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Registered on:1/26/2007
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[quote]Jesus Roger. Do you wake up with fully erect TDS? Go outside man.[/quote] This. I’ve been on this site since 2007 mostly reading and lurking. I’ve never seen someone so consumed by a politician as RTS is by Trump. Full on obsession, which is odd because the man was in office for 48 month...
SFP is going to break his finger downvoting this post. Lawfare doesn’t exist. ...
[quote]odds are Potato head does not get 41% of the vote.[/quote] What he gets will be 41% What is given to him will just enough to win I’m afraid. . ...
[quote] started to notice that changing weather patterns in the mountain-ringed city of Bandung were affecting her income as a sex worker a decade ago.[/quote] I’m not a meteorologist but being 43 and having a dick probably affected Joya’s income more than the changing weather patterns. ...
[quote] Cant say I didnt do my part.[/quote] You’ve made this point hundreds of times. Everyone knows. Here is your cookie Roger. Does that help?...
[quote]what does complaining about Biden do in terms of furthering discussion on this board?[/quote] Roughly the same impact as you spending untold hours of your life complaining about Trump on said board. We get it. Biden is one of the worst presidents in US history. We also get it that S...
[quote]He averages almost 60 posts a day since he registered[/quote] How many billable hours per month is the SFP firm losing to him “owning MAGA baws” and gloating about being correct vs. the echo chamber during prime business hours?...
[quote] have said it before and I'll say it again, this place has turned into a flaming pile of shite in the last 4 years[/quote] LOL Grigio Registered on: 5/22/23 [quote]Where did all the posters who no longer post here run off to? I want to join that board.[/quote] Likely still here, ...

re: Youtube has fallen

Posted by kbro on 3/23/24 at 5:35 am
(No Message)...

re: I really hate the Jan 6 rioters

Posted by kbro on 3/19/24 at 10:42 am
[quote]Wow. You are dumber than I thought[/quote] He omitted it in this thread, but also said he voted for Kanye in 2020 in another recent thread. ...
LOL what a jackass Imagine still holding your ground about Covid misinformation that all turned out to be true. ...
[quote]Notice he isn't trying to convince Dems to switch their votes.[/quote] Correct. He will always call out Trump for his shortcomings. He’ll always call out today’s conservatives for lacking fiscal responsibility. (rightfully so) He’ll never attempt to convince dems to change their vote an...
Dude many on here have acknowledged that Trump doesn’t have the answer to the question in the OP. I commented in more detail on the last page. Check. Gotcha activated Rog, how will voting 3rd party in November help?...
Your gotcha thread is calling out conservatives for looking to re-elect someone who doesn’t have a clear path to solving inflation or reducing the deficit. Yet you voted for Kanye, who didn’t have such a plan himself. You’ll vote 3rd party in 2024 and the candidate you vote for won’t have the s...
[quote]No one has answered the OP yet. They've just rationalized their own cognitive dissonance[/quote] BS Many have stated that re-electing Trump won’t come with a solution to fix something that no one (politicians or voters) are willing to stomach. You just said you’ll be voting for a...
[quote]This thread is not about choice. Responding in that way is a digression at best and a straw man at worst.[/quote] Okay let’s return to a discussion about policy. You stated in a recent thread that you voted for Kanye in 2020, did you not? What were his plans for inflation and reducing...
[quote] [b]because this whole thread is a straw man argument that’s supposed to be some kind of gotcha for Trump voters.[/b] There never was a choice of some fictional candidate that had the magic wand to solve all of our fiscal problems with the undivided support and love of RINO and Dem congressme...
Listening to Riley Gaines recent podcast on Rogan as we speak. About 15 minutes left to go. She’s impressive and totally correct in nearly every stance she’s discussed so far. ...
[quote]Globalism is sketchy. Only because its used incorrectly by MAGA. We are all globalists, including every single MAGA person on this board.[/quote] Fair point. The radical MAGA interpretation of it may be extreme. But it isn’t fear mongering if to say that globalization is appealing to t...