Favorite team:Texas 
Interests:Golf, fishing, hunting and UT football
Number of Posts:1550
Registered on:4/3/2018
Online Status:Not Online

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Red Wave bs. I don't think that Q was a psyop to radicalize me, I was a Q head and that is why I joined this forum. I think it was more of the way to keep us sitting on our asses and not get involved....... It was all covered and worked out for us by someone else. No need for our hands to get...

re: Zero chance this survives appeal.

Posted by RTM4 on 5/30/24 at 10:13 pm
Is that really the appellate court??? DEI and Trump DIE on his appeal to that bunch. I maybe making assumptions but I bet they are all Dems...

re: When Do the Camps Start?

Posted by RTM4 on 5/30/24 at 9:01 pm
Ha, I ain't going to no camp. They can throw my body in a ditch somewhere after they get a bit of payback from me....
Upvote, knew you weren't crazy...
Well it was a gotcha question but seriously you would you support Joe Biden?? I like you and enjoy your input on this PT. If I had to chose between the two, RFK for me (if Trump was not on the ballot)...
[quote]You still have the strength at your age to pick one up?[/quote] You bet your butt and I can still drill bullseyes free handed with my 30-06. My open site 30-30 Winchester will need glasses but then its lights out. AR's and SK are just too easy to shoot, I have them but don't prefer t...

re: Ken Paxton calls the FBI/DOJ "Gestapo"

Posted by RTM4 on 5/30/24 at 8:43 pm
Heard on the radio that Letatia James AG from New Yok, who cares about her stupid name spelling, is trying to get the Feds to find a charge for Governor Abbott for pardoning Daniel Perry. Fock that noise, she needs to keep her greasy arse out of Texas politics....
Never?? What if Trump is completely off the ballot?? It is him or Joe Biden?...
Not going to downvote you. I see you listed who you would like instead. Trump is the tool we have been given and it is what I must use to hopefully change this country for the better. He is my hammer, the radical left is the nail..... so be it....
[quote]Oil shocks in the 70's changed all that followed by the "Greed is Good" crowd that never worked an honest job in their life.[/quote] I am old enough to remember that. Old enough that I don't care what happens to me anymore also, just want a better world for my kids and grandkids if I am a...
Dang good post. Agree and upvote...
No he sounds like someone who has watched his country get exposed for the falsehoods that we were all taught as kids way back when. Justice was blind, America stood for the little guy, hard work would get you to the promise land, freedom, honesty. Just graft and corruption in our government....

re: The Beginning Of The End of America

Posted by RTM4 on 5/30/24 at 7:46 pm
[quote]If I get called for jury duty and get asked if I can be impartial if called to serve, can I ask the court whether the defendant is a Democrat? [/quote] That is a dang good question. They can't even accuse you of racism or sexism. ...

re: Democrats just opened Pandora's Box....

Posted by RTM4 on 5/30/24 at 7:16 pm
That ain't no Texan and that logo is an aggy trolling. Those pink haired freaks at UT campus don't give a shite about sports so they would in no way be on this forum....
Yep. Still not going to move because there is nowhere left to run so I guess I will wait it out until SHTF. Then fight and die to change it to the way our founders meant it to be....

re: This country is forever changed

Posted by RTM4 on 5/30/24 at 7:13 pm
^^^^^^^^ That asshat in that GIF is one of the main reasons this country is in this position. ...

re: The Beginning Of The End of America

Posted by RTM4 on 5/30/24 at 6:58 pm
[quote]Lawyers in general have fricked up this country[/quote] This right here. They make up a large percent of all our politicians and we can see how worthless they are. The justice system is totally broken and has been for a long time. I have never had a good experience with one either, ...
Hope that state goes through some really shitty times soon. They deserve everything that happens....