youtu.be/nEy0EVCRvdg?t=39)]Jen calls it[/link] ...
An exploding whipped cream bomb would protect their privacy. [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/id/183277559/photo/marshmallow-man.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=6lKdrs216n1QfUMDmJl-mbsXOYa1ql5pRnjBiQU-o7s=[/img] ...
Noooo, nothing to worry about whatsoever. Perfectly normal. She sounds sweet. This will be the daycare, soon. [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L/200.webp?cid=ecf05e47329p44cce61s24kwetcpbrdpyqaw38h6vewb0oyk&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200.webp&ct=g[/img]...
I'm with you. Fake nice people are a nuisance to society. Sham pleasantries are absolutely wretched. Give me an honest "bag it and shag it, bitch!" over counterfeit "my pleasure" any day. ...
[quote] the goal is to make people scared to fly.[/quote] And to get surgery, too, I imagine. And cross bridges, and...and...well, you know....
2018: FIU-Sweetwater Bridge Collapse Munilla Construction Management, the construction firm that built the bridge, is an all-female company. Lead engineer: Leonor Flores [link=(https://archive.is/6g48t)]Article: Diversity Fail?[/link] [img]https://www.e-farsas.com/wp-content/uploads/po...