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re: Cure (1997)

Posted by SlowFlowPro on 6/2/24 at 9:11 am
[quote]I love how Kurosawa shot this. His play with lighting and shadows is simple but extremely effective.[/quote] Yeah it was like classic Hollywood from the past. And I agree with the other part I won't quote (for spoiler purposes)...
[quote]you think the solution is just finding someone better at the job and people not being able to afford a house?[/quote] You're going to have to explain this within the context of the discussion to give you an option to perform the duties. What aspect of "not being able to afford a house" are y...
[quote] It’s illegal when Trump does it because “he owns a business”[/quote] Kind of important for a "business records" law, don't you think? *ETA: And I never said what he did was illegal or that I'd vote to convict (in fact, I said the oposite)...
So the law passed by George Bush is going to be interpreted to solicit Democrat votes? Good luck. And, the supremacy clause, for good measure ...
[quote]remember Cohen was trying to impress Trump with his problem solving in hopes of gaining a spot in the Trump Adminitration[/quote] I mean Cohen was known as his fixer for years before Trump even ran for president. It's kind of hard to believe this was the first time he'd ever done this. I mea...
[quote]That's not what the DA argued though[/quote] That was literally in the jury instructions as one possible crime the jury was allowed to use...
[quote]Cohen took out a a home equity loan on his house to make the payment? Why would you do this?[/quote] He wasn't liquid and it covered him too. [quote]Would you bill your client this way?[/quote] No. I'm ethical and don't promote fraud. If a client came to me wanting some sort of cove...
It was real frustrating in the early 10s when the world game changed to benefit Barca/Spain. Those Real teams were so fricking loaded. And I know my comments about Barca shouldn't be controversial on a board with lots of Chelsea, Arsenal, etc. fans who faced that refereeing, too :lol: [img...
[quote]You forget that Cohen admitted to stealing a portion of that payment — $30k.[/quote] And? [quote]It was ethical misconduct to even put Cohen on the stand.[/quote] No :lol: [quote]This case will absolutely be thrown out on appeal for numerous legal and procedural errors.[/quote] I a...
[quote] His accountant received the invoice, paid it and listed it as a legal expense. [/quote] You forgot listing expenses as legal services. You forgot artificially inflating the "legal services" to account for taxes (which is a big no no for a reimbursement). You also forgot how Cohen c...
Toni Kroos embodies modern masculinity [img]https://media.tenor.com/8Hhr66EMpiAAAAAM/real-madrid-champions.gif[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/8Hhr66EMpiAAAAAM/real-madrid-champions.gif[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/8Hhr66EMpiAAAAAM/real-madrid-champions.gif[/img]...
[quote]but I dont really see this being re-tried, do you? [/quote] I don't know why they'd give up :lol: [quote]the machine got what they wanted, DJT is a convicted felon on paper[/quote] But if it gets reversed, that's gone. I can't see them giving up. Although, I do kind of welcome th...
[quote] Paying an invoice to an attorney is a legal expense.[/quote] And this is not what occurred. A portion of the payments were for legal expenses, but a portion of the payments was not. ...
[quote]So what? Relevance? [/quote] Well if you need to prove the misdemeanor was related to another crime, having an option that is 100% set as a crime that arose out of the same transaction/occurrence helps quite a bit. ...
[quote]doesnt mean that FACTUALLY they occurred or that they were even campaign finance crimes[/quote] I get that, but legally is all that matters. [quote]FECA has the authority to determine if campaign finance laws were violated and the Commissioner says they were not in either case[/quote] T...
[quote] 2 time Champions League winner Kepa[/quote] Note: supah did not mention him ...or Carlo [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/yJSMDC4um0d5N9qUsN/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9526tvyi6qth5gofz98x8dt0bsgdocmwmwoe11qjjyz&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Imagine wanting to swap Vini for Mbappes arse.[/quote] I don't think they're swapping. GOOD BYE TONI...
[quote]Death, taxes, Real sleepwalking to winning the Champions League.[/quote] It wasn't always this easy, namely when Dandy was dick-riding those figs from Catalonia ...
[quote]My favorite futbol meme [/quote] [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/soccer/the-first-soccer-board-twitter-embed-totd-pep-v-carlo/113074494/)]It's going down in TD.com history[/link]...