Favorite team:Xavier 
Location:One State Solution
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Registered on:5/1/2012
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they hate (less so, but it's still there) angel reese because she's relatively pretty, straight, and rich af. they hate CC for the same reason but she's white and will be the best womens player ever. this isn't hard....
[quote]But are all the wnba black monster rug monsters hating her because she is white? [/quote] they can't because she's 6'4 i just found out about her. she's insanely good looking for a 6'4 professional basketball player...
what about cameron brink? [img]https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_crop,w_2505,h_3757,x_0,y_0/c_fill,w_620,ar_2:3,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/images/ImagnImages/mmsport/si_swimsuit/01hvkp733a0saheegs1z.jpg width=400[/img]...
[quote]This is really weird. Sounds like a good way to have sheltered kids who grow up to become turds who can’t handle the real world. [/quote]the poor kids and their parents can't handle the real world... that's why they're poor ...
[quote]Congrats on paying $16 for $2 of meat, and a bunch of rice, beans, and tortillas. [/quote] congrats on being poor ...
[quote]Tulane is #1 in both baseball and football [/quote] hard to argue that ...
When you have a town as big and nice as Mandeville, you're eventually going to have these sub-communities of librarians, art teachers, service industry workers, gig workers, etc. to get this stuff started. It doesn't matter how conservative the town is....
[quote]You ate imported frozen fish in Biloxi [/quote] I did not, but thank you for your concern ...
[quote]I have several gay friends who have a huge problem with this shite. [/quote] a lot of people in palestine don't love hamas too ...
Tech should have elite jerseys in every sport but usually frick it up...
I love when there is an LSU in New Orleans during Labor Day Weekend ...
I like making fun of the UL/ULL stuff but actually being mad about the Cajuns is hilarious ...
Very very nice but I'm not sure if they're the #1 best ...

re: Whitney Cummings- Biloxi

Posted by GreatLakesTiger24 on 6/1/24 at 10:56 am
I only know of her from Tim Dillon's podcast but she seems alright (for a female comic)...
There are a couple hundred thousand people in that area now and it's at least somewhat highly educated so yeah, there will a couple dozen weirdos who organize a pride parade....
[quote]Only SEC school to acknowledge Pride month so far[/quote] it's still early ...
you can thank the libertarian movement CIA psyop for this ...
[quote]then their college(s) co-eds must be almost all out of state students [/quote] they are...