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Registered on:10/10/2010
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re: Trump wants a platinum grill

Posted by crossfire on 5/23/24 at 10:46 pm
This whole election is set perfectly for Trump, it’s almost a Reagan/Mondale feeling. People can say all they want but here’s the facts. In 15-16 people were apprehensive and the democrats did a great job about scaring people that he would be wild and lead to war (which is crazy bc that’s what th...
Did he say Trump sued him? I think I heard that and that would explain his TDS. ...
Well he’s hitting the talking points but damn he’s hard to understand. He’s mumbling and he reminds me of my grandmother right before she passed from dementia. It’s hard to believe the democrats wanted to use the 25th amendment on Trump, he’s out there sharp and making jokes. They are going to ...
Stupid, zyn is nothing close to ozempic. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Btw, I love zyns, more so the ON’s but the on pouch is superior and they don’t get slimy like the zyns. The funny thing is, there are many women who use zyns. I had a long talk with my dr about using them a...
Yes, the hitting is very good but his defense at third has separated him from others. He will get professional coaching with his hitting approach and he will be great. Natural talent....
He just likes to argue for the sake of arguing. He’ll never admit any blame and Patrick Bet David has become his new bff. Chris always has an excuse and thinks he’s so intellectually superior to others. When he and Candace Owens had a debate he would just go opposite of what she said no matte...
[quote]Robin Masters[/quote] maybe we know each other. Her husband is about as good as they come. they also have two kids., oldest daughter is in college playing soccer and she’s a beast. Youngest son is in high school at vestavia and he’s a decent athlete. Weird situation but remember there ...
There is documentation that hundreds of counties voted over 100% in the last election. [link=(https://www.judicialwatch.org/new-jw-study-voter-registration/)]Judicial Watch[/link]...

re: Is UFC becoming more mainstream??

Posted by crossfire on 4/13/24 at 10:48 am
I think the main reason is how Dana has focused on making it a world sport and bringing it to foreign countries. Also, there are a certain group of very famous actors, athletes, influencers, etc that always show up. Then you get the merger with ESPN, the frick It attitude from Dana and lastly Trump...

re: Anyone take benzodiazepines?

Posted by crossfire on 4/4/24 at 9:03 pm
I had panic attacks a few years ago and we tried everything. Clonazepam was the only thing that worked and I’ve taken them a while. .25 morning, .25 at noon, and 1 mg at night. I honestly get zero feeling from them but I haven’t had a panic attack in years. I started at a much higher dose but it mad...
Just tell him to go read the definition in Merriam Webster. Also there is a clip of the bait news networks using it nonstop regarding the economy....

re: Y’all Bitch About Moscona…

Posted by crossfire on 3/12/24 at 8:19 pm
Moscano is bad. He’s nothing more than a poor man’s shock jock. He tries to be the white savior too often....
Let it die. She’s looking more and more like an idiot and it follow her, letting it linger will not help Trump in any way. It will give democrats a way to spin it that he’s still guilty of whatever bs charges they are pressing....
I’m fricking sick of Ukraine. Sucking our arse dry and nothing good happening other than a war where people constantly die and the inevitable will happen. frick Zelensky, frick Biden, frick democrats that support this nonsense....

re: A.P. runs hit piece on Mulkey

Posted by crossfire on 3/12/24 at 3:56 pm
Mulkey is based...
Agree, those days were great and now Reddit is a liberal cesspool....
He’s gay, who cares....