Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:4578
Registered on:4/29/2023
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[quote]How is not voting, "getting played?" Not voting is a legit choice.[/quote]I am thinking what is stopping these people for coming for Trump supporters? If that decision is made there is nothing anyone can do about it. There are a lot of ways the people in charge can harass people. ...
[quote]What backlash? Sentencing is just before the RNC takes place. Merchan may very well sentence Trump to prison, and order he be taken there immediately. What do you propose people do for a backlash? The DOJ is still tracking down people for minor offenses from J6 and throwing them in prison. ...
[quote]What will be the reaction when she is selected for Olympic team[/quote]Probably the same reaction when I found out there was such a thing as women’s pro basketball, total apathy towards it. ...
It’s crazy I know, when I see a celebrity(which isn’t often) I generally leave them alone to live their lives. ...
It was definitely a Plant, maybe even a CIA Plant. ...
Can we at least wait until we lose out, lol. ...
[quote]He had become unstable. That level of fantasy role play and break from reality isn't healthy. If guys like him shoot up a pizza joint somewhere, Chicken could find himself drawn into the fray for fostering a platform for his delusions.[/quote]Honestly, I vaguely remember him. I haven’t been h...
[img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/a4/85/05/a48505400d02c5896973053fba95e37a.jpg[/img] Zhang is no push over...

re: Anything good to do in Bogalusa ?

Posted by Sofaking2 on 6/1/24 at 11:58 pm
I have only ever slept with beautiful women in Bogalusa, but I have lowered my standards while in Bogalusa. ...
[quote]Current day LSU is infested with Marxists. That’s just a fact.[/quote]unfortunately, most universities are the natural habitat of the Marxists Democrats. ...
[img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/ZC8zMAFmIucz6/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952t8d647erpchlsvq8temqqffvpb9cszliacuxealv&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img] LOL...
Then you have nothing to worry about right? The election is in the bag. ...
Why would he worry? Trump has no chance to win right?...
Wait till November 5. If dad wins the country might burn to the ground. We will have to test the limits of the leftist war cry, “that’s what insurance is for!” Although, we probably won’t get the final results till several weeks after when the millions of mail in ballot dumps come in, lol. ...
He may as well own it. It would be something to have him elected while he is in jail. Liberal heads would explode. “We used all our dirty tricks and he still became president.”...
Can you imagine the melt if Trump wins? It’s going to be something. ...
Not our country, not our business. ...
I honestly don’t want us to go down this road. In 5-10 years Trump will be gone. Biden is already gone mentally. We will have to deal with the aftermath of this lawfare. Democrats never consider the consequences of their actions. Everything is based on emotions. I am thinking of the Obamacare disast...
Have you contacted your local State Police? Maybe try stalecracker?[img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0553/9892/4497/files/Stalekracker_9304.webp?v=1668319191[/img]...