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Location:new york city
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Registered on:3/11/2005
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Bumping an old poli board thread by the poster Night Vision: [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/wuhan-collaborators-ecohealth-just-received-one-their-largest-ever-grants/100915681/)]TD - Ecohealth gets large grant[/link] This 2022 thread is an interesting addition to this thread...

re: Dominick McKinley interview

Posted by epbart on 5/15/24 at 1:43 pm
[quote]I’m honestly worried ... That's exactly how I felt while I was listening to that interview sadly.[/quote] I listened to the interview after reading the first page of this thread. I can't say you're wrong, but do think you might be reading into it a little bit. Regarding the workout pl...
[quote]It goes without saying that "lawfare" is a newfound term that is thrown around with varying definitions, given the context [/quote] Agree [quote]So can we give a universally agreed-upon definition of "lawfare"?[/quote] No. It is effectively-- and perhaps technically-- best considered a s...
[quote]They're attacking the organizations themselves surrounded by "globalism" rhetoric. This isn't typically simply a policy disagreement. They're free to disagree, but when they do, playing the "we are going to be punished" card is just pandering of the lowest rung.[/quote] Following up on ...
[quote]So leave the EU and NATO. I don't get why these pols try to play both sides and pretend like the EU/NATO are bad, yet they maintain their membership in both.[/quote] Some elected officials might try to use their position / pulpit to attempt to take a stand and change the system from wit...
[quote]Wouldn't it be more fitting to make the Transgender thing on April 1st?[/quote] Well played....
If you have to get somewhere, then you have to get somewhere. Still, given that it seems like you were able to get past her somehow, it seems like some variation of [i]excuse me[/i] would have been better... "Excuse me. I'm in a hurry." "Pardon ne. I'd like to pass." You could have passed her i...
[quote]Duke is United Methodist and they are the Blue Devils. Wake Forrest is Baptist and they are the Demon Deacons.[/quote] In the case of Wake Forest, many decades ago (I think sometime around WW I or WW II), they beat Duke (then Trinity) in basketball and the local press described them as ha...
While I'm not in the proximity of academia, I can imagine how this habit could become common in liberal arts classes where professors solicit varied opinions and interpretations. Your example of the beheading is a little extreme and not good usage... unless the professor was intentionally aiming ...
Thank you, too, brother. Regarding SM... Yeah, I found it very interesting that his OP showed significant knowledge of the Bible (more than me, to be honest), but that he was skewing things (Elijah, Jesus, the Israelites) to force a point in an inaccurate way. Something seemed off, though I'm not...
[quote]6:16 is actually referencing Exodus 17:2-7, where the Israelites, not far removed from seeing the miracles that God performed in Egypt, began to immediately doubt His existence because they were thirsty.[/quote] Really good post overall and this quoted part is consistent with what my thoug...
Going back to your opening in this most recent reply: [quote]That may be your interpretation but mine is different. When the Israelites were getting punished, they had just recently put their faith in Yahweh but kept pissing him off by asking for water and provisions. I don’t see that as “moving ...
[quote]It’s not clear to me. In fact I can’t find that anywhere in the scripture. That may be your interpretation but mine is different.[/quote] I see some in this thread suggesting you're just being a combative arse and will not argue in good faith. Since you replied to my response, I'm going to ...

re: Help me determine some Objective Truth

Posted by epbart on 2/27/24 at 11:37 am
I don't see any discrepancy in the examples of testing God you present. The context makes it clear. If the subject is moving away from God, there is a risk of punishment. If the subject is moving towards God (which requires humility and faith... which is sometimes hard in worldly circumstances), the...

re: Do you like most people you meet?

Posted by epbart on 2/23/24 at 10:22 am
[quote]I pretend to like her long enough to have sex with her. After her annoying habits outweigh the sex then I start to drift. Then the chick gets mad at me for playing games with her[/quote] Well, that's dishonest and shows a lack of honor on your part. When I was young and single, I don't think...

re: New fee for Ham radio license renewal

Posted by epbart on 2/20/24 at 9:15 am
[quote]What? You expect to be able to talk freely on the free airwaves in this country? Sheesh man, you must think you live in the land of the [b]fee[/b] or something...[/quote] Fixed it for you...
[quote]Sorry, I should have specified “Attempted and Recovered.” That’s my fault.[/quote] Ahh, ok. As soon as I posted, I reread the OP and thought I misread, then edited my post... but it's always nice to remember the finish to the 2019 game regardless. :cheers:...
Eta: read too fast before replying... I cited a Bama failed attempt, not an LSU attempt ----- Didn't Bama have to attempt an onside kick in 2019? If I remember correctly, Bama was trailing by 2 scores, made a TD with 1-2 minutes left, then attempted the onside kick, but LSU recovered and ra...
Kanye is not wrong in his point. He'd be even more right if he could cogently connect the thoughts that: 1) We should focus on fixing our own cities. and 2) The same people who want to send that money overseas not only don't want to fix our own cities, but have purposefully destroyed ou...
OP, while I mentioned github & volunteering briefly, Engineer gives a great employer perspective on it. Read his post carefully. Bootcamps & certifications might get a job. Portfolios, often on GitHub, show demonstrated skill that make you stand out more. Of coure, you'll have to develop a little...