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Registered on:8/22/2007
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Less because she changed the name of Dixie beer...
Could it be because the top 20-30% or so are getting all the poon with dating apps, etc.? Throw in the blue/haired girls who also like poon I can see why 30-40% of guys aren't getting any....

re: “Name brand” gasoline

Posted by Jason9782003 on 5/15/24 at 9:19 pm
[quote]Founders should have put in term limits.[/quote] Founders should have banned lobbyists....
I've seen better on the Tchefuncte River this past weekend....
Thanks for reminder of why I shouldn't give marriage a second try :cool:...
1981 1st Round 1. George Rodgers (New Orleans Saints) 2. Lawrence Taylor (New York Giants) 2nd Round 29. Russell Gary (New Orleans) 38. Mike Singletary (Chicago Bears) 48. Howie Long (Oakland Raiders) Can you imagine having LT and Rickey Jackson as our OLB's and Mike Singletary as ILB ...

re: Hottest Actress of All Time

Posted by Jason9782003 on 4/14/24 at 12:58 pm
Rita Hayworth [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0a/60/48/0a60488e922a98faf98a4c0ff1ac9a17.jpg[/img] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2d56995ef684eaa2f0b5da7ce56a0578?rik=44zy8N09hOAKXw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mutoworld.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f11%2frita-hayworth-2.jpg&ehk=iKNmk81KCu...

re: Do you remember?

Posted by Jason9782003 on 4/3/24 at 2:12 pm
Makes sense. They sent him back to a communist country (Cuba)....
We should have listened to Patton at the end of WWII and drove the Soviets out of eastern Europe. ...
[quote]The destruction of the nuclear family is the death knell of our culture. Part of that destruction is the collapse of organized religion participation.[/quote] That and feminism...
Can't we just send them some old tires to burn? They like burning tires....
[quote]IS THIS BIBLE OFFICIALLY ENDORSED BY PRESIDENT TRUMP? Yes, this is the only Bible endorsed by President Trump![/quote] I'm sure Trump personally read all the other Bible versions before he endorsed this one. ...
The only appropriate punishment for pedos [img]https://e.khoahoc.tv/photos/image/2022/05/14/tra-tan-bang-chuot.jpg[/img]...