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I was in Chalmette yesterday and from 2-3 they must have gotten 8-10” of rain. Was absolutely pissing rain ...
:lol: There is countless men that shoot the lights off the building every night in the nba. Why wouldn’t you just watch that if that’s truly why you care?...
[quote]They should be kissing her arse as this will only help their salaries and more. Kinda like Tiger Woods but opposite race takes.[/quote]This fighting is the only thing keeping the Clark hype going Look just at this board as a litmus test. Look at twitter. The only wnba threads are drama th...
[quote]Maybe they hate her because she’s straight. Maybe they hate her because they’re jealous of her success and fame. Maybe they hate her because she’s white AND those other things. What’s your point?[/quote]Its not difficult :lol: There have been white women in the wnba. There has been a w...
[quote]Yet countless white women have been playing basketball for decades and none of them have gotten a fraction of the attention as this particular one. Why is that?[/quote]Because there was no media agenda on either side I’ll do you the other side of the question If countless other white ...
Bro I agree her being white makes them hate her more But her being white is also the only reason any on this board care to talk about her either :lol: It ain’t hard to figure that out as well…....
[quote]If this would have been two African Americans going back and forth, they would just be “oh we just jawin with each other” The player took it to that next level because she can’t stand that whitey is the face of “their” league[/quote]Angel Reese got thrown down by the neck hard as hell like t...
[quote]There are multiple players and media people who have publicly stated that race plays a factor in discussing Caitlin Clark and her success in the wnba. If you think black reporters and players DONT hate her because she is white, then you’re just burying your head in your arse.[/quote]100% some ...
[quote]Did your Angel Reese funko pop arrive yet[/quote]Watch this: Angel Reese is a perpetual victim that’s annoying as hell as well and I couldn’t imagine tuning in to watch her play basketball either See how easy that is? ...
[quote]That girl should be suspended a minimum of 10 games.[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952u161do83pm6u32g9ubelpikd7i39tdzdpav0xbvx&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
No clue who Cameron brink is. But are all the wnba black monster rug monsters hating her because she is white? Look, to highlight how the race victim story is being played from BOTH sides here, this is the play right before the hard foul. Clark is talking shite to the girl the entire way down the ...
[quote]Are you saying that the media is race-baiting to get viewers and create interest?[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/bjCNVY3j-M4AAAAM/dumb-and-dumber-jim-carrey.gif[/img] But in this case they are hitting it from both sides. Bringing out white and black victimhood. It’s a full court p...
[quote]It seems that the only reason anyone gives a damn about the WNBA now is due to Kaitlyn. No one other than lesbians were watching before her, cause who wants to watch a bunch of average basketball talent thug it up. If the Commish doesn’t take care of Clark people are not gonna tune in to watc...
I don’t have a clue who Ionescu is :lol: Taurasi would be the only one I could identify before Clark and Reese ETA: Even after looking at her I’m not sure who it is [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/39/Sabrina_Ionescu_%28cropped%29.jpg/640px-Sabrina_Ionescu_%28...

re: LSU double play challenge.

Posted by lsupride87 on 6/2/24 at 8:01 am
The screenshots posted just show it’s a terrible camera angle. Look at the actual video. Milazzo never changes path or direction yet clearly slides on the base. He is well within all legal rules of baseball [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8sioab.gif[/img]...
Angel Reese got thrown down by the neck the other day. Do they hate her so much because she is white too? :lol: Where were the threads protecting Angel? And this was a legit hard hard foul with no flopping. [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8simul.gif[/img] Women’s basketball sucks arse and Clark ...
Yeh I’m a CPA in large consulting. Can’t think of a single client off hand that drug tests. Only ones I know of are the plants or any contractor that works in the plants I’m 14 years in my career and haven’t take a single drug test and only engineering friends that work for DOW or Norco have ev...
I would imagine only 1% of American companies drug test anymore. Pretty much only ones I know about locally are the plants ...
What about ordering online? Will online distributors only mail products under the serving size to Louisiana now? Is it illegal to possess over the serving size in the state, or only sell over the serving size limit? And better question, do the people that voted even freaking know ...
[quote]So I am still going to be able to buy Crescent 9’ers?[/quote]Yes, but the 50mg cans will be no more once the law gets signed ...