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Registered on:11/25/2022
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she'll earn their respect soon enough, especially if she has a teammate worth a crap...
I agree with this. a lot of/maybe most medical debt isn't exactly optional. no need to make paying it off even harder with worse interest rates on other crap. ...
[quote]The oil companies that stay should just jack up the price as much as is needed to pay the penalties and insure their profit. [/quote]wtf do you think is gonna happen? you say that is if they would consider any other option....

re: Where to shop in Atlanta?

Posted by faraway on 6/1/24 at 8:42 pm

re: Way to go Mandeville!

Posted by faraway on 6/1/24 at 8:26 pm
And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;...
her teammates need to lay someone out...
[quote] the dude who was banging a high school chick at 38 [/quote]that's about as dominant masculinity as it gets [quote] stereotypical neurotic effeminate Jew [/quote]that's your projection. however, even if true, he didn't list himself when he listed dominant people to look up to. try agai...
[quote] anti-Islam campaigner Michael Stuerzenberger [/quote]I admire his courage but he has to know he's 100% gonna be attacked...
RINOs suck but they aren't the biggest problem. the country is lost. you need to accept that reality. ...
[quote]Will he pay his lawyers, and Rudy and the pillow dude are going bankrupt. Will he help them? Hell no, he don’t care about those who have lost it all and those sitting in jail, it’s all about him. [/quote]you're making a lot of assumptions like most idiots do [quote]I’ll get raked over the ...

re: What has gotten into Scott Adams?

Posted by faraway on 5/31/24 at 5:46 pm
[quote]Ask yourself who actually benefitted from Hitlers actions[/quote]bankers and war industry...
[quote]Turbos are inherently less reliable over time and run hotter than a V8, [/quote]bet less than 2% on here even know what turbo really means. yeah adding more oxygen to fuel will make it hotter. that only matters if it's not calculated into what's needed to handle the heat ...
we are not even close. the US will hardly exist in the last 50 years before Christ's return and Rome will dominate the world again by then. ...
[quote]Says the moron who doesn’t get that he’s on the OPs side. [/quote]doesn't change the fact that the op is apparently an idiot and you too for defending his stupid question...

re: When will you have had enough?

Posted by faraway on 5/30/24 at 4:21 pm
if the murder of 10s of millions of fetuses won't motivate you, nothing will...
[quote]No one ever eats Arby's but they never close down[/quote]maybe you should try one outside your ghetto. my Arby's is always packed....
[quote]The only way to pick a side is to ask yourself if that killer had never played a single violent video game or seen any violent movie… ever… would he have done that?[/quote]wrong. has nothing to do with the law. lawyers are scumbags. ...

re: NBA Refs suck

Posted by faraway on 5/30/24 at 5:54 am
[quote]They allow too many illegal change of pivot feet[/quote]i watched a little of the conference finals and noticed this too. looks so stupid. there's no way the refs could be that blind or stupid. they are corrupt....

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by faraway on 5/30/24 at 5:50 am
first of all, the fact you believe in popes proves you're clueless. secondly, the antichrist is the one who will destroy Rome, not israel. [quote]St. Malachi[/quote]st? he was a prophet, not a Christian ...