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Registered on:7/19/2023
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I'm sure the players are going to read this after the game. And they will be fired up...

re: I’m fed up

Posted by Islandboy777 on 6/1/24 at 4:47 pm
It is worse now in sports because they got sixty seven cameras. And they have replay to save their arse...
[quote]LusciousBaller11[/quote] :bow: Facts! That family atmosphere needs to change. We need some dogs on this roster...
Why do the majority of fans on social media tend to fall in love for the players and not wanting to trade to make the team better? Is this just a situation that the New Orleans-Gulfcoast is just a small market and Miss Benson organizations try to be a close family type atmosphere? Facebook fans ...
[quote]They prefer to keep Murray so…. Reply0..[/quote] Sources? Where you hear this?...
How far from last years 145? ( yes I'm counting the one that Bear got robbed)...
He will never be better will Willie as coach. His potential is tapped out...
[link=(https://youtu.be/-aGIbtQfoX0?si=fAni_BIiUVMvgpRq)]LINK[/link] I know alot of players have switched to this from the Cat 10 These hitting videos are awesome to watch Spoiler...not good review...
[link=(https://youtu.be/WKzh6am4pXU?si=MWNa6LWzQZB2oGk2)]LINK[/link] 11:13 mark...Coach and local press make fun of Lsu fans . And hopes the north carolina fans buy all the tickets....
Tennessee is the number #1 team in the country ...
Koki is the worst beat reporter. I'm surprised Jay hasn't removed him from press conferences ...