Favorite team:LSU 
Location:South Louisiana
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Registered on:2/15/2010
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Tell me you’re old without telling me you’re old....
This is looking more and more like the NFL before the salary cap was implemented when teams like the 49ers could buy up all the best players. If nothing is done soon, we’re about to have a pretty shite product when the same one or two teams have all the players and win everything every year. I do ...
Awful idea. No one would watch a baseball NIT. College baseball in general is not very popular, and this would be even less popular. Also, you sound like one of the moronic losers who believes in the completely subjective “eye test”. I’m never in favor of measures of success that are completely s...
College Football desperately needs a salary cap....
Hey look, clamdip just heard about the Boston Terrier for the first time in his life....
[quote]These same ppl think Brady is going to be great. Fox automatically made him the color man on the lead team and he has never done it. But ppl suck on his nuts so much even if he bombs they will still claim he is great.[/quote] Show me on the doll where Tom Brady touched you...
I say yes. That would have brought them the additional eyeballs and viewership needed. The Big 12 would have gone under a long time ago and the whole landscape of college football would be different. Somehow the deal fell apart at the last minute. I’m shocked that the Pac 12 is folding. I rea...
“Who is the second-greatest Saint of all time?” would be a much better question....
[quote]Of all the freshmen to pick on, Milam is not one of them.[/quote] You guys are all such sensitive little limp-wristed, pearl clutching pussies. :lol: I’m not “picking on Milam”. Everything I said is a legitimate opinion that I will not take back. Milam has been great for us, but he re...
He’s a high-reward but also high-risk player. There wasn’t really any reason for him to get caught between 1st and 2nd when the bases were loaded. Bad base-running likely cost us the championship since we ended up stranding all 3 guys....
Was he as good as he once was?...
[quote]There's only four boxes, why would he think of the word "right"? Funny clip though.[/quote] Racism He would have had a better education if not for it. :lol:...
Less because the Saints look like they will never be serious about winning under her watch...
How can they possibly justify this when they intentionally pretend that we don’t know the difference between a man and a woman and that one can simply identify as being male or female as if it’s a liquid reality? fricking clown world. Sue the federal government into oblivion if they pass this bul...
Landry sucks. I would rather have John Bel Edwards at this point....
[quote]Correct. They can go to a neutral location with a years worth of planning for all of the things outside of the 3 hour game.[/quote] Incorrect Other conferences have already done what I’m saying the SEC should do. Therefore, it’s already been proven that it’s possible. Also, there ha...
Vanderbilt That’s widely known, and so this topic will probably not be that triggering....
Where’s the pictures of the woman? We will need that to determine level of guilt and her sentence....