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re: “Fail Safe”. Anyone?

Posted by Deplorableinohio on 5/30/24 at 9:23 pm
I would trade New York and Washington for Moscow. In a heartbeat. But we need to have a joint session of Congress with a presidential address and a United Nations global climate change confab. Then do it. ...
Yes I do. I can’t tell you how many of my acquaintances, not friends, emphatically saying Trump would never be convicted, he would get a hung jury if not acquittal. Fools. He’s going to jail. ...

re: Jesse Watters

Posted by Deplorableinohio on 5/30/24 at 8:11 pm
Neither one is worth a shite. ...
Simple. The election was fraudulent and was stolen. ...
Andrew McCarthy has TDS. That’s why he is on Feaux News. ...
That’s what I’m thinking. If so he’ll be retried and tied up in court for another six weeks or so. He may not be able to attend the Republican national convention. ...

re: I expect a guilty verdict.

Posted by Deplorableinohio on 5/29/24 at 3:59 pm
I do too. If it’s a hung jury, Bragg will retry Trump and tie him up in court for another 6-7 weeks. ...
About time. That should have been done within days of the tournament ending. ...
Guilty. Jurors will capitalize and monetize experience. TV and book deals. They all want their 15 minutes of fame. ...
Any parent who tries to be friends with their children instead of parenting them is making a monumental mistake. We didn’t worry about friendship until they graduated from college. Sure the latitude given kids increases with age, but you’re still the parent. A 17 year old girl, high school gradu...
Also delete all contact information from your phone. ...
We will never know if the American people can handle the truth, because it will never be reported. ...
It was a demorat biological weapon released by China to take out Trump. ...
Interesting hill is right. When you use facts, logic, and common sense, and you go against the popular narrative, you expect the incoming vitriol from uninformed sheep. Oh, and Trump is guilty. China virus was from a wet market. Hunter’s laptop is Russian propaganda. Biden owns four Delaware bea...
The reason he retired is Paterno told him he would never succeed him as head coach. Access to Penn State athletic facilities were granted by administration, not Paterno. Fact. ...
Sandusky retired from Penn State well before he was accused of sexual misconduct with minors. Look it up. ...