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re: Do you have an inner monologue?

Posted by ProbyOne on 4/22/24 at 1:51 pm
[quote]Read The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind. all about it[/quote] Shocked to see this book referenced here It’s an interesting read for sure...
We witnessed something terribly unlikely Or maybe it’s not as uncommon as we thought...

re: Can this 747 take off?

Posted by ProbyOne on 4/10/24 at 4:13 pm
Yes. The wheels are going to spin at 2x the airspeed. Maybe some weird ground effect that allows for a lower rotation speed too...

re: Are F1 drivers athletes?

Posted by ProbyOne on 2/3/24 at 2:17 pm
Absolutely are athletes Have you seen the forces that they endure or the cardio that is required to stay sharp during those races?...

re: Need Help To Stop Snoring

Posted by ProbyOne on 2/1/24 at 8:06 pm
Tape your mouth shut Seriously Eta: 1” strip of medical tape. Just enough to keep your mouth closed when relaxed....

re: Green Zones Within French Quarter

Posted by ProbyOne on 1/31/24 at 1:29 pm
So someone new to NOLA just needs to travel with the crowd or in a large group? What a shithole if that’s the case...
[quote]Pastor using fake cuss words like "Bullshine“[/quote] Did everyone in the audience know what it meant? Kids? Probably not. That’s the point....
I love rear fogs for rain as well Too bad that most cars don’t have them...
2022 LA GDP was 281.4 billion for perspective...

re: New brake pads grinding.

Posted by ProbyOne on 1/3/24 at 10:22 am
Your brake pads should match the old ones exactly If your new pads are touching the lip of rotor then something is wrong with install or new pads And also, rotors have a minimum thickness rating, so no you don’t have to replace if they are in spec...
[quote]They aren't marrying them...they're giving them a blessing. You obviously don't know anything about Catholicism.[/quote] Apparently neither did anyone else until today. Thankfully the Pope has set us straight....
Already seen all of it. If a married man and his mistress show up for a blessing together as a couple, it appears that this is now ok. But we know it isn’t. It specifically calls out same sex couples....
[quote]Pope Francis isn't blessing homosexuality. He's blessing homosexuals.[/quote] The context is specifically same sex relationships. Not sure why you can’t get past this....
[quote]Who needs blessings more than sinners? [/quote] Blessing the sin is different than blessing the sinner...

re: Wallet recommendations?

Posted by ProbyOne on 12/16/23 at 3:45 pm
[link=(https://www.slimfoldwallet.com/)]Slimfold[/link] Mine is original black plus rfid protection Simple, durable, and thin...
[quote]He don't want none of that... An attack on America would bring heat, they haven't seen. [/quote] So… attacks on American civilians would benefit Israel long term?...
[link=(https://www.militaryoutreachusa.org/moralinjury/)]hope this helps[/link]...