Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:2/23/2008
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Hopefully that’s unc’s problem and not ours. ...
That’s right in front of my condo. I saw it when I drinking my first cup of coffee this morning and thought it was a great start to this Memorial Day. ...

re: Loer

Posted by wryder1 on 5/25/24 at 3:01 pm
Give him another year to develop. He’s got stuff to work with, he may just need some fine tuning. Yeskie isn’t going anywhere so I’m sure he can do something with him. ...
This is good for giving our young guys reps on the mound before the regional. I’d really like to see Anderson and Cam Johnson step up and provide some middle relief at some point. ...
That’s impossible because so many from the alphabet agencies signed a letter stating it was Russian disinformation. These people deserve prison for the treason they’ve committed. ...

re: Ahmad Breaux up to 282lbs...

Posted by wryder1 on 5/21/24 at 5:28 am
Breaux, McKinley and Reliford may be the beginning of a great Dline future for us. Hopefully they can give us some quality snaps to relieve our starters. That’s all we need them to do this year. ...

re: Augusta, GA

Posted by wryder1 on 5/19/24 at 6:22 am
I go to that area routinely for work and always try to stay in Aiken. I do my best to never stay in Augusta. ...
So if you think that is true, it’s scary what they may planned. They do not want Trump back in offfice. ...
To be fair they don’t look at anything that makes them look bad. If it’s sunshine outside then it’s because the economy is doing great and we had a really good Green Day. ...
We are all wanting to see our Tigers make the post season but there is nothing this team has done to deserve that shot. Every single opportunity that they’ve been given to take that next step, they crumbled it up, thrown on the ground and jumped up and down on it. I always want to see them succeed...
She had a nightgown on and was in your house? That means she got dressed at her house and then wondered to your house and fell asleep? Hmmmm. I’m not saying you’re lying but that is really weird. ...
Does he pitch today or Sunday?...
This is why you don’t waste huge amounts of money on average guys in the portal. We need this 2025 class and it’s going to cost a lot of money. Use your limited resources wisely. ...
So why raid a house where secret service is protecting the person or property of interest? Why not just ask the secret service to detain or secure the area and we will come issue the search warrant? This was all for show to their voters and a show of force to all maga people. ...
And to think one of trumps lawsuits is about misusing campaign funds and also hush funds…...
And what are the consequences if they don’t? What if they have another water leak? Until there are teeth in these laws and someone there to enforce it, I’ll be skeptical. ...
Well that’ll be the end of the Boy Scouts. Could they have picked a more creepier name than “Scouting America”? That name just screams groomers. I think I’ll pass on the chance for you to warp my son’s brain in to thinking he’s a woman or likes other boys. ...
[quote]The judge knows if he does, he's a marked man.[/quote] He doesn’t know that. These people are insane and don’t live in reality. They truly believe they’re untouchable. ...

re: General Flynn for VP

Posted by wryder1 on 5/7/24 at 11:02 am
He needs to be over gutting the fbi and cia. ...
Time will tell but RB isn’t a position we are really hurting at. We need to focus money and resources to our Dline and secondary. We have plenty of weapons on offense and an elite Oline will make really good RB’s look elite. ...