Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Biography:Persistent Optimist
Number of Posts:5869
Registered on:1/2/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Aggie watching disc golf. Checks out[/quote] I'm sure that is meant as an insult, but I don't get it. Disc Golf is awesome. ...
And here I am watching Disc Golf and Wiffle Ball on YouTube. It's more entertaining to me than those options. ...
[quote] Miracle[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/HpBRbrenM7kAAAAM/del-griffith-oh-sure-sure.gif[/img]...

re: Sportspeople whose age surprises you

Posted by AgCoug on 5/19/24 at 2:13 pm
Albert Pujols is only 28....
I don't think there is a ferry to Pelican Island. The Bolivar Ferry goes right by it, but I don't think it stops. I could be wrong, though. ...
I hope it's not too badly damaged. I was going to fish near Seawolf Park this weekend. Probably also sucks for the Texas A&M Galveston students moving out of the dorms. ...

re: Orcanized crime is out of control

Posted by AgCoug on 5/15/24 at 2:45 am
For some reason I’m siding with the orcas on this one....
[quote]Do you have kids? Rent? Mortgage? Car note? Wife? Girlfriend?[/quote] This is important information. If you are helping support a family it would be fairly irresponsible to resign without options. ...
Good luck to you. I never really dipped, but i used to smoke. Quitting was hard, but very much worth it. You can do it if you commit. The only thing keeping you from quitting is yourself. ...

re: Do you legitimately enjoy your job?

Posted by AgCoug on 5/1/24 at 3:08 pm
I am not enjoying it today, but, overall, I genuinely love my job. ...
[quote]Dumbest people on the internet nominees...[/quote] Everyone posting in that moon landing thread....
[quote]"Gravity" is NOT a force, doesn't exist.[/quote] This is technically correct, but probably not in the way Liberator means it. Gravity has been called a force for centuries, but in reality it is simply the way in which matter interacts with spacetime. Mass distorts spacetime causing curves ...
Excepting the Michigan video, I recognize every video in this thread just by the splash screen. More of the same: [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWotO76SuXE[/embed]...
[quote]poor girl gets raped[/quote] That was never mentioned in the article. It said that he propositioned her. Did they leave that out or is that just an unconfirmed rumor/misunderstanding? ...

re: As a side hustle or retirement gig

Posted by AgCoug on 4/15/24 at 1:22 pm
[quote]What do yall plan to do in retirement?[/quote] Fish. Everyday....
[quote]Calvin Heimberg is clearly #3 behind the champ Ken Climo and Paul McBeast[/quote] Heimburg will eventually pass him, but I give the edge to Wysocki right now....

re: Can this 747 take off?

Posted by AgCoug on 4/10/24 at 10:27 pm
It's been twenty years since I have seen this posted on the internet. Well done. ...

re: Anybody have a dog scared of storms?

Posted by AgCoug on 4/10/24 at 1:45 pm
I think most dogs are scared of storms, though some are much worse about it than others. We had a chocolate lab that would be so panicked she would look for anything to crawl under- bed covers, back of the closet, even jump into a tub. Our two dogs now don't like storms, but they don't freak out. ...
Double post. Probably the moon’s fault....