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Registered on:9/30/2017
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[quote]childish and pathetic [/quote] Eat a dick...
[quote]You’re all in your 70s. It’ll be wrapped up by 9:00.[/quote] Come on. The orgy doesn’t even [i]start[/i] until 10....

re: Rate the hoe professions

Posted by DesScorp on 5/30/24 at 8:24 pm
[quote]Regular professions not obvious sex worker professions*[/quote] The way things are going, it’s getting hard to tell some of them apart. I fully expect some teachers to sue their schools soon over the right to do OnlyFans. “If Mrs.Smith in the English Department can sell Avon on the we...

re: This country is forever changed

Posted by DesScorp on 5/30/24 at 7:38 pm
It would quite honestly be for the best if Round II kicked off and the shooting gets started. It needs to be settled. A peaceable breakup of the country is logical, but will never be allowed to happen, thanks to the results of Round I....
Red Lobster has become a real life Simpsons episode, where Homer is taken to court for bankrupting his local seafood buffet. [i]Arrgghh, the beast was more belly than man![/i] [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUYxwXI-d0g[/embed]...
[quote]a quick Google search shows that there are two sporting women sharing this same stage name, fwiw.... I'm guessing someone at the SAG dropped the ball? [/quote] Maybe they can do a mud-wrestling thunderdome for the right to the name. Two will enter, one will leave. [img]https://c8.ala...
LOL you’re never getting old retired Jews out of Florida. I don’t care who the governor is....
frick National Review. frick everyone that [i]Reads[/i] National Review. They fired Sobran. They fired Derb. They did the “Against Trump” bullshite. NR is the poster child for fake right wing activism, the fraud that’s only in it for selling books and cruises. frick National Review. ...

re: Ww 2 poster propaganda

Posted by DesScorp on 5/29/24 at 3:00 pm
Propaganda is poison. It’s a weapon to control your own people. I’m reading some stuff on WW1 right now that delve into the deliberate campaign by the Wilson Administration to control thinking among the citizenry. It was literally a top- down mind control op that reverberates to this day. Basically,...
[quote]90% of people that drive Jeeps don’t NEED a Jeep.[/quote] So what?...
[quote]No, you shouldn't be offended. She's obviously talking about her ex and not you. [/quote] Of course he should be offended. It’s like he never existed to her. “”God, send me a good man” Oh, like the one you were going steady with three weeks ago? Forgotten about him already? Everyo...

re: Dade Phelan is currently winning.

Posted by DesScorp on 5/29/24 at 9:09 am
Open primaries are an invitation to Tammany Hall style-frickery....
The lass is learning about inflation first hand: [embed]https://youtu.be/U9ItFt1OlfA[/embed] [link=(https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/18/burnley-girl-8-slams-price-ice-creams-viral-video-20864376/)]Bloody 9 quid for two ice creams![/link]...
[quote]plus Asian women aren't going to be faithful[/quote] LOL, what makes them different from all the other women that cheat? I had a plenty of shipmates back in the day whose wives cheated on them and they were mostly white girls. One case in particular, we had a guy that had to catch up wi...
[quote] BBC[/quote] Your girl left you for a British television network? ...
[quote]I just left the store and over heard two older black women talking about the migrants. Saying how they are taking over and you can’t find anywhere to live now. She finished by saying she didn’t like Trump before but now is 100% for Trump.[/quote] I'd bet a paycheck that she votes for Biden...
[quote]How are the undermanned Ukrainians fending off the formidable Russians if the weapons we've given them suck?[/quote] They’re not. The Russians are advancing. Not because western provided weapons suck. Russians are just learning how to defeat them....
[quote]Post 911, our boys went to those shite holes and kicked some arse.[/quote] And then got chased out. This is a cope. Afghanistan is worse than it was before....
*Shrug* Public Schools and teachers brought this on themselves....
That’s it. Keep poking the Bear with that stick. frick we should get out of NATO....