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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:12/1/2013
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re: Iberville’s new grading policy

Posted by Ingeniero on 9/20/24 at 11:33 am
They should just make the minimum an A, that way no one fails ...

re: Bamboo and Glyphosate

Posted by Ingeniero on 9/19/24 at 7:39 pm
Hate to tell you, but the contractor may not have done anything but make it worse. You have to pull up the rhizomes with bamboo or it'll keep spreading. I've been fighting some in my yard for a few years because it's woven through some tree roots that makes it hard to manually remove. Online they...
Every time I see the "New Orleans murders down 50%" thread I think it's this one and they upgraded the chances....
[quote]Not time to stress on model runs, especially fricking deterministic runs.[/quote] So what you're saying is high end cat 4 straight into New Orleans, got it. Doubling the titty milk production as we speak...
From Google [quote]This classification is divided into six categories: 1 (normal thyroid gland), 2 (benign), [b]3 (probably benign)[/b], 4A (low suspicion for cancer), 4B (intermediate suspicion for cancer), 4c (moderate concern but not classic for cancer) and 5 (highly suggestive of cancer). [/quo...
He'll ask why don't they shrink the product and raise the price by 50%...
Thanksgiving - not big with her family so we go to mine if they plan something Christmas Eve - her family, then midnight mass Christmas Day - wake up with her family, open gifts, then go to mine for the rest of the day...
I don't put too much stock into my Garmin's race predictions but it's ticking towards a sub 20 5k and a sub 1:40 half. That's a little too spooky for me when I'm still just doing base building ...
[embed]https://x.com/IsraelRadar_com/status/1836329289878258156?t=V-JNTdvqFGHdl4Zt2lYkSQ&s=19[/embed] More evidence you're right: Israel is reassigning groups to the north...
Ohhh i misread and thought he was asking about retaliation. Any kind of movement into Lebanon is an all out war, but I don't think Israel would shy away from that given their history. You're right, this could be the lead up to something huge....
[quote]Should we expect a big move from Israel against Hezbollah in the region now that they've weakened them so much? Communications have to be really fricked and so many of their members are wounded and unable to engage. [/quote] I don't know. If I just watched a couple thousand of my terrorist...
I'd call public works or the drainage district (if EBR has one) and ask them about slope protection. Ask to speak with their engineer and see if they can put some rip rap down ...
[quote]Potential Gulf Threat by rds dc[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/MnZLlCI4ZYoAAAAC/key-and-peele-teacher.gif[/img]...
[quote]Lonnie Utah[/quote] Has been melting over an LSU win for 3 1/2 days. Let it go...

UF needs to give Napier more time

Posted by Ingeniero on 9/17/24 at 4:02 pm
Not trolling. Give the guy time to fix things. Don't get hasty and stuck with a hefty buyout. That's a very Aggie thing to do Thanks for reading ...

re: “Yo, you Sharin’?” Meaning?

Posted by Ingeniero on 9/16/24 at 10:27 pm
Are you sure he wasn't messing with you and asking if you had a card for him too?...
[quote]The true origin of meet me at Sonic[/quote] Was the AU QB thing made up then? Or did that actually happen after?...
[quote]I will never understand why the OT always sides with management rather than the common man[/quote] I think unions [b]can[/b] be good. This isn't one of those cases. These are spoiled, soft people making insane demands that make their profession and union the butt of jokes. Unlimited break ...
[quote]a union of 600 members, largely software engineers, [/quote] I guess they better learn to weld...