Favorite team:US Space Force 
Location:End Communism
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Registered on:10/27/2003
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[quote]Could have helped pay their legal fees since he's loaded.[/quote] Trump just sold one of his jets. He is feeling the financial pain of 3 state trials and a federal case in florida and DC against Jack Smith. Trump cannot front the legal fees for approx 2000 people being railroaded by DC....

re: The CIA's Color Revolution

Posted by TigerB8 on 5/31/24 at 1:37 pm
They have a plan to keep Trump out of office if he wins the election. If by some chance the numbers are too much to cheat over, they will let Antifa burn cities. They will claim Trump stole it and physically arrest him and fabricate something. Just look at what was done in the Ukraine as a blueprin...

re: Lincoln Project wasting no time

Posted by TigerB8 on 5/30/24 at 9:06 pm
[quote]Funny. Almost as funny as the party of "traditional family values" nominating a guy who cheated on his wife with a pornstar and tried to cover it up.[/quote] Is that like some old guy pretending to be POTUS that took showers with his daughter? What do you think he did to his child in the ...
[quote]One the main issues voters on the fence have is the cult like following that Maga has for Trump. So essentially celebrity worshippers[/quote] Kind of like the Marxist left worshippers that cannot think for themselves and believe everything the MSM tells them. They don’t think it’s odd that...
[quote]Everything is a conspiracy[/quote] “Everything is real and legit..,our govt would never cheat or lie to us!”...

re: If Trump is not found guilty he is

Posted by TigerB8 on 5/29/24 at 9:22 pm
[quote]His MAGA judge is making sure of that.[/quote] Do all of the judges trying fake Trump cases have to be Marxist/Communist, authoritarian, bought and paid for frick tards that take bribes from DC?...
Well, flooding a nation with people from outside its borders is how you "fundamentally change" that country forever. America will soon no longer have an American identity because that fundamental change is being forced upon it by straining American institutions until they collapse. Americana is bei...
[embed]https://x.com/WallStreetApes/status/1795442882775789945[/embed] [quote]These documents were released to Judicial Watch via a FOIA request, which granted them 13 pages of records, which, like I just showed you, explained that illegal aliens and other noncitizens can vote and how they can re...
Since when have they been our ally? Oh, that's right, they've been our laundering ally since we ousted Yanukovych (their elected leader) with a color revolution and installed our own puppet....
Make no mistake…The US/CIA want the Russian Federation toppled. They want Putin removed and they want to install another puppet in Moscow like they did with Zelenskyy and Ukraine. A one world govt is just around the corner....
But I was told communism/Marxism was a myth in today’s world. /sarc...

re: Smallish columnar trees

Posted by TigerB8 on 5/25/24 at 1:30 pm
Italian Cypress. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.dCiVWTjj5igWsEs_fS9yxQHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=8a64c9fdeb22d53d22cdaa7322c6a9215394370ebe4878637c85ff8532db6a3c&ipo=images[/img]...
It was obvious it was going to be a monopoly when they allowed the deal to proceed. It's just silly to be doing this now, but better late than never. Good thing they have priorities set correctly....
[quote] If someone really wants to dig into the 2020 election, there’s 20 books to be written.[/quote] Very true. The marxists didn't use 1 method to steal the 2020 election. They used hundreds, if not thousands of people, to perform many tasks. Fake mail in ballots, counting ballots more t...
[embed]https://x.com/jeffmfulgham/status/1792593479714877652[/embed] [quote]Now it appears that foreign sources may have paid for Gabriel Sterling to fly to Geneva, Switzerland in October 2021 where he was asked to give a speech on the topic of "Safeguarding Democracy." The Geneva event was spons...
[embed]https://x.com/tristanleavitt/status/1793314346916893006[/embed] [link=(https://gop-waysandmeans.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Shapley-Affidavit.pdf)]Ways and means official record of statement Gary Shapley IRS Whistleblower[/link] [quote]“For months, IRS whistleblowers have provi...
The possibility of the US getting directly involved, is in my opinion, why Russia has kept this conflict simple. Russia has held the majority of its high end military equipment back. Remember when the lefty propagandists kept saying destroyed t55,t65 tanks were being found? That’s because they we...
Think about that....they had FBI ready to take out SSAgents. They wanted the Trump binder that bad.... they were happy to sacrifice Secret Service agents....

re: Top Gun 3?

Posted by TigerB8 on 5/21/24 at 10:37 am
Simply Unbelievable. :confused:...