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Registered on:10/12/2014
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Really, you’d be surprised by how many schools put that type of thing into their Twitter. I doubt LSU is the only SEC school to do that. Really, the recognition is about as nominal as can be. It’s not like you’d see a bunch of banners for Pride Month if you went to campus. It’s just a stupid stat...
Isn’t Louisiana supposed to be the best state in the country to be a lawyer? ...
It depends on what you mean by poor. I mean, the official US poverty rate as the US government tracks it has been increasing over time. More and more people are unable to afford healthcare, and the best food. But "poor" is a very relative term, and what's considered "poor" keeps changing. In ...
I've rarely heard of a 3some (let alone 4some) with multiple men. I always thought that gets interpreted as gang rape....
It lasted until Supersize Me in 2004. But these could be something like the 1990 prices rather than the 2004 prices. In any case, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than now....
Supersize was around from 1987 until 2004. IDK exactly what year these were the prices. But how times have changed. https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/115vlf5/mcdonalds_extra_value_meals/...
It depends on what you mean by "sensationalism." He correctly portrayed what would happen if you ate nothing but the Supersize portions at McDonald's for a whole month. I'm just not sure how many people have really eaten nothing but supersize portions at McDonald's for a month....
10 years ago, who would have thought that a $5 meal at Burger King would be considered a "value"?...
Do you really think that even half of the men who claim not to watch the NBA and NFL are telling the truth? (There are a lot of women who don't watch the NBA and NFL, but that was already true before the woke stuff.)...
Have black people invented anything lol? ...
5 miles away? Wow, you must be in a really unpopulated area if you get worked up about some Section 8 Apartments being built 5 miles away from you. In most metropolitan areas, literally every house is within 5 miles of an area that's already a full blown ghetto, forget about being within 5 miles ...
So the Kangz in the ghetto won't get to dress up in tuxedos and spend seemingly their entire weekly income there every weekend?...
Well, she’s kind of half-correct. People only care about Clark because she’s a woman. If Clark were a man with the same basketball skills-well, she’d lose 300-0 against the worst NBA player in a one and one game, and people would just laugh at her. But people caring about Clark because she’s whi...
It’s weird as hell to watch, but I don’t understand how it can be illegal. And once you make virtual child porn illegal, how are you going to determine whether a picture looks like it’s of a fictional 18 year old or a fictional 17 year old? Yeah, this particular guy seems like he was watching por...
2005 was legitimately bad. 2020, eh, almost all of the storms were about as overblown and boring as COVID was that same year. ...
Think on the bright side. I originally thought that some Kangz were being sent to your neighborhood, which would be worse than illegals. ...
I believe the age for child porn in almost every country is 18, even if the age of consent to have sex is lower....
It sometimes seems tempting to blame these fast food price increases on the minimum wage increases. But this change seems like it would require McDonald’s to hire more employees if anything....
That McDonald's location is in Los Angeles, California. Literally everything is more expensive in California than it is anywhere else....