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Bill and Hillary also made a fortune running drugs in Arkansas, weapons in Libya, grifting Haiti, selling military secrets to the CCP... And that's just the commonly known things. But yeah, a blowjob is the absolutely worst thing he ever engaged in....

re: Father's with Daughter's

Posted by Stealth Matrix on 6/1/24 at 5:36 am
Better keep her room at your house intact...
[quote]The PB Is Inundated With Low-Post Count Alters.[/quote] It's called building a false consensus, and it's a Marxist playbook tool....
The Democrats have made their biggest mistake, and you want to tank that opportunity?...
It would be the end of entertainment media as we know it How do we know it wasn't video games? What about Hollywood productions? News media? Magazines?...

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by Stealth Matrix on 5/29/24 at 6:00 pm
I mean, I'm okay with it, but, it just seems like a giant pandering sandwich by the MLB....
[quote]At what age does a little kid mispronouncing a bunch of basic words go from “aww cute” to “they should probably work on fixing that”?[/quote] This, after about the age of 4, is usually a symptom of overusing, or just plain using at all, the baby-talking. Talk to your kids as if you woul...
All 3 possibilities will end in a leftist melt. Guilty just won't pay off until the election,once they realize the massive mistake they celebrated....
[quote]Stop giving them free shite and they'll self-deport.[/quote] Also this, the game show prizes for hopping the border need to end....
[quote]There are laws on the books that will impose a fine of $3,000 on each employer that choses to hire illegal immigrants (has been on the books since 1986). [/quote] It obviously isn't enough. Half a million, per illegal employee....
[quote]Russia and North Korea may conspire to ramp up geopolitical tensions just before this year’s US presidential election to help Republican candidate Donald Trump defeat incumbent Joe Biden.[/quote] Considering Trump being elected would be terrible for them: [img]https://img.4plebs.org/board...
[quote]Mayor Amarjeet[/quote] It's already a failure...
[quote]My ex and I broke up about 3 months ago. We have stayed friends[/quote] Oof....
[quote]Wonder if that arrest would shock the world?[/quote] Paging BoarEd...
Even outside the NBA it's a rare feat. Only once ever in MLB. 4x in NHL. I'm sure we'll eventually see an NBA team do it, but, it's going to require some crazy circumstances being such a superstar-driven league....
[quote]Is it that easy to leave China?[/quote] It's easy enough if the PLA is paying your way forward....