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Registered on:5/19/2017
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[quote]Russians who are feeding their beloved sons into the war machine. Sacrificing future generations for Western profits.[/quote] You realize they don't have to, right?...
[quote]Chris Cuomo[/quote] Jesus, I forgot just how slimy that bastard is now that he's been out of the spotlight as much. Just listening to him trying to duck and dodge every point that gets brought up in the first 20 minutes of that podcast is so cringe worthy. ...
[quote]If the F16s can provide Ukraine with glide bomb capability then Russia is in trouble.[/quote] We have already given them JDAM-ER that they drop with MiG-29s and Su-27s. ...
[quote]Have you been right about anything the past several years?[/quote] Did all of Europe freeze when they turned off the Russian oil and gas?...
[quote]Some people are just a different type of stupid, and they all wander into Red Lobster.”[/quote] Very accurate quote....
Hey you might be right. Navy isn't in the SEC....
[quote]How come you aren’t posting what Ukrainians have to say about Bradley’s[/quote] They have been the real surprise star of the whole thing and we should send them 100 more....
[quote]Over Ukraine, probably, if not for US provided stingers, this conflict would probably be over.[/quote] They don't even fly anywhere close to the front. They drop glide bombs from inside of Russia or well behind the front lines. Both sides fly missions every day. That doesn't even come close ...
Not to mention the US tried to tell them that they didn't have the logistics support to keep Abrams from breaking down. That's why there was so much back and forth on will they get them or not. Probably the reason they got so few of them too. They just don't ha e the support element needed to make t...
[quote]Its kinda dumb to rely on tanks when the opposing air force has air superiority[/quote] You think Russia has air superiority?...

re: Crested Gecko

Posted by IAmNERD on 5/28/24 at 4:49 pm
One of those feeding trays is fine. You can put another one on the ground just to give another option, but they drink water off of the enclosure walls and plants after misting as well. ...

re: Crested Gecko

Posted by IAmNERD on 5/28/24 at 3:20 pm
I called my wife to ask her because it was bugging me that i couldnt remember which one did what and she said you probably will need both. She said for an 18x18x24 size you said that she would recommend both. According to her the springtails alone won't help much with cleaning and breaking down deca...

re: Crested Gecko

Posted by IAmNERD on 5/28/24 at 2:55 pm
[quote]You’d recommend both? I def am gonna get springtails but the isopods are $20 so I was trying to save a few $$$ by not getting them.[/quote] Just depends on how big you're going with the enclosure I think. I just know that's what my wife does in her bioactive enclosures so I just assumed ever...

re: Crested Gecko

Posted by IAmNERD on 5/28/24 at 2:08 pm
[quote]If you startle them they will drop their tail.[/quote] It is a possibility. [quote]My understanding is this lowers their life expectancy as the tail stores many of their nutrients. They still can live a while though.[/quote] That's just not the case at all. We have several that have dro...

re: Crested Gecko

Posted by IAmNERD on 5/28/24 at 2:04 pm
My wife keeps and breeds them. They're pretty simple when considering other reptiles and all the stuff you have to do. They don't need any special lights or temperature regulation since they do t need UVB and do just fine at room temperature. You can do a bioactive setup with a good substrate an...

re: What would you buy used vs new?

Posted by IAmNERD on 5/28/24 at 12:50 pm
[quote]A gently used 75 inch TV is $500 vs new for 1k.[/quote] Just saw some Vizio 75" TVs on clearance at my local WalMart for $538....

re: Liberty Lagoon

Posted by IAmNERD on 5/27/24 at 3:49 pm
[quote]2024 marks the third summer that Mayor Broome has enacted her Summer of Hope initiative to decrease violence through community-oriented events.[/quote] Maybe next year will be the [i]real[/i] Summer of Hope for BR. :lol:...
[quote]But the federal government can’t take empty fields to build a national rail road.[/quote] Again, not a federal project....
Well first of all, that joke of a railroad is a California project, not a federal project....

re: Rekieta law YouTuber and alcoholism

Posted by IAmNERD on 5/25/24 at 1:52 pm
I saw some video the other day on YouTube that mentioned him and couldn't remember where I knew the name from. But he was nodding off and didn't realize his camera was still on. Looked like he was on opioid or benzos....