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Registered on:10/10/2019
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[quote]Who’s the problem?[/quote] Now show the map of the people who have actually killed Americans and the select few countries who funded them and I will ask you the same question....
[quote]Not my problem[/quote] If you could see further down the road than the simplest association (and hadn't been indoctrinated by Huckster Carlson to parrot his lines) you might feel differently. For example, one of the biggest Palestine apologists on this board recently "challenged" me to ...
[quote]Let's start with the "death to America" crowd and their supporters.[/quote] So the Islamists and sympathizers. Again, yeah. That's what was originally posted. Look, I'm not saying the American "progressives" are good for the country. They obviously aren't. But they are Americans...
[quote]It needs to be first and foremost the people who are trying to upend and destroy it, not the people who are trying to preserve it.[/quote] So the Islamists, then. Yeah, that's what was originally said....
[quote]Goooooooberment[/quote] Can y'all stop that? It's the most stupidly annoying fad on the board right now....
[quote]Yes. They now have a Jan 6 “tried to overturn the election and also he’s convict.” We will hear this constantly the next 5 months. They can add in “they want to make you have a baby if you’re raped!” And “pretty soon gay marriage will be illegal!” A LOT of people will believe every single wor...
[quote]Got out of going to her high school reunion when I explained to her I’m not going to enjoy myself and I don’t know anyone who will be there, but it seems like it’s the calm before a storm. She hasn’t spoken to me in about 30 minutes and seems to be sulking and brooding For those saying I s...
Any actual conservative knew this a year ago. [quote]RFK Jr is actually very unimpressive[/quote]...
[quote]You gave a slogan. [/quote] I typed the words you said I typed. And a whole lot more. Did you stop reading after the first sentence?...
[quote]This x1000[/quote] Again, Delta's waiting. I know a place you guys can go where there are no Democrats and no urban progs. Who is first out of the country?...
[quote]Honestly I don’t understand the mindset at all[/quote] Allow me to explain it to you. The current populist on the "right" has more in common with blue collar southern Carter-era Democrats than any other political group. That's exactly who they sound like. And con-men like Huckster C...
[quote] I'd rather live around 100 violent islamists than a bunch of urban progs.[/quote] Delta's waiting....
[quote] I see no difference between Nikki Haley and Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden.[/quote] Then you are a populist moron who disregards policy in favor of populist street cred. No offense....
[quote]I’d rather see Trump burn this thing to the ground than to cave to the dems and rino recucklicans.[/quote] Trump's not going to burn anything to the ground. Especially if he loses....
[quote]he has actually accomplished things in his personal life outside of politics[/quote] I'm going to ask you what he has accomplished (I already know, I just want you to investigate it), and then I'm going to ask you how he did it. Once you realize how he did it, then I'm going to ask you ...
[quote]The only reason they are here and in Europe is because of the Israeli influenced wars[/quote] That's not remotely true....
[quote]Me[/quote] I'd vote for that ticket....
[quote]Solid post. Upvote earned and given[/quote] Here's the thing. With as much as some version of a populist philosophy has influenced the entire country of late, factions on both sides are constantly convinced that we need a revolution. Burn it down. And they will post that on a $3,...
[quote]"Stop subsidizing poor decisions" is a slogan. Not a solution.[/quote] I didn't just say, "stop subsidizing poor decisions." I see. The game is to reject all solutions given, then wring your hands and say, "There's just nothing we can do about it." It's a popular game, I acknowledge....
[quote]How do we fix it?[/quote] I've told you twice in this one thread....