Favorite team:Auburn 
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Registered on:3/6/2014
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This is the first sentence in the paragraph: [quote]Despite having higher chances of heart inflammation, vaccinated adolescents [b]had significantly lower chances of testing positive for COVID-19 and needing COVID-related hospitalization[/b] and critical care compared to their unvaccinated counte...

re: Your school’s worst sideline fan

Posted by GusAU on 6/2/24 at 5:45 am
[quote]I’m not stupid or dumb.[/quote]How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you outright lie in your very first sentence?...

re: Your school’s worst sideline fan

Posted by GusAU on 6/2/24 at 5:40 am
[quote]I did my part. Campaigned for Joe, gave him a contribution and voted for him. And I’m very proud to be doing it again.[/quote]I just have one question for you. Have you molested more or less than 10 little boys this week? You are a sick piece of shite....
[quote]I defend it by saying Trump is a CONVICTED FELON[/quote]Wow, you just acknowledged that you defend children sniffing. You are an even bigger piece of shite than I thought....
[quote]He's brighter [b]then[/b] you[/quote] :lol: The irony is rampant on this board today.......
[quote]It’s not going to be a pretty moment in human history.[/quote]Depends on your point of view. Some of us will find that to be glorious....
[quote]Auburn posters on here claim 7 even though the school only claims 2.[/quote]Gator posters on here claim multiple undefeated football seasons even though the school has ZERO. Now, what was your point?...
[quote]I'll say any stupid or insane thing the echo chamber wants to hear, whether I believe it (or it being rational/realistic) or not....just like I gleefully enjoy molesting young boys.[/quote]Trust me, we all know that very well dipshit....
[quote]My primary function on this board these days is to correct lies/mistruths and try to redirect people back to reality, while refusing to be a hypocrite and maintaining my values (so we can add honor into the mix). [/quote]What a crock of shite from a total piece of shite....
[quote]She looks exactly as I imagined.[/quote]Who does? ...
[quote]Judge should do the honorable thing and kill himself[/quote]FIFY...
[quote]definitely some irony in the op[/quote]What is the ironic part?...
[quote]Your question makes no sense??.[/quote] :lol: Irony is ironic! Is that sentence supposed to be two questions and one statement at the same time?...
[quote]BayouBandit24[/quote][quote]Sounds like they are about the same to me then.[/quote]Do you have to constantly try to prove to everyone that you are an unintelligent moron? You can stop. We have all been quite aware of your idiocy for some time now....
[quote]Whether Trump hires him or not, it’s still proof that I’m a loser[/quote][quote]Damone[/quote]Finally something we agree on....
[quote]has become increasingly disfunctional[/quote]You’ve finally found a subject for which you are knowledgeable....

re: Aussies pass Digital ID Bill

Posted by GusAU on 5/18/24 at 7:15 am
[quote]We can't even assume people can physical if to vote how could we be next[/quote]I need a translator please....
[quote]What about the [b]morans[/b] in Seattle and Portland[/quote]Are you talking about Bugsy and his gang? [quote]michael corleone[/quote]Ok, makes sense now… :cheers: Sorry, couldn’t resist....