Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
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Registered on:3/3/2011
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[quote]Turns out it's a watermain break in fricking Atlanta...[/quote] Must be Election Day ...
[quote]Since 1964 Only 1976 to 1989 hasn't been war time. We are always in some kind of war.[/quote] Depends on what they define as war. A war where Congress declared us at war with another nation? Or our favorite military intervention that doesn’t require congressional approval? I think the latt...
[quote]Food stamps should prohibit even moderate sugar consumption. You're adding future healthcare costs to the taxpayers every time you allow someone on food stamps to purchase big sugar sodas and other high sugar garbage snacks.[/quote] Food stamps should only cover staples and raw produce/mea...
Seems like any welfare program falls under this category as well ...
[quote]I’d rather die fighting tyranny and white outing then live like what’s being shoved down our throats. [/quote] I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees ...
[quote]American flag [/quote] This and it’s not close because that flag represent a country where you are free to burn whatever flag you want in protest ...
[quote]If you knew him, you wouldn't be saying that. He was doing what he wanted to do![/quote] A lot of those old men need to feel useful to keep living even if it’s a menial task ...
You can pretty much write state off we don’t have the pitching depth to win 3 straight now Our best shot was winning today and win the final with Auger/Kohn ...
Alright Hines just need a base hit here Or a wild pitch will work too...
Come on Jordan need some more magic...
Yup we will lose this game. We choke away another big game we should have won Did it all year ...
This ump giving UVA pitcher a generous strike zone ...
It always bothered me that the Model T came before the Model A. Makes no sense alphabetically ...
Didn’t this guy batting for Virginia create the Model T...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO6WxsqWEAAEAp6?format=jpg&name=small[/img] Give me the buffets. I own my house and truck outright and get my gas tax free due to the farm...
Alright it’s only tied. Our starter should be done now. Let’s get the bats going here and hope Tyler Hardin is on tonight on the mound...
[quote]State's coach retarded? Why on earth did he leave the starter in.[/quote] Lemonis is bad about not pulling pitchers when he should. Honestly with first base open we should have walked Becker then changed pitchers ...
Knew we would blow this when the crowd came alive. We have sucked under pressure on the road all year...