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Biography:LSU BSEE '60 - Aerospace 35yrs - Photographer
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re: Happy Pride From LSU Sports

Posted by ChineseBandit58 on 6/2/24 at 11:59 am
I think we need to have a "NORMAL" day emphasize that it is OK to be normal - really - it is - it is sort of 'normal'...
I think he has checked out - doesn't seem to have his heart in the game...
[quote]Government spending never got out of control until the Fed came along.[/quote] it certainly went off the rails then - Aand once you allow politicians to spend someone else's money ([u]taxpayer[/u]) to benefit their [u]own[/u] re-election, it is not surprising that the debt monster will d...
[quote]When you bail out people who have failed with the treasury, you rig the system for investors and bankers.[/quote] I am unschooled in the field of economics - but that is exactly how I see it ...
[quote]The gold standard is deflationary.[/quote] wouldn't that mean that money in hand would start buying MORE stuff?? what's wrong with that ? Afraid that we might end up with "thousandaires" rather than "billionaires" ???...
[quote]deport the Mexican illegals[/quote] to Canada and UK...
[quote]Sounds like a turd to me[/quote] :bow: :lol: :geauxtigers:...
[quote][b]Chad504boy[/b] [u][i][b]4[/b]posts[/i][/u] [i]Member since Feb 2005[/i][/quote] post less - you are burning that TI94 up...
[quote]I defend it by saying Trump is a CONVICTED FELON[/quote] and SOOOO - OJ Smpson was innocent and Dereck[i]???[/i] murdered George Floyd???...
[quote]Biden is less objectionable [u]based on every measure [b]I can think of[/b][/u]. Hell, he's even more physically fit than trump and makes fewer gaffes when speaking and those are the things he sucks MOST at. He's definitely less creepy.[/quote] found your [u][b]problem[/b][/u] thinking i...
[quote] That kind of makes it harder to say "Joe is worse" when Joe hasn't been charged with anything and Trump is a jury acknowledged rapist and felon.[/quote] And if you click your heels together and make the wish, you'll end up back in Kansas. geez - what a dumbazzzzz...
[quote]molested his own daughter (by her own admission) [/quote] She didn't admit it - she PROCLAIMED it - said that it was 'probably wrong" and is what prompted her early sexual promiscuity. Biden - the first groomer of the nation....
If any sound came out of his pie hole it was a lie. ...
There are probably at least 10 GOP senators who are in on the take = do just enough to be able to survive an election every 6 years. But will cave on any agenda item that would be fatal for the DEMs. I doubt we have 20 truly hard core conservative who can. be counted on to hold the rope in a dif...
[quote]For prosecutors, pressing charges without sufficient evidence is a career ending action.[/quote] unless you are a democrat...
[quote]No he can't. [/quote] well - he could - but not for money already certified by past legislation. But he COULD refuse to put forward ANY funding legislation that include any future money for NY. That would shut down the entire government immediately unless he could convince the Hou...
FIRST - let's establish your credibility. Name ONE thing in the [u]political[/u] world that Biden has stated that is [u]true[/u] - any one. And once you make that declaration - you must stand by and defend yourself. You won't be able to do it. ...
[quote]If you want to be POTUS, just tell the truth[/quote] Tell me what your opinion with respect to Biden's honesty - or even Obama - or any Democrat in national news. Tell me none have hade NDA agreements - and what the intentions may have been if they did have such agreements. Tell me H...
Do they have hail storms in Wisconsin???...