Favorite team:Arkansas 
Location:Lake Jackson, Tx.
Interests:SEC sports & stocks/bonds
Number of Posts:19098
Registered on:4/3/2009
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I'm feeling ok. We still on track to win a natty....
[quote]kids going straight to the NFL[/quote] :rotflmao: There is not a single HS player ready for the NFL in the entire country. ...
Cause plugs provide much sought after commodities....
[quote]Millions of Americans feel the freedom from a would be tyrant.[/quote] Better the devil you know than the unknown demon replacing him. I fear our once great Republic, the greatest nation in the history of the world, is lost. I was hoping Trump could rescue us from DC cabal and the global e...

re: Judge Merchan's future is dim

Posted by ljhog on 5/30/24 at 3:36 pm
[quote]Or just direct the DOJ, IRS, FBI and whomever to get all up in his business... and... well... I wouldn't hold my breath for them to actually get all up in his business.[/quote] Too much "red tape" for all that. He just become one of the desaparecidos....
[quote]should forever be shunned by the international community[/quote] [quote]he deserves zero respect as a leader[/quote] You tell it boy. That shiite should give him pause. :lol:...
[quote]owes her pimp his money[/quote] not pimp, plug...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by ljhog on 5/26/24 at 11:32 am
[quote]This boomer meme is dumb af[/quote] You be f'd up in the head....
[quote]If you would not hit it you’re a bigot.[/quote] I dunno it's a big target. I pretty sure I'd hit it anywhere under 400- 500 yards in low wind....
[quote]I heard one terrorist interviewed who said "it means 'shake it off'" [/quote] Actually intifada derives from the Arabic term nafada meaning "to shake", "shake off", "get rid of. It has come to also mean rebellion against an oppressor. ...
[quote]Yet, there are lawyers here who defend and "explain" this 3rd world kangaroo court bs[/quote] From my jaundiced perspective, the majority of lawyers plying their trade, at almost any moment in time, are engaged either in the circumvention of the law, the exoneration of criminals, the decon...
[quote]If Fox is reporting it, it must be true.[/quote] Even better confirmation is MSNBC and CNN not reporting it....
[quote]you're a Southwest Conference interloper just like us[/quote] Not like you at all. First, we were not admitted for the TV's we would bring. And secondly, we were a cultural fit with the rest of the conference. Y'all not so much. Hell y'all can't even do bar-b-q....
[quote]But we gotta finish with a Title[/quote] Not this year. We just can't hit well enough to do much. It would not surprise me if we didn't make it out of the regional....
[quote]Nobody can feed a family of 4 on $30/hour.[/quote] In California that's. probably right. Everything there is expensive ...
[quote]It's almost like black elected officials want black people to continue to kill each other.[/quote] Well, seems like a viable plan....
[quote]There were actual fistfights on the floor of the House in the 1800s[/quote] Cause back then men were men. Personally I wish MTG would have got up, walked down the isle and bitch slapped AOC into the middle of next week....

re: See, the animals are gay too

Posted by ljhog on 5/17/24 at 9:51 am
Yeah I think maybe gay occurs in nature. I had two beagles who sure acted gay. But, also proved another precept. If you're persistent you can beat the gay out dat arse....