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Location:Between sanity and madness
Biography:Been there, done that, became jaded, am cynical
Number of Posts:89646
Registered on:12/16/2006
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[quote]a traveler brought measles to the USA.[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/96c8de30-2e0a-48fa-9c07-1eee9604ff91_text.gif[/img]...

re: Welcome Home PP7???

Posted by Ace Midnight on 6/1/24 at 11:02 am
Never, ever forget what they stole. [img]https://i.imgur.com/LZ8uPOx.gif[/img]...

re: School me on cross bows

Posted by Ace Midnight on 6/1/24 at 9:51 am
TenPoint Venom X and then practice a lot. (I'm not an expert, though.)...

re: Breaking Bad: All time Goat

Posted by Ace Midnight on 5/31/24 at 2:53 pm
I mean, I don't have much counter argument. The supporting cast was superb. The story lines were compelling. They stuck the landing. Let's assume the top competition for GOAT is Sopranos, just for argument's sake. If there are gaps in BB's armor they are Walt, Jr. and El Camino. On the other...
[quote]Star Trek 4[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/ukGm72ZLZvYfS/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952o5v5f35gsmkzn6vv5aoe179ywroy4ar4ugy3r2uc&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Fleetwood Mac existed before Stevie Nicks[/quote] And this Henley/Nicks relationship happened well after the two key albums, Fleetwood Mac (1975) and Rumours (1977) had already happened. [quote]If I had not had that abortion, I’m pretty sure there would have been no Fleetwood Mac, [/qu...
While I am okay with this particular result in this particular case, will this result chill third party mod/trainer development going forward?...
[quote]I like this kid[/quote]...
[quote]The pier is a favorite location for sightseers and is known for fishing, bird-watching, dolphin-spotting and stunning sunrise and sunset views.[/quote] ...and apparently, public fricking....
-Obscene patronage -Industrial-grade vote buying -Ballot harvesting -Other forms of widespread corruption ...
[quote]I would say the most famous ship in history, period. And it’s not close.[/quote] There are warships in the conversation, but you're still probably right on it being #1. Now, memories had started to fade after WWII, but then Hollywood started making movies on a semi-regular basis to lock i...
[quote]Now re-use that sub to do the same stressful dive a couple dozen times.[/quote] [link=(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSV_Limiting_Factor)]Well, for roughly $40m plus maintence, etc., you can do it.[/link]...
[quote]What is the fascination with the titanic?[/quote] It is the most famous, culturally-relevant shipwreck in history. It happened right after the Edwardian period and just prior to WWI, so it is "steampunk" technology. Some of the richest people in the world (John Jacob Astor IV, Isidor Str...

re: Nope???

Posted by Ace Midnight on 5/28/24 at 1:17 pm
[quote][quote]live anus vacuum[/quote][/quote] [quote]leave my ex out o this[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/LtFgjvHmXkYAAAAM/rim-shot-drums.gif[/img]...
[quote]I was looking at imdb and saw Kate Beckinsale listed.[/quote] For [i]Blackhawk Down[/i]? I don't think that's right. [i]Pearl Harbor[/i] (2001), maybe? The scene where the wife gets the message (from Randy Shughart, Johnny Strong's character, to his wife), the wife was played by GIann...
It is the modern day equivalent of [i]The Longest Day[/i] or [i]A Bridge Too Far[/i]. The only films remotely comparable are things like [i]It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World[/i] or the epic disaster flicks of the 70s. ETA: Krikey, Cokes - this is a crazy bump (and we covered a lot of these issues ...
[quote]Unless I’m missing a use case.[/quote] I'm just spitballing, but using a monitor for heavy graphic/productivity stuff that requires (or would ideally be at) 4k and also does lower resolution, higher framerate for gaming. Would be niche, for sure. :dunno: I might either have complete...
[quote]Who keeps a monitor for 5+ years anyway?[/quote] Meh - I average about 10. :lol:...