Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:10/30/2005
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[quote]At some point, football has to be exempt from Title IX because there is no female equivalent.[/quote] Somebody knows nothing about how our federal government operates. ...
[quote]If that's the best of the best of the left[/quote] Sotomayor should have never been nominated to the court. She is what happens when you say I'm going to nominate someone of this gender and ethnicity and then have to go looking for someone to fit the bill. She had low standardized test ...
As someone who very recently graduated law school, I would like to say that there is no way a lawyer could decide Trump was guilty with the evidence presented. But then I remember that we have a member of the US Supreme Court who constantly has equity talking points in her written opinions and might...
I really was planning on reading the whole thing mainly because I want to know what leftist are thinking. I had a liberal roommate in college and we would have long discussions about politics that allowed me to see what intelligent liberals (he got a doctorate in some sort of nueromolecular biology ...
It’s definitely a huge problem part of the declining movie attendance. People saying it’s not must not know many people with kids. I’m at the age where most of my friends have kids. Previously they would take their kids to every cartoon movie even if it didn’t have great reviews. It was something to...
I hung out with Bill's son Adam a few times while he played basketball for LSU in the mid-90s. Really cool dude, kinda goofy like his dad. One weekend we all went to Nola and met up with some girls and were making plans to come back the next weekend to see them again. Then Adam says I can't make it ...
[quote]This is why NIL was never meant to be a pay-for-play model.[/quote] This was always going to be what it turned into. The people who were pushing NIL were always stupid or just don't like college sports....
[quote]Anyway, I guess we will have to settle for another Elite 8 spot as our goal for 2025[/quote] There are some people in this thread for whom the national championship game last year was the first game of basketball they had ever seen. The amount of negative, uneducated, and asinine statement...
[quote] Dan is the lead pedo. This story hasn’t just come to light.[/quote] There are only two options. Dan is not a pedo and the show was an actual hit piece on him. Running ads about the documentary and talking about sexual abuse and then right after showing clips of him in them OR Dan is a ped...
[quote]Having a minority district around NOLA and one around BR is going to result in both districts barely passing over the minority threshhold. And? [/quote] White republicans nor Black democrats want that so it will have to be court ordered for that to pass....
Best: Reagan, Eisenhower Worst: Obama - I can't believe some people on this site have him in their best. Do that remember all his disasters? Russian Reset - Stop antagonizing them like Bush was what they said - Russia turns around and invades Crimea. Asian Pivot - pivot to China and treat them ...
I’m also not advocating going to war with Iran. Just trying to get the isolationist to realize that completely pulling out of the Middle East would be a bad idea and would have long term repercussions for the entire world. ...
[quote]They would have to do a lot more than Iraq to destroy the oil fields[/quote] I wasn't meaning to say they would destroy the supply. But setting the wells on fire, blowing up the refineries and pipelines are absolutely something they would do which would set back oil production by years....
Look whatever your name is, I love Jay Clark. I think he's the 2nd best coach in the nation behind Oklahoma's. I hope he retires at LSU and wins enough national championships to pass Georgia's record. But what you are saying is just not true. Jay was still in high school when the girls for Georg...
[quote]I don't think you smart fricks have thought about the domestic aspect of this entire fricking thing. How about we get the foreign policy dildos out of our smart asses and wake the frick up to what's going on outside your windows. Attention needs to be paid HERE, you dum sumbitch[/quote] At...
Doesn’t take a big brain or even a small brain. Just a brain will suffice but I will try to explain it to you anyway. A lot of the Muslims in the Middle East hate America. But Iran hates us most of all. Partly because of sanctions and stopping their nuclear program but also because we are keepi...
The border The severe lack of intelligence of the average American. ...
[quote]It’s 2024, the us is currently producing more oil than any nation in the history of the world at 13.2 mmbbls/d[/quote] That's nice. The world uses 97.3 million barrels per day. [quote]So you believe the only thing holding out global economic collapse is the Israelis and by proxy the US...
[quote]All the "smart" fricks on here think it's crucial to keep doing the same stupid shite[/quote] It literally must hurt for someone as stupid as you to hold two thoughts in your head. For most people it is possible and even preferred to not be a myopic smooth brained moron. For instance, ...
It really does blow my mind that we have people who want Israel to just get over it. I had a friend ask me why Israel hasn't just gotten over it yet so I did a little quick math. 7.2 million Jews in Israel --1450 killed or kidnapped on Oct. 7th -- .00020139 333 million Americans X .0002013...